Pic related
>Says government standoff in Ruby Ridge was the reason
>Says the government siege on Waco was the reason
>Must be a white supremacist
Why is this so commonly cited as fact?
McVeigh white supremacist narrative
Other urls found in this thread:
>tale of hate in America
Yes, the ATF hates people who make their own guns or who make SBRs.
McVeigh just gave em a taste of their own meds.
>>Must be a white supremacist
>Why is this so commonly cited as fact?
Easier to discredit him if people can yell about muh racism. If he'd been doing it for white separatism he would have said so, you'd think. He wanted people to know that he did it because of what the government was doing to justify attacking it's own citizens. I believe he also stated he later wished he'd targeted politicians specifically.
Because he liked the Turner Diaries and the feds tried to make Weaver a snitch for an AN group he had no contact with until the feds led him to them. It's a false narrative to obscure government, feinstein sanctioned murder. She's the only one who dissented on the killing of Mrs. Weaver being unconstitutional.
Yep, said he had a rifle assassination plan and would had preferred it the way things turned out.
He didn't know there was a daycare in the building. After all, what reasonable person would put a daycare inside of a federal law enforcement headquarters?
The man showed remorse for killing kids. The feds/ATF never once expressed remorse.
Let that sink in.
Lots of you younger folks don't remember how bullshit Ruby Ridge/Waco/Elian Gonzales were, and the obvious cover ups that followed.
You think CNN is just now being used as propaganda?
You think the government is just now conducting false flags?
If you think the citizens will rise up in response to tyrannical changes, then you only think that because it's being orchestrated to occur for someone elses (((benefit))).
If there was ever a time, it was after Ruby Ridge. I hope that I'm wrong.
He had passed on another building that contained a florist because he wanted to ensure only federal employees were affected.
Between watching the documentary and listening to William Luther Pierce I have come to realize that everyone is being somewhat deceptive. Both the left and right want to downplay the existence of black Branch Davidians because it supports no one's narrative. Pierce was correct that the search warrant was based on bogus evidence and that David Koresh called 911 when the raid began. The documentary was correct when it brought up how David Koresh went back on his word and by playing the recordings that proved the Branch Davidians were pouring fuel during the final raid to ensure death.
No one one wants to tell the full story because the full story isn't convenient. The government was in the wrong and the cultists were nuts. Anyhow I'll leave you with proof Delta Force was involved in the operation as well.
Delta Force and Branch Davidians: CAG/Delta Force exempt from Posse Comitatus.
Just like ABC niggers to use children as shields.
Of course they were nuts, but if they'd been left alone, their likelihood of harming anyone was low. It wasn't Jonestown. Conversely, Weaver was entrapped from day 1 by a neighbor pissed that he lost a land dispute and writing the FBI claiming he threatened the president, pope, and governor. Guy just wanted to be comfy innawoods.
Ruby Ridge was obvious horseshit, but I think the documentary showed how part of the tragedy was the result of federal infiltration of the Aryan Nations.
I see dead people
I do think it was interesting how the documentary called Mark Potok a journalist without ever disclosing his relationship with the SPLC.
But Weaver had literally nothing to do with any AN group until they tried to make him an informant after entrapping with the sbs charge. His friend was, but he was unaware and said he was in the arm, sword, and covenant. It was a gross unconstitutional use of power to create an unwilling informant that led to a grossly unconstitutional use of lethal force that no one ever really answered for. The sniper clearly wanted to kill based on his testimony. Then the same faggots were in charge of Waco. While I may disagree with his method, McVeigh was not wrong. They all should have hanged, publicly. Instead, they tighten our rights.
>Easier to discredit him if people can yell about muh racism.
Definitely, maybe I shouldn't have asked why, but how? People just cite that he met with militias and that some of them were white nationalists/supremacists. But it seemed like he basically went on a pilgrimage before he started planning. Someone in the documentary tries really hard to make the case that because he visited gun shows, that gun culture itself is related and by the transitive property gun shows are racist too lol.
I'd heard this. People don't like to talk about anything he said because what he said doesn't support any of the narrative.
>Of course they were nuts, but if they'd been left alone, their likelihood of harming anyone was low.
This is the main takeaway for me. I think the Branch Davidians were fucking nuts, but they seemed benign until confronted. I know Koresh went back on his word, but I can also recognize he was in an impossible situation. Wasn't the fire initiated by the ATF's use of some "incendiary shell"?
>federal infiltration of the AN
Isn't it worth noting they also baited him with misinformation about modifying the shotguns
>Lol, 2 inches too far
>We can do whatever we want now
He attended the Hayden Lake conference. So I think we would be well described as a fellow traveler. That in no way justifies the government's actions.
McVeigh did correctly identify the problem. I have heard some argue that his action dissuaded the feds from conducting more action, but that's hard to prove. Sometimes I want to play armchair explosives engineer and say how he could have done the bombing better, but I don't feel like talking to the FBI today.
Is Coulson mentioned in it? He's the only agent who wasn't a retard on the whole affair.
I saw it about a month ago so maybe.
I'll leave you with one piece of insider gossip from OKC. A lawyer who was in the pool to represent McVeigh learned that there were a large number of unindicted co-conspirators. Word was that they were in WN organizations, but I can't confirm any of this.
I thought Harris or the informant brought him? It was his first AN attendance regardless. I think they're hiding that the feds tried to flip Harris first and told him give us Weaver (news they were investigating him for bs) and we'll leave you alone. The ATF and FBI outed reach other's informant trying to get a new one.
Regardless, political views without action aren't illegal either.
The left has been pushing a White Supremacist narrative for like 30 fucking years, maybe longer. It used to be the "Militia Men" were White Supremesists who were a danger to the whole country. Now it's the rise of "Nazis" fucking everywhere.
McVeigh was anti government, in part because of Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc. The government got the message when he severely punished them with the bombing. Since then the government cut way back on sieging American citizens. Violence DOES work.
I think the left is inadvertently going to create REAL White separatists, because they seem to want them to exists so bad.
>called Mark Potok a journalist without ever disclosing his relationship with the SPLC.
Pure coincidence.
Don't believe they do. Though I was working while it was on, they didn't cover Waco in very deep detail and it's possible I missed his mention.
Exactly, it is all just code word for kill whitey and these dumb abc niggers think they are going to get out alive if the just sell everyone else out.
May be that the arm, sword, and covenant also wanted to bomb tyne same building in the past. afaik, they are not actually connected.
This is actually true, most leftists can't tell fiction from reality. That is why they want to punch nazis so bad because they want to be a movie hero.
Coulson was ruby Ridge, he wrote the memo that Weaver was basically within his rights to be in a standoff after what they'd done. He was head of the hostage unit after that, he may have been on staff for Waco, I'm not sure.
we all know who was responsible
>I have heard some argue that his action dissuaded the feds from conducting more action, but that's hard to prove.
>The government got the message when he severely punished them with the bombing. Since then the government cut way back on sieging American citizens.
This seems feasible, but if it's true we should remind ourselves that it will be a finite amount of time before that fear expires. I definitely don't agree with McVeigh's methods, but his rationale is not bullshit by any means. Ugly times ahead if force is the only feedback mechanism.
Ah, shit. I thought Coulson was also responsible for talking about the possibility of wrongful use of shells which started the fire in Waco as well? I wasn't totally online yet for either, and learned about them years ago together and mix shit up all the time.
He may have been. Coulson was a high ranking person already. He's one of the few who deserves veneration as he wasn't trying to fuck people up for nothing.
>we should remind ourselves that it will be a finite amount of time before that fear expires