Are there any people here who genuinely hope for another war?
Who do you want it to be between?
Are there any people here who genuinely hope for another war?
Who do you want it to be between?
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China and India.
It'll happen when Russia collapses from sanctions, NATO will back India because Pakistan will back China and it'll be released Pakistan funded terrorist attacks in India.
I honestly want a full out nuclear war between all nuclear carrying nations. I want the death toll to be in the billions. I want whites to rise up out of the ashes and form a new world without Jews, niggers, spics, poos or middle easterners. Japs can stay.
It needs to be another European war unfortunately. We need to retake our countries.
The left and (((them))) vs people.
No prisoners.
What is wrong with the Left.
Russia is in reality a fading power. Its inability to balance the economy away from hydrocarbons will hurt it more every year now. The increased military spending and sabre rattling from Putin is all they have, meanwhile if you study that defence procurement you will see part-completed vessels, abandoned contracts, disputes, and failures.
Everyone is stealing. Putin, the security services, the mafia, the oligarchs, the officials.
Eventually it will collapse under this.
Although all the talk in the west is of Russia, it is China that will dominate the world, overtaking the US in 2070 and being completely dominant by 2100 by a large margin.
>China and India
No itll be '67 all over again. No one with half a brain would want to intervene in that clusterfuck.
>another war
There's no middle ground human inertia means everyone tends towards laziness and half assedry. Laziness is only flipped when it becomes an existential crises.
There's no middle ground, human nature is simply too fucked up and stupid to adjust itself.
A few years ago Sup Forums was collectively wishing for and trying to hurry along a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Gone are the days of the Sup Forums death cult where we wished for the entire globe to perish in nuclear hellfire. Now all we get are twitter screenshots and retarded questions like yours, op.
>Russia will collapse!
Not one controlled by the current political powers, no.
... but if they start a war and liberals lose control of it then any war will have been worth it. To free us of a force that is destroying us any price must be met.
Also I'd rather burn the planet down to ashes than lose and be replaced.
War is sweet to those who have no experience of it.
t. Pindar
That being said an all out war against muslims til extermination is a must. Chinese know it. Buddhist know it.
It's collapse will be used as a smokescreen, an attempt to drag them in on China's side in a similar way Japan was dragged onto Nazi Germany's side. It'll all come together like a horrific puzzle with a catastrophic solution.
Got to.
It'll get chemical and biological, spreading infected people from India into Australia and Britain, NATO countries. Pakistan will make sure of it when they get desperate.
I'm banking on Russia actually not giving a fuck and wanting to deal with their own problems, Pakistan may collapse quickly from sudden American action, they'll be too short sighted to see it happen.
Doklam plateau and Assam will become tragic nuclear zones.
>A few years ago Sup Forums
then we got john bolton supreme neocon zionist war hawk who's been eyeing Syria and Iran for the last 1/4 century, historic "defense funding" and a few billion in coupons to our (((bff's))) to buy US killing hardware. it's not too late to go full Dante
Pretty much this.
Most likely there will be global civil war.
The whole west will spiral into internal wars.
Starvation causes chaos and migration in the third world.
Possibility for nukes is if China makes a strong move on the West awhile we're weak.
Skyking threads.
The pro nuclear holocaust lobby remains
The philosophy is 'fuck it'.
No I don't. I'm kinda prepared tho.
>got to
No absolutely not. Just let fucking India and China sought that shit out.
You get your hands dirty and the refugees start spilling out.
India and China are backward angry shitholes. Intervening on that level is suicide.
I want a civil war between Brexiteers and Remainers/grooming gangs
No war. I want mass assassinations. I want all of my enemies to drop dead simultaneously. And their hordes of retards to be massacred in the streets. And the media headquarters blown up. So. Mass assassination along with mass bombings. All simultaneous. A blitzkrieg. We can kill our enemies in a week. Then all we have to do is find replacements so the public doesnt freak out not having a master.
A China v India war would be pretty comfy
Literally meat grinder showdown but if it happened it would be long before a Russian collapse
The Chinese have a housing bubble, maybe before it bursts they start shit with India?
how many young people would volunteer to go off to their deaths?
this is not 1914 people are slightly wiser to things & perhaps don't follow so easily
>Who do you want it to be between
American civil war. Interracial edition
Destroying the media is the most important part. You need to blow up their broadcasting towers so when the scumbags start getting assassinated they cant take control of the narrative.
