Why do people criticize Psycho-Pass for Sybil not having any real benefits? That's just like Japan's current society...

Why do people criticize Psycho-Pass for Sybil not having any real benefits? That's just like Japan's current society. You are butthurt that it is not a copy of a Western idea of dystopia, and that characters choose to preserve the status quo for no reason as is the Japanese way.

Nah. I hate it because it is just plain ridiculous
What the fuck you doing killing a person based on stress level?
Even if he is a criminal, it is necessary to get him on court in order to retrieve further information about what is going on on the slums and the inner workings of the society.

So you haven't seen the show at all and only read a synopsis of it. You know how I know this? They tackle this exact thing in the fucking show, retard.

Why do Japanese police force everyone they arrest to confess to a crime whether they did it or not? You are just buttblasted about their culture.

The hell you smoking?
The impersonating fantard was killed
The killer school girl was lost on the sewers then killed by hunter
Then the prison itself was modeled not to keep the prisoners in rehabilitation but to kill them all should something happen.

They were so clueless about the criminal syndicate that a bunch of angry artists was enough to ruin the entire city

Because it is efficient?
You don't kill criminals. You keep them alive for information. Infromation that would keep the citizens safe

this thread is full of retards

And I haven't even posted yet.

You're right but there wouldn't be a show without this stupid oversimplification

I realized just yesterday that the guns are so big and bulky because there not suppose to be used as regular weapons that can just be carried everywhere like nothing. it's like a statement of what the guns mean in that world and I really like that.

akane my waifu

Not enough man power that can safely interrogate criminals without raising their own hues.

>That's just like Japan's current society.

>Japan has an AI running around ordering arrests and deaths based on their mental state.


>in order to retrieve further information about what is going on on the slums and the inner workings of the society.
So you're saying the premise of the story, a flawed executive system, has flaws? Fuck, now the entire story falls apart.

You nerds are just mad because there was no moe at all in this show.

Actually, we already have drugs that make a person speak everything in his thoughts. It makes the person go into a state of half sleep and start talking stuff that, while not necessarily answers, are not a lie either. No need for torture nowadays.

haha no
Sibyl System was never flawed. It was completely retarded

Listen, I am not saying here PP was the deepest shit ever, but you seem to not even be able to grasp the idea behind it even.

>Why do people criticize Psycho-Pass for Sybil not having any real benefits?

You have to be absolutely retarded to miss all of Sybil benefits. It gets most things right.
The whole show is a resistance of the benefits Sybil brought to society.

Interrogating people doesn't turn cops into criminals in real life

I'm just bashing it because I can

Besides, PP S2 was so shitty it ruined everyone's interests on trying to discuss it

To be honest, you need at least a psychology degree, have read the western literary canon and be admitted to the bar to understand the significance and concepts behind Psycho Pass.

Are you also going to tell us that Rick and Morty is for the intellectual?

>though police
>self defence are not just illegal its even unthinkable
>rulers are literal psychopaths
A lot of benefits there...
Might as well just move to UK.

What’s the point of watching the series, at that point?
The only thing the characters do outside of shooting each other is quoting western literature and philosophers

Jokes aside, I believe my legal background made me appreciate the show more.
The display of Bentham-ian philosophy is pretty solid and the implications of the police becoming the public health office felt really meaningful to me. Also the "reinvention" of policing values / revenge parallel development with Ko.

Mashishishishimia being some pretentious /lit/ fag was a bit too much, but aside from that I really enjoyed Psycho Pass (Season 1 that is)

me on the top

>You are butthurt that it is not a copy of a Western idea of dystopia
are you retarded? its literally Minority Report the anime, its a western idea

>What the fuck you doing killing a person based on stress level?
There are various stress levels, idiot. You clearly haven't even watched the series, because it's shown in the first episode that the Dominator has both lethal and non-lethal modes. Lethal mode is for people beyond saving, it's much better to just get rid of them, than spend money trying to rehabilitate them.

this isn't working on your own sense of justice, fucker

Haha, yes. There are various stress levels.
Stress levels that can also warrant an artist a prison sentence just because they are too passionate about their art.

Imagine that kind of society were you cannot obsess with something you love to do.

Sibyl doesn't care about muh passionate artists, it cares about the bottom economic line and prevention of crime. That's the premise of the show, nigger. Sibyl is flawed exactly because it quantifies everything, down to happiness and mental condition. It doesn't allow subjectivity and cannot tolerate outsiders. Hence "Psycho Pass", "the largest amount of happiness for the largest amount of people". The show is directly critical of this (even when supportive of certain elements), that's the point of dystopia.

