Living 70 Years with PTSD After Surviving the Holocaust
>gib shekels
>Living 70 Years with PTSD After the Holocaust didn't happen
You'd think she'd get an heart attack or somethin'.
Well, there's the problem.
Living 5 minutes with PTSD After Seeing Her Horrendous Mug
My Grand-ma-ma
Fucking Germans can't do anything right!
Jews are literally breed to manipulate currency, destroy western societies, and mutilate new borns.
They want Sup Forums's sympathy for committing treason towards goys
Sorry for missing that one. In our defense, we had our hands full with the allies.
someone should give her money
why do you say this?
This is so stereotypical you can't make this shit up.
I’m not saying the Holocaust was faked, because that’s bullshit, but the youngest someone can be now before they can claim to have lived through the holocaust is 78. This is assuming they were born in 1940. how can there be so many left, unless a good handful of them aren’t just making up stories for sympathy/attention/shekels?
Those old Jewish women in America always have drawn eyebrows.
Her grandson Jewed her out of her eyebrows.
Did you know the Nazis had masturbation machines that masturbated Jewish prisoners to death?
She looks pretty sad, I'm sure if she had a nice hot shower she'd cheer up.
could there be any plausible reason for the winning powers of a war to pin horrendous war crimes on the vanquished?
I don't know how you can be so sure saying that critique of holocaust orthodoxy is 'bullshit' when so few things about it add up.
>Living 70 Years with PTSD After Surviving the Holocaust
Poor woman, if only she wouldn't have to.
Jews have pretty high life expectancies. What's more the average life expectancy in Western countries is around 80. Life expectancy is normally distributed so we still have a lot of Holocaust bullshit to look forward to in the new few decades.
To be fair, most empires fighting two-front wars do divert valuable war materiel and brain power to developing fanciful, sexually tittilating ways of murdering civilians.
somebody needs the spine to stand up fro the truth, won't be a frenchman
Oh shit we have another 20 years of this crap don’t we
Surrender your shekels.
Fuck, I'd gas her for that face alone.
Sorry boyo, its never gonna end.
>Life expectancy is normally distributed
Yes, funny how the holocaust has no effect on life expectancy.
my nan is about the same age and looks about 50 years younger.
she had to wear a potato sack as clothing and had to dodge jap bombers on her way to school during WW2.
She could've spent 70 years with a PS3 instead.
She looks EXACTLY like the 56% meme WTF
> 6 g o r i l l i o n
rugor nass
Jews are a crime against beauty
That's because the 56 mutt meme is a projection of the jew's cognitive dissonance about his mixed race heritage.
Sad story. Your responses to her ordeal are sadder.
MDMA assisted therapy will fix it.
Jews have been claiming to have inherited PTSD from their parents due to the holocaust here lately, so there's an endless supply of "holocaust survivors".
1 post by OP.
How do Jews live so long despite being gassed and stuff during the Holocaust? Wouldn't ingestion of harmful chemicals take years off your life?
Oh noooooo
Provided you weren't exposed to any chemicals the biggest detriment to your health would be typhus and malnutrition. Both of these are recoverable, malnutrition in particular usually sees full recoveries unless the person was malnourished during their formative years. Ironically the younger survivors might ultimately have shorter lifespans than the older ones.
Dont be so anti semitic goy! They are all legit,
Pure coincidence.