Fuck you for getting rid of these men. fuck you for crippling their countries. fuck you for destroying the only chance the arabs had at defeating the Israeli menace. If these men were still in power the islamist dogs that a destroying the world wouldn't have been able to rise up. Its your fault. Everything happening in Europe and the middle east is your fault. I hope you jew loving mutts are happy
Fuck you for getting rid of these men. fuck you for crippling their countries...
One of them used chemical weapons to commit genocide, another was getting payments/appeasing IS within his country, the third was trading military information with Russia and North Korea to produce who the fuck knows what.
Yes, they were all bad men. Deal with it.
one of them used chemical weapons in self defense. all of these men were secularists so i doubt any worked with IS. the third did what he could to make sure he could defend himself if the time came
>One of them used chemical weapons to commit genocide
according to liberal news outlets all three did
>another was getting payments/appeasing IS within his country,
according to liberal news outlets all three did
>the third was trading military information with Russia and North Korea to produce who the fuck knows what.
according to liberal news outlets all three did
> chemical weapons to commit genocide
Question: what does this say on Saddam’s flag?
“Death to America, inshallah” obviously
it says god is great. what does it say on the american dollar again?
The fact remains that all three of them courted and flirted with islamists when it suited their purposes.
they trained on syrian land. not with the syrian government. the only reason they could train on this land was because of the civil war which Israelis started
>courted and flirted with islamists when it suited their purposes
Americans, everyone.
Hey fuck you, I had nothing to do with this.
PS: Saddam was fucked in the head. You're mostly right about the other two though.
What purposes exactly? Why did they need their help?
America on the other hand is alright to support Pol Pot here, said Islamists there, Taliban over there and so on
what was wrong with saddam?
The treatment of his people and abuse of power. Still doesn't excuse the americans ruining Irak.
Bush Sr. was CIA .. there's that. No one likes them not even themselves
That’s some mental gymnastics you are asking him to perform. Also nice get: juijis
>Why did they need their help?
To be able to project power against their enemies while claiming the plausible deniability.
>Fuck you for getting rid of these men
Say it with me, CAN'T MOSSAD THE ASSAD
I can't believe I swallowed this shit as a kid
Poor Assad just wanted to live peacefully in London and be an eye doctor.
what men? all I see are corpses
I bet it wasn’t all you swallowed considering the flag and all.
Assad is in still power.
i don't know who the guy in pic related is but he looks like a kike
I don't disagree.
but his nation has been crippled. even after the war Syria will be in shambles for decades to come
whomest is behind this post i wonder ???
>I don't know who John Bolton is
get fucked mate that shitcunt is gonna start a war with Iran and kill everything
>One of them used chemical weapons to commit genocide
>oh yeah we just remembered 2 decades later so let's remove him now. That'll learn him
oh fuck. that's bad. Iran is the only axis of resistance left in the ME. Plus fighting iran would only serve to anger Russia and continue to fan the flames in eastern Europe
after having a war for that reason already in the early 90s
also checked
why does your government no longer hate Israel? why do they continually support Americans over throwing their own arab brothers and not do or say anything about it? i'm not accusing you of anything its just i rarely get to talk to Saudis and i want to understand your views
it says fuck you nigger.he was baathistbut other op is right,he didnt give a shit about islam.he was a power seeker.delusional"god".
one sentence:he shot scuds at israel.
that alone makes him pepes brother.
>looks like the war is coming
>so let's see who are our enemies
>US and Europe and maybe Israel
>so let's see who are our allies
>Iran, Syria, fucking NK, maybe subhuman chinks
We are literally Mordor made flesh aren't we.
>why does your government no longer hate Israel?
>implying they hated them before
>why do they continually support Americans over throwing their own arab brothers and not do or say anything about it?
It's all self-interest mate, of those in power and not necessarily the country. Qataris are actual brothers and look what they're doing to it.
These 3 guys are my heroes. Even if they weren't the best leaders, they did much better than many others even against the west's underhanded subversive actions against them.
your antisemitism only makes the Guardian of Zion stronger
King Faisal led the oil embargo against the west as a response to Israel. Saudi Arabia was against them. Also what do you mean by “arabs” are Levantine arabs not considered real arabs?
Fucking kek. Cheer up desu, at least we are not niggers or mutts for worse
They really are heros. They resisted for as long as they could. Hopefully Assad continues to resist and doesn’t end up like Saddam and Gaddafi
Blame Israel and American Jews who wanted them removed, and own all the military contracts.
>King Faisal led the oil embargo against the west as a response to Israel. Saudi Arabia was against them.
Long story, the best quick rundown is unfortunately in Arabic: youtu.be
The guy is looking for people to translate the subs of his videos so hopefully some exposure will help.
>are Levantine arabs not considered real arabs?
Of course not my newfriend.
>getting rid of these men
Assad is still undefeated.
>the third was trading military information with Russia and North Korea to produce who the fuck knows what
Whats wrong with two consenting governments exchanging military information with eachother?
Shame he killed over 1 million of his own ppl. Oh wait that was the US, UK & Israel.
Would like a translation but the fact the guy is dressed like a Jew and has a commie flag in the back is putting me off the video.
>of course not my new friend
Why not? I always thought that everyone from Morocco to Oman was an Arab
No lies detected.
Destabilizing the middle east fucked us Europeans in the ass.
>Of course not my newfriend
We are. Arabs moved in the levant long time ago leaving pajeet looking crypto-jew scum in their desert. Ever wondered why every "Arab" Scientist were feom the levant or north africa (from ibn haytam to ibn khaldun) but never from the gulf?
>the fact the guy is dressed like a Jew and has a commie flag in the back is putting me off the video.
The guy is a very famous dissident who uses satire to deliver his message. Very effective and appropriate if you ask me.
>I always thought that everyone from Morocco to Oman was an Arab
Pan-Arabism/Nasserism has always been bullshit and is now pretty much dead, luckily. It was all about taking the wealth of the gulf. They're Arabic-speakers and mutts at best.
Arabs never leave their homelands not even in the toughest of times. You can continue larping though, we're used to it.
Amirite, pede?
You didn't have to take them in. You chose to do that yourselves.
>all of them were secularists
lmao no, not really
politics is rarely clean
watch some documentaries on how the one on the left came to power, lots of people were murdered, even through his time in power, lots of people vanished. (there were also public executions)
don't depict them as angels because that just enables you to be biased
yes they may have had pros, but also they had cons which may or may have not out weight their pros
answer me this, if they were that great, why did "their people" happily rise against them
i'd agree that their countries may or may not have been in a "better" shape under their VERY LONG time in power
>trump talks about it
politics is interesting, and power makes men drunk
>using chemical weapons in self defense
come on now bro
all of this raises a question though, if a country is "better off" under a totalitarian, what does that say about people in that region? i mean i agree there may be a lot of civilized people who just got caught in the mix, but still
Minas Morgul is with you !!!
Did your MASTER PLAN get defeated or what?
like americans do? LOL