Precisely why it is so stupid.
Crime is not black and white. We have a court of justice for a reason.

Say all you want but in the end, PP is just a badly written dystopia by a guy who has no idea that this was already written wholeheartedly on Brave New World and 1984

You do realize that crime is indeed black and white?
Either something is a crime or it is not.

First episode was a guy who was abused from work until he broke
And a girl who was driven mad by the rape

Both of them were recognized as fair game. By cops with criminal records and a psychology that makes them unable to understand the common folks.

This is what you call efficient justice system?
Fuck that. Stop defending this piece of shit

>Crime is not black and white.
According to LAPD, which actually has good and efficient precrime, "showed that 33% of Suspicious Activity Reports were filed on Black people, and 50% of Suspicious Activity Reports filed on women were on Black women."
So I guess there's that.

You're just pissed cause you can't go around raping everyone who looks hot.

Don't FUCK with me, I will end you. It's not "stupid"; merely alien to your perspective. Sibyl was implemented as a result of global catastrophe arising from hyper modernisation, and represents a totally new form of justice. Sibyl is not a human element (in conception), but a logical machine. Crime is indeed binary to such an existence. Again, Sibyl does not care for whatever liberal axioms of justice you may have. The state of Sibyl needs three things: automation, self sufficiency and satiation of the people. The psycho pass system is utilised as prevention as well as punishment. The psycho pass is a coefficient which measures inclination or probability to upset the order of Sibyl, not merely mental stress.
You are clearly mentally defunct and incapable of understanding intention. The episode was in clear critique of the judgment of Sibyl. It is indeed an efficient action, in the elimination of weak points within the system. SIBYL DOES NOT CARE FOR LIBERAL JUSTICE. The girl's usefulness to Sibyl, and therefore Sibyl's society, was become outweighed by her capacity to upset the system, and that was why she was judged for elimination. It is the very efficiency of Sibyl which is under critique, as the material reduction and quantification which it imposes on human elements is denying of human agency, volition.

Re-watch Psycho Pass once you have matured somewhat, if you are capable of such. You may understand then.

Its efficient because the crime rate is apparently low.

You seem to believe your own moral judgements somehow determine what is a good justice system and what is not, not understanding the basic difference between moral and law, or subjective and objective ethics.

While the moral belief system and the law code in a society should generally be overlapping, there are tons of examples where things that are a crime are morally more or less accepted (for example conning rich people), on the other hand there are matters that are considered immoral and still not illegal in most modern law codes, like for example infidelity.

>retirement mode: lethal eliminator

What about things that directly show up in PP, like blackmail, pressure and conspiracy within the justice system itself? Or the fact that there are first and second class citizens in the force?

I am not completely sure what you are referring to, but the PP world is shown as strictly utilitarian, meaning that individual suffering doesn't matter compared to the benefit of society as a whole.

FOR THE LAST TIME, SIBYL DOES NOT SHARE YOUR OWN SENSE OF MORAL JUSTICE, AND PSYCHO PASS IS A CRITIQUE OF SIBYL YOU FUCKING IMBECILE. I hope you get run over by a fucking truck, your usefulness to society is clearly secondary to your cognitive retardation

Crime would always be low if you have hyper oats for the hungry, and augmented reality for the lonely.

But the thing is, crime in PP was just hidden and if revealed, cannot be punished.

If set in the real world, the guy who was abused and raped a girl would just get a lifetime imprisonment and his case would be made public, causing the company serious damages.

In PP, no one cared. He broke due to stress from work and now everyone thinks he is a dangerous man and no one bothered to check how he turned out like that.

Imagine what other bulshittery is going on out there

I'm not even the person you were arguing with. But hey, at least I don't share my sense of justice and moral values with Asuka. Stay alone and hated forever.

You have a point insofar as in a homogeneous, wealthy society like for example japan, crime - especially violent crime - is already relatively low so the implementation of such an oppressive system would seem overkill.

However, keep in mind that the PP world, although it is not really explored too much, is some kind of post-war society with implied social and political collapse not too long ago and the neighboring countries still being destroyed. War being the express trains of history and such.

>In PP, no one cared.
How is this any different from the real world? No one is going to feel any empathy towards an unstable, abused person and sex offender, not even their own parents in a lot of cases.

