Get married they said ...
Man up they said ...
MGTOW thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Living in a shithole with ridiculous laws
that is where he went wrong the first time.
>Being a beta cuck with a heart condition
The weak should die and the world is better without him. Same goes for fat people, ugly people, low iq people, manlets and people who need glasses.
These failures of evolution should all die
So tell us how the German laws are any better
>leave the country
>find a job abroad
>enjoy your life
>stop paying child support, fuck her
Simple as that.
that is where he went wrong the first time
I'm 6'2" and fat, but I could kick your ass and then stomp on your neck when I was done, 100% promise you I could.
Then does that mean you're the inferior evolutionary specimen and deserved to die? You have the philosophy of a particularly dimwitted but edgy high school student.
> >leave the country
Brainlet with no reading comprehension detected
I can't begin to imagine how many married cucks on pol read these threads and just cowardly recoil at the thought
Every single married is a cuck in my view
> Every single married is a cuck
Don't reproduce, good goyim
keep spreading the good word brother, MGTOW is the only way forward
Keep paying taxes and child support to support coalburning single moms, be a good goy
Don't forget to pay legal fees for your divorce to Shlomo Goldberg's family law firm
How long do you think it takes until gubmints start noticing us MGTOWs and introducing things like bachelor taxes or whatever?
To countrys like sweden and germany max 4 years, other more depends of cuckery level.
Reproduce and watch your offspring become indentured servants to the system you hate.
your sweet little daughter becomes a whoreslut thanks to TV and media.
Well for one, no child support. Number two, I don't know if they put protection orders on your criminal records, but if they don't then situation could not have happened.
that's less important than dying out.
Child custody laws are not for eternity.
If you know they made these laws to make whites die out why do white men do what they want?
Perhaps have some patience then.
This, absolutely this.
or you know. you can just not marry a stupid bitch, especially in poland where there are alot of christians with morals.
Most men are involuntary MGTOWs and can't get married or be in relationships because women have an overinflated sense of entitlement and believe that Chad is waiting for them, until they hit their mid 30s and then it's too late. Your movement won't even make a dent, it's the women who are driving marriage rates down, and the government won't do anything because it'd mean telling women to lower their standards, and women are a privileged class, that can't be criticized. If it was men driving these trends, we would be hearing non stop about how evil men are. Either way, we are completely fucked.
> no child support
Cool story bro
> Number two, I don't know if they put protection orders on your criminal records, but if they don't then situation could not have happened.
> christians with morals
Pick one
"Religous" thots are the worst predators
All the faggots that trash the whole MGTOW thing haven't read the first hand accounts from the men with experience who lived through this bs
"It can't happen to me because I'm a special snowflake"
Women can never even love you anyway all they're good for is making more men
> making more men
And the ultimate goal of the humanity is to get rid of it via technology like artificial womb.
Females are useless parasites. They can't even compete with sex dolls
Welp you're more fucked than we are.
We don't really have child support in sweden, and we don't have family courts so you can't get a restraining order so easily.
I was sure germany would be the same but I guess not.
Women really are useless disgusting petty creatures when you stop looking at them through rose colored glasses.
It's too bad reality is so far separated from the image man has projected on to women in the past in better times
What a fucking faggotery mgtow is so fucking gay that it physically hurt
>Inb4: m'roastie
> We don't really have child support in sweden, and we don't have family courts
Are you serious?
Welp misread the law kill me now
You like ... were going to get married or what?
We can't do that, that's what fucked the greys and why they abduct people (DNA harvesting)
>blaming the victim
>if I pretend very hard it will never happen to me the system that enables this would sease to exist
This is quite a depressing read
But at the same time it's his fault for not ruining the cunt's life
It's quite sad to see that people aren't more vindictive in the 21st century
If I was in his situation during the time she was taking him to court I would have poured my entire life savings in litigation to counter sue and create frivolous cases to question her competence in taking care of said child
The one major benefit of the american court system is that the person willing to waste money will usually always come up ahead
Fuck If needed be I'd plant some fucking evidence of drug abuse
It's just a technical problem
>Fuck If needed be I'd plant some fucking evidence of drug abuse
The best bet for doing this is to also slip a roofie in something she's gonna eat or drink. Not enough that she'd notice, but enough that it shows in a blood test.
I payed barely any of that
Unfortunately i havent avoided that well, and my lack of paying the mentioned above fees seems to have precipitated that whorish single mom influence
Anyway you need to reproduce
I don't care if you fail, at least do try.
There is no other way to have a life after 40, unless playing uncle pedobear is your thing
Yeah you can see yourselves having a decent life in your 40, but keep incrementing decades asking yourselves the same question
r/childless faggotry is good for liberal fuckups
Find a way to make and raise kids or die alone and miserable, end of story
Don't like western family laws? Hop cultures or countries then
Pic related
Anything's possible in life, rambling about muh roasties raping you is a self fulfilling prophecy
>people who need glasses
You know that as you get older, your eyesight gets bad, right?
Not married but have children
Havent been divorceraped
Back to my bachelor life after leaving the two cunts in charge of raising my daughters
Not being American helps: child support is minimal or non existent if you're low income
This was my tactic to remain undrained fnancially: keeping my income low. Being a NEET who inherited real estate helped.
Anywayz, swear off women at your own risk. I'd be a very different, much less complete and happy person had i not had children.
