Ane Naru Mono

If you worship your onee-chan well she'll swallow you whole and transform you into an immortal being with horns and hooves like hers.

Other urls found in this thread:’nn_Hupadgh_Shub-Niggurath









So is this the SFW or NSFW version?

SFW obviously.

>she'll swallow you whole and transform you into an immortal

So, win-win?

She didn't actually say this though, did she? It hasn't gone that far into the /d/ realm, right?

what kind of a special retard are you to think someone would dump the hentai doujinshi version on here? Does this board look NSFW to you?

That's just based on source material for the character.’nn_Hupadgh_Shub-Niggurath

people have dumped the first half of the hentai a few times now, they're still sol for enough pages before it turns erotic
plus they stopped posting after 9 pages so I thought that might be a reason why

was that all of the chapter? where's the rest?

It's from Pochi's twitter. A teaser probably.

I want to molest Yuu-kun!!!

Stop posting on Sup Forums and actually do the deed, Chiyo.

>incredibly powerful and ancient being decides to LARP as a big sister to some jap kid and fuck him
>also she likes shitposting on the internet
Sounds incredibly in character

>Sounds incredibly in character
It kinda does. You have all that time, you might as well try everything at some point.

Apparently Chiyo has troubles with learning Japanese.
>mfw even powerful eldritch Gods can't even learn Moonrunes without any difficulties.

pochi should not be allowed near young boys...


where's the fuggin
op image is lying to me

Sounds good to me desu.
>this will never happen to you
>you will never have an eldritch onee

when do we get more chiyo?