He wouldn't go that far if the Sybil system never existed.

He was fired from work because his level became too dangerous due to their own undoing
Can't find a job nor friends causing him to go lower

There was never any investigation regarding how he fell that way.

But in the real world, everyone who interacted the criminal is going to be in hot water for questioning.

Reminder that Akane is a traitor and will be the first put up against the wall when the revolution against Sybil comes.

I believe you don't really know what you are talking about.

I have a legal background as well and from a legal perspective, everything in this show is infuriating. It goes against pretty much every legal principal we have in the West.

I still enjoyed it though. I wish we got female MC's like Akane more often.

>He wouldn't go that far if the Sybil system never existed.
The presence of computer psychography and surveillance affects violence and mental illness by itself?
I like this implication and I'd like to hear different opinions about it.

Required reading

It was more around the sociological effect of being dependent on the approval of the system

Imagine being the kid with failing grades cursed to forever believe you were dumb and shunned by everyone on class for not trying hard enough.

Really dumb way to measure someone's worth


>We have a court of justice for a reason.
Who the fuck is 'we'? It's a fucking anime, get real.

Well I was that same kid. There were nerds and metalheads, who were shunned ironically but still part of the group, and then there was me, someone who really was dangerous and a stranger, and not worth of anyone's time.
I sort of became dumb second hand, because someone who's aggressive HAS to be stupid. It needs to be true by any means.

Mechanisms of social ostracization to bring people in line exist in every society. Some are just more subtle than others.

If the goal of society is to bring the greatest possible amount of happiness to the largest number of citizens, the only logical way to determine an individuals worth for society is weighing his negative collective disruptive potential against his own happiness.

Season 3 when?

If the gun gives some a death sentence why not just use the clean disintegration function instead of a messy gore evisceration beam?

PP's world is infinitely more believable than Brave New World or 1984?
>extremely low rate of violent crime
>no corruption in the government; society is ruled by a system that only ever has the interest of the majority in mind
>education system that basically guarantees you a job suited to your talents after you leave
>perfect match making service that has a very high chance of finding you someone you'll fall in love with
>health services and technology that easily gives you a long life in top shape
Sure, there's problems with its society, and we're forced to mainly look at those problems due to the nature of the series as a crime drama. But it's important to remember that those problems are only affecting a small minority of people. The majority of people only have a higher quality of life. It's easy to imagine the majority believing that a controlled life under Sibyl is better than an uncertain life under democracy.

so the people know that the law aint nuffin to fuck with.
But yes, thats not really making sense

read books, fuck society, cultivate your inner genius.

Okay Sybil being utilitarian in nature is pretty obvious, but what was his ideological deal except being a pretentious homo? Some sort of individualistic romanticism?

You almost got it. Pure, hegelian evil, removed from any political or personal gain. Sending a hate letter to mankind.

PP's world is almost exactly what Hitler was going for, in both a good and a bad way, and anything in between. It's just that the Butcher was real careful to file off all the swastikas from the luger.

>This is what you call efficient justice system?
isn't that the point of the like. the story.
people actively showing that it's a shit system.

the flaws of the system are shown, but its not outed as a "shit" system.

who did she betray? she was always working for the system from day 1

powder blue

She had it in the hand to bring Sybil down but she didnt want to take responsibility for the necessary time of chaos afterwards despite no longer believing in the system.
If you realize the status quo is unjust any collaboration afterwards is treason.
Read "Social reform or revolution".

But you have underground, slumps, drugs, and women are not targeted despite being in risk every 28 days a month for hormonal reasons.
The entire concept of having guys like Shinya, lesbian girl and Gino alive is beyond stupid for an AI. The concept for Akane only is interesting if you have someone who make the system at risk, but this shouldn't be allowed if the system works as it should be work; instead writers give some stupid reasons for the brains to behave just to give Akane some interesting impact.
Now, a story focussed about Akane seeing her comrades dying because they PP reached dangerous levels, and her dealing with Sybil's decision while trying to understand the freedom she has with her perfect PP, would be way more interesting than the student-senpai romance writers want to suggest between Akane and Kogami.

2 seasons and a movie and the dick remains ungiven.

>Read "Social reform or revolution".
First as tragedy, then as farce, third time in cosplay.
Being butcher mc is suffering.

>First as tragedy, then as farce, third time in cosplay

surprisingly deep when you think about it.

I wish she could see what you could. The other one, too.