They cant monger fear
I'm want a civil war between Germans and invaders. Because if it doesn't happen in the next decade, the German people is done for.
First, the British intelligence killed that Russian spy and his daughter and now they are discussing how Russia will collapse. Deep state country for sure.
>people who have never seen real war want it
gee what a suprise, well atleast all the collectivists will die 'for their cause' be them commie or nazi
I enjoy watching white men make the same mistakes over and over again throughout history, never learning, adapting, or evolving; it's this """quality""" white men possess which has lead us to the precipice of our own demise. At the slightest chance to use their precious guns and kill each other by the tens of millions, white men abandon all logic and reason--and they'll do it again here soon. The drums of war are beating.
The next war will be it for whites: the end. White men are already pretty fat and pathetic, and this next war will annihilate the very last competent whites. Whatever white trash is left after the next war will be leftist scum that won't breed. It will be the end of the white race. I want to watch it all burn so I hope the next war happens soon.
>dont vote for shillary goy she will start ww3
>1 year of trump and demoralized Sup Forumstards wish for a world war
>Sup Forums is one voice
>Sup Forums has never wished for destruction by war
Spotted the summerfag.
We should also buy a bunch of SUVs and weld steel plates inside of them and covering the tires. And we should make little slits in the armor to shoot out of. And we can drive through the ghettos massacring all the nonwhites. And we will have a big concrete block in the back of the SUV. On rollers. So if the police send an armored car after us we can open the back door of the SUV and roll the concrete block out and make the armored car wreck itself. We can take out helicopters and police car motors by shooting through the slits. But we need a concrete block to slide out and make the armored car wreck itself.
You are in my prayers user, you are not alone
Sup Forums was never more than 3 milliseconds away from nihilism/accelerationism. oldfags remember the past 20 years, the players, the playbook, the tactics; they know the short attention spans of the zombies, and they know what to look for when it's all being repeated
She was gonna start a war with the good guys tho
This is genius
>Are there any people here who genuinely hope for another war?
i am one so yes
because the current state of the world is a joke and its only getting worse
europe has been taken over by traitors,foreigners and jews and no one can do anything about it
only a war can change europe today and possibly save it from rotting
>Who do you want it to be between?
doesnt matter as long as its in europe and china,USA and russia arent involved
a muslim revolution would be perfect just about now,it would give us a reason to wipe them all out
>a good idea
You aint seen nothing.
This is the kind of stuff I think about to help me go to sleep
A bulldozer isnt as manuverable as an SUV. We could be out of the city by the time the police make contact. Then their cars and helicopter will get shot to shit and if they send an armored car its gonna wreck itself chasing us. Then we will meet up in some secluded location with a bunch of other suicide squads and we will hunker down. In the forrest. With gillie suits. Hundreds of men lying down in the forrest. Killing anyone who enters. 100 yards of nails sticking through the ground to fuck your feet up. How useful are you with nails in your feet?
>SUV welded with steel plates
You mean like a military grade Humvee right?
When I was growing up, my primary school would always focus on Anzac Day, Rememberance Day every year for weeks at a time. We had parents that served in the Defense Force come in and talk to us about it's importance. As I learnt about what happened over those years, I felt more like I should be involved with something like that.
Of course at 19 when I applied to join the Defense Force, I was shunned away as female recruits were suddenly mandatory and needed in enormous numbers.
That put me off a bit, I found this place not longer after, learnt about how ((THEY)) want to kill us off silently with distractions. It makes me more determined to take them out when the time comes, if I died, then it wouldn't be in vain
They’ve always been the original eurobackstabbers and 3vs1 supporters
Need global nuclear war. Since the end of natural selection, there's just too many cunts infecting the world. Out of the ashes, low IQ would be a disqualifier for parenting kids, punishable by death. That also means that any remaining jigaboos would quickly become extinct.
India and Pakistan
They are shelling each other on a weekly basis, they are going to get tired of it some day, and go all out war