This formidable law enforcer sees you drop a can in the street and asks you to pick it up. How do you respond?

This formidable law enforcer sees you drop a can in the street and asks you to pick it up. How do you respond?

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With shameless banter as always. If she tsuns out instead of leaving there might be something here.

She won't have to. I'm not a retarded teenager and so I won't drop my cans in the street.

Thank her for letting me know I accidentally dropped it because I'm not a fucking scumbag that litters.

Pick it up and compliment her on her sexy voice

Requesting nazi version of that band pls.

And i would never drop a can in the street.


t-thanks... you t-too

I want Kuroko to rap at me.

Show him my dyson sphere

Rape the Judgment



pick her up

Good call. Cucking Mikoto is hilarious.

Throw can at her head. Tell her to pick up that can.

Take my second empty can from my back pocket and drop that on the street as well. Then stare at her until she hits me and I win.

that's considered an assault if you're a big guy

Pick it up while making my raging boner as visible as possible.

*teleports behind you*

t-thank's for reminding me asshole

Fuck you.

Get on all fours to pick it up and ask her to step on me

She's just a little girl there's nothing she can do to me.

Where do we live, in a shitty first world? There are robots for that. Look, behind you, two are already co.... watch out!

Give her the D. EroSensei taught me little girls want the cock.

What will she do if she encounters accelerator casually breaking law or drenched in delinquents blood?



> until she hits me and I win
Dammit, Trudeau.

Use my esper powers to tun into Misaka. Misaka types hoping noone finds out about her.


>delusional Kurocuck
it will NEVER happen

I don't. I will let her arrest me so I can be close enough to smell her.

It only happens if she accepts it in exchange for more Misaka.

>Implying I'm some animal who just drops garbage anywhere he goes

Use my vector powers to prolapse her anus.

I tell her to fuck off or get a laser to the face. Judgment ain't shit.

Ask her where Mikoto is.

Kuroko is the best cop. And the lewdest.

Why does she have such deliciously best legs?

>Caring about the police when you can just blast them with your powers and get away with it
The law is for plebs who aren't part of the dark side.

*turns you into a living punchinbag*

Good idea.

I imagine chasing bad guys daily helps.

>It's a mobileposter bait thread

I want to become friends with her so I can get close to best girl Mikoto

>Driving Kuroko to suicide is hilarious.

Have you prayed to your goddess today?

Have her do this

Mikoto is not a goddess, she is a flawed human being!
Praying to her helped me with exams though


Imagine if she farted

I have.

Trips confirm best goddess

I approve

With my dick, yes

No tits, no ass.

She's trash though

This thread feels a little hot. Let's cool it a little bit with the coolest and most powerful Esper.

Sasuga true number 4

Are you trying to say that you are the third or fourth most powerful esper? You're giving mixed messages here.

Sasuga true number 4.

That's one hell of a thong3

He probably wants to be ranked 7th, in Gunha's place.

Bring her husbando along

>black girl as a law enforcer

Funniest joke in the series to date

Except teleport nails directly into your body.



Instantly punch the dumb dyke in the face. Fortunately I'm faster than fatasses she usually fights with.




fake kuroko

she's supposed to be thin so normalfags can suck a dick



>links a page from the canon railgun manga

What did user mean by this?

Nopan jiangshi a cute.

Punch the silver-haired slut

I tickle her!

so this series caters for normalfags

there is no place for me.

I'm indifferent to it.

knock her up and pimp out her body for more cans


'accidently' move it closer, crouch down to pick it up but stop, look up and enjoy delicious pantsu instead.
>before I die

*teleports behind you*


What's with that armband? Is she like a nazi or something? Haha!

>rape her
>pick up the can
>excuse myself for being so irresponsible of ecology and the whealthness of the city
>rape her again

>>rape her

Unzip my dick and stick it into the can to pick it up and stare loudly at her.

I never knew people put zippers there.