Cardcaptor Sakura/CSS

New Clear Card-hen PV:

Will Madhouse redeem themselves?

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With their new original, yeah.

>redeeming themselves with an uneeded sequel


Why would Clamp do this?

Why for Money of course.

Looks impressive, fuck the original haters

>no new IP

I wish Li-kun would stay the fuck away from my daughterwife.

This looks great to be honest.

Has CLAMP done anything in recent years besides this?

They did the ugly character designs for Kabukibu.

It looks good, can't wait.

Draw High & Low chibi characters

Comparing modern Madhouse to the one back then is like comparing Baldur's Gate II to Mass Effect Andromeda just because BioWare made them

I literally don't know what any of that is. Anyways, this has a lot of the same staff from the original, so fuck off.

> localhost

If you read CLAMP's old interviews they were hinting there might be a sequel for almost 10 years.

Wait, isn't this a remake?

The digital composite is pretty obnoxious.

No, it's a sequel.

Picked up by Funimation.

Well crap. I'll have to actually finish the original then.

Either build a time machine or stop whining about it.

Once you finish the anime watch the Clear Card Prologue ova that came out in September, they adapted the manga ending to introduce the sequel because it's based on the manga more than the anime (although they are pretty similar).

The original anime is actually its own canon.
It has more cards than the manga, and a different (better) ending.

This new anime follows the manga canon, and the OVA was an adaptation of the manga's true ending.
In that sense, it's not really a sequel to the original anime, but rather an adaptation of a sequel to the manga.

Very well. I'll just watch the OVA and call it good.

Just read the manga it's only 50 chapters and you get the full story before the sequel


It looks better than expected. I still think keeping expectations low is for the best when the original anime was one of the best produced TV anime of all time but this seems competent enough from the PVs we've seen.

The real issue is if we are getting a 2cour and will have a chance of something good or if it will be just another generic 1cour seasonal with nothing impressive. That will make or break the show.

Get the fuck back to Sup Forums.

>one of the best produced TV anime of all time
Also one of the highest budget.

They kind of retconned it in the sequel and I doubt Rika is going to show up beside one scene because her seiyuu is dead.

Holy fuck was Sakura's voice always this annoying? I thought it was the VA at first but she's pretty good

Disappointment of the season

That's going to be DarliFra

>The real issue is if we are getting a 2cour and will have a chance of something good or if it will be just another generic 1cour seasonal

I wonder about that too, the manga is still ongoing and only 18 chapters are out so far.

No one expects anything from Trigger and A1

Im on episode 55 of the original series and gonna watch both of the movies afterwards. Good thing I finished this show before this came out.

what the fuck are they even adapting?
it's a monthly manga with like 15 chapters being out

Not a fan of the overuse of bloom

The first movie is set between episode 35-36 though and the second movie isn't canon per se (although I still recommend watching it because it's great). Watch the ova once you're done.

Maybe this will overtake the manga.

They'll probably just add a bunch of MotW shit like the old one did. Not saying that is a bad thing, I love MotW shit. The old anime has a lot more content than the manga.

Will Meilin appear again?


Actually reading the manga got me less excited for this since it feels a bit too nostalgia grabby for me with not enough fresh ideas.


That's how anime looks now, grampa.
It's either you get used to bright palettes, or we go back to the early 2000's quagmire of lifeless digital greyscale schemes.

We manga now, no meilin and no vibrant colours.


Are they still 10 yrs in the PV? Because teenagers don't look like that.

it looks great on OLED screens you poorfag

They are 12 yo

Lets hope some of the VA's reprise their roles like Stephanie Sheh as Sakura, Matt Hill as Kero and Johnny Yong Bosch as Syoran Li since they have the money and connections to get these people.

Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabakov

it's me or 4K master looks like shit?

Not you, the colours and lines are all messed up

Retconned into the void. She died the way she lived. Blown the fuck out.

>Retconned into the void.
Not really, I know she doesn't exist in the manga but even in the anime she went back to Hong Kong anyway, so I guess we can just assume she's there and has no more reason to come back. Except for a quick cameo maybe, if we're lucky.

I thought they were 14, what a waste of time.

Why the fuck are they rescanning it in 4k? did they fall for the dumb "analog has infinite resolution" meme?

totally unnecessary. There are very few bluray out there that look as good as 2009 BDBOX. Shit did look like having the cell in front of your face

>They kind of retconned it in the sequel
what the fuck is wrong with Clamp?


>no meilin
The state of the decade.

>absolutely hated meilin in the first few episodes
>loved her once I got more exposure to her
>now she's never coming back
Fuck this

People forget that Okhawa was basically writing the anime scripts so she already retconned it many years ago.

CCS was the first series aired in HD because it was filmed in 35mm.

Holy shit, this looks damn good. Can't wait. This then Senkaiden Houshin Engi/Soul Hunter is also coming, so damn excited to go back.

where is Yoko Kanno?

What is even the point of CCS without the beautiful colours


kino OST

Meilin might show up in the anime

Is Clamp gonna respond on having to introduce Meilin in the manga and return outta nowhere in the anime?

animation looks ok, everything is too shinny but we already know that, i don't like the song from the first part of the video

Nevertheless, i will match it day one, obviously

CLAMP have drawn Meilin before so she might make a cameo, I'm just not sure how she could fit in the current story.

post cute sakura's face

I have too many

>too many
>336 items

dude, i've got 1579, and a guy from Sup Forums got more than 5000

same staff, same voices... but there is no SOUL in the new Sakura series. In the original series you can feel the LOVE they did put on each frame.

aw man

Fucking mongrels


OP is pretty good though

She will show up in the anime as filler in the upcoming sequel. It's gonna start back to square one again meeting Sakura and Li for the first time and take on Sakura as a rival.

Prepare for cucking.

u think that her daughter will fall in love with sakura ? Will be creepy

but there is also incest in the original CCS, so ...

Crossing CCS with Granblue Fantasy

looks like a Madoka character

Where did this come from? New girl seems like she's an alternate universe of Sakura rather than her daughter.

Tomoyo and Yukito sound older now. Like you can tell they're straining their voices.

>Sakura self-cest
I don't know if I'm ready for this.

>Same VA's from 20 years ago sound older
You don't say.

>Where did this come from?
I think it was the similar surname (which could be a made up one if she's hiding her true identity) and the fact that she mentioned she's been to/knows Hong Kong, but it's a pretty far fetched theory.


Ugh. It really looks quite timid and cheap visually. Obviously it wasn't going to have the same production levels as the old one, but this looks very underwhelming. Look at the CGI blossom, and digital lighting/backgrounds/camera panning. It looks so unambitious and plain, especially when you consider the fact that they have just announced they were releasing the old series in goddamn motherfucking 4K a few weeks ago.

she's in love with her shady butler


>Hayamin is doing the ED

Is Hayamin gonna have a role in the anime

I wanted Hayashibara do the ED