Canonical clusterfuck BS
I unironically advise you young goys to move to Poland or even better, to mother russia
I'd be considering it if i was younger and childless
Or some other eastern Europe country like yeah hungary
Yes ofc it can happen to you
Still worth it though, that's why guys keep marrying/committing/shacking up
> Still worth it though
In all seriousness pol saved me 23 here and you guys showed me the light to always pull out
>rolling in high income
>no savings or investments to help himself through a downturn
Is this story real... the guy is an appreciated regular on that we-hate-women subreddit so i guess it's true. Still weird.
You do not mess with mother nature
>Civilization is collapsing because White men are becoming weak
>weak willed women who where allowed freedom by weak men
>Men mad because their forefathers where cucks for giving women free will
>fight this by playing vidya and not becoming successful
>women are whores and require dominance, most men cant even look them in the eyes
>Women seek out turbo chad but cucks dont want to work to become chad
>bitch and complain as thousands of traditional girls roam the world but afraid to look or to poor cause degenerate habits or low iq
>still blame the gender that is a herd animal
>the wolf is now a mutt dog
I'll fix your life. Get a gym membership, stop playing vidya, stop watching porn. Learn and insterment or work on a practical hobby
They're your soul, the sun of your life
Also women are good while they are
Just do what you can not to get raped
It's a law of nature, the female will follow its motives, its reproduction imperatives, your job is to follow yours. Simple as that.
As you goys are very aware and informed in advance of the pitfalls of reproductive union, you can use this knowledge to your advantage
You don't have to reject women though
They're just like you, born in another sex, having needs, desires and dreams and being your essential match.
Mingle. Dip in the water. Learn to swim.
Neomasculist retard ITT
> They're your soul, the sun of your life
You have to be a very shallow, narrow-minded person to state that mere reprudction is the highest aim of you life
Reproduction is literally the only reason we are even alive.
You can't get a passport because you have child support? Sounds like bullshit. Don't fall for this
You realize that your graph disproves your point, right?
And how is there anything wrong with it?
2 seconds of google confirms it's true. Fuck off.
Based Nederbro.
We've allowed weakness to fester in our gene pool long enough.
Gas them, gas them now.
>If you are in 1500$ debt on child support, you can't get passport
You fuck off. If he pays for child support why would he be in debt?
>bitches about men doing their best to divorce a Jewish system
>didn't read OP
So what? Let's all leave this bs science, technology and just fuck w/o an end? Retard, I don't even wanna talk to you
Everything is wrong with it.
What jewish system? People have been reproducing and raising quality children for thousands of years.
>What jewish system?
>...they said...
Your is showing.
have children, but don't raise or support them - leave that to the women? because that makes you, personally, happy?
you're the eternal boomer, the narcissist that destroyed the world
raus aus europa du stinkendes türkenschwein
Verpiss dich
If this guy was making 6 figures for decades and doesn't have a massive cushion of cash to fall back on it is his own fault.
Furthermore, if he has all the skills he claims he could have started his own business.
Sounds like a defeatist to me.
He was not aware
Women that are toxic deserve to be alone, if they weren't so fucking stupid men would stick around.
du hast dich zu verpissen özgür. und jetzt raus du dreckiger muslimischer affe.
>Every single married is a cuck
"Every single married is a cuck" LOLILOPS
Kissless virgin here
don't care either
Bachelor taxes in the past have failed, so they will avoid making that mistake again. I imagine that instead of taxing single men so openly, they'll start giving more tax breaks and other incentives to marry women and reproduce.
How can a chad be a chad when the women can have him thrown in jail with a phone call?
This. Neomasculinity is retarded because of lack of authority.
So long as females have rights, "manning up" will forever be idiotic
You can literally see the "dent" that MGTOW is having on the marriage rates. Now it looks like it's too late for women in their mid 20s, not their mid 30s. Also, I don't know what it's like in Australia, but in the U.S. we are constantly being told how evil men are.
Only a retard would deny the biological substructure underpinning each and every one of his decisions.
So what biological instinct stands behind scientific discoveries?
immer noch hier du beschissenes türkenschwein?
>in the past have failed, so they will avoid making that mistake again.
do you understand the people we are dealing with?
>I don't care
Who in the fuck asked your opinion?
>teleports behind you
How about your basic reward of dopamine for discovery? Just try to imagine how the chassis you inhabit and the organic computer you process the world through impact your values and drive. It's really not that difficult to simplify the majority of motivation down to procreation, regardless of how unique and high-minded you regard yourself.
They don't think it can happen to them. Their oneitis is pure and would never do that to them.
Survival, too. Nature oppresses each of us, but the more we know about it, the greater our chance of success.
Look at all these feminists in Sup Forums! Good to meet you, fellow sisters!
>t. Batsheva Goldberg
You realize that you don't know how to read graphs, right?
Procreation is a subset of survival.
Yeah I could see that. Your offspring help you and your blood lives on.
sure you would fat fuck
LMAO go roll down a hill, fat fuck canadian
>I am [improbably successful person] but [very minor thing] and [cabal of hateful people] are stopping me from [seemingly trivial thing that we all deserve] and this means that [horrible thing] will happen.
Yeah, okay.
MGTOW is definitely making a dent. Millennial women won't be able to marry at the same rate as generations before them. This is not happening after the mid 30s; it is happening to women in their mid 20s.