What have YOU ever done in life?
These two teenagers just single-handedly smashed the 2nd Amendment
i can suck my own dick
Really? I didn’t hear that. Neither did the gun stores in this town. Because I could eat breakfast and go buy a rifle today. Some one should inform this country about that.
I’m glad you’re here, Tariq. Keep up the good work.
Nice! I usually outsource that task, but I can see the increased efficiency of removing another party from the process.
did you even watch the protest yesterday?
this board is fucking garbage
Stop repeating yourself in every thread
So, can we put the US on the top of the cuck list now?
stop shilling and go back to cripplechan
nobody will remember them in 2019
Spamming these anti 2A threads breaks global rule #10 Hans. Please read rules and FAQ.
Funded by the DNC, propped up by the entire media establishment
No. I have a life. I did go check out the one near me. It was about twenty pensioners with black lives matter signs. I live in a town with a population over a million. Not even 100 people showed up.
How boring is your life that you care so much about gun ownership in a place you’re never going to see? You should probably make some friends and get out of the house.
> everyone who disagrees with facts is a shill
Well you might want to take a look at these pictures, they are from your country. Literally tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people on the streets. This is a movement and it came to a conclusion yesterday.
just like blm
>it came to a conclusion yesterday.
yes and now its over and dead
Kill yourself.
Cool! So what specific laws have been changed now?
Check the news, this is a global phenomenon. We live in a democracy, politicians CAN AND WILL not let this be unanswered, or else they will feel the power of the people, just like yesterday
this is literally a pivotal moment in history and Sup Forums is getting btfo lol. full gun take backs looks possible now. the greatest ever btfo for Sup Forumsniggers will be when 99.999999% of gun owners cuck out and hand over their guns willingly
We all know that’s a picture from Trump’s inauguration ceremony. Nice try though.
Niggers and spics chimp out in a nigger and spic majority city that voted 94% Hillary. More news at 11.
The second amendment will pretty much be repealed entirely. Owning assault weapons will be highly illegal. It's not fully clear how the bill will look just yet, just wait-and-see.
not be born german
>this is literally a pivotal moment in history
yeah like sandy hook and blm
Yay, a GunZalez AND Hogg threat. 2 for 1 in todays breadslide
>What have YOU ever done
sage this thread
Posts female ex-convict, and terrible crisis actor.
cant tell if shit bait or underpaid shill
>the greatest ever btfo for Sup Forumsniggers will be when 99.999999% of gun owners cuck out and hand over their guns willingly
They won't have any other choice. Owning assault guns will be illegal, it's a crime already in the public eye.
>these two destroyed the constitution
>provides no evidence
>feel the power of the soy people
Absolutely nobody gives a shit about these two fame seeking cunts. The media will drone on about how great they are for another week or so and then they and the whole #banguns movement will subside while the media brings back up Russia or Stormy Daniels or something.
It’s not even shills
It’s the nu/pol/ soyim cancer who lust only shitty memes and have their le reddit keks.
This board needs to be purged again. It’s the only way to treat the stage 4 terminal cancer this soy center has become
>no evidence.
check the news, buddy.
Really? so its been repealed? no? so they didn't accomplish anything.
Not sure about gun control but Camera Hogg and el Goblina have me sold on the need for abortions
i checked, and 2 a is still standing
and never will
In the works, trust me buddy. politicians cannot let this one answered
We're not doing your job for you faggot. Produce your sources or fuck off with your shilling. Christ alive they aren't even bothering to send their best anymore
I've never seen a more fucked up country in all my days. And that''s coming from a Britfag.
America truly is damned, there is no way back. The fact that a bunch of spoilt, preening teenagers can potentially ruin your constitution is very sad. Your president is an utter joke of a human being, the very definition of a repugnant narcissist with no redeeming qualities as a human. But still better than the alternative.
Its a real shame what is happening to the West. My own country is fucked beyond repair and will end up a caliphate in 50 years. America won't even exist by then the way its going
When I carry a firearm, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.
The firearm is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.
A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.
Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser.
The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.
The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation, and that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act.
im not talking about the shooting, im talking about the aftermath obviously. the 2nd amendment is getting shattered
Is Germany okay guys? He seems more deranged than usual. Making up these fictional scenarios in his head.
Ok man sure
Let me get my boots on
>give sources
Check. The. News.
I can't believe people actually think that these protests are also a conspiracy, they have literally been everywhere and involved hundreds of thousands of people
based slanteye
Just stop you fucking joke. We hate you. Controlling our internet makes us hate you more. Your hate shit sucks. Out out out. Now.
i hope they get shot unironically
Nothing was smashed but pigmans ass by the spic bulldykes strap on.
>says increasingly nervous gungrabber for the 18th time
I can poop and pee at the same time.
WE elected Donald Trump.
So if all it takes to reverse an amendment is two teenagers, can you fuckers get going on flipping the 13th?
> still can buy a AR15 right now cash MONEY
your point?
This one feels different, this is the revolution.
This is a fight and we are winning it
The Second Amendment is what truly freed black Americans via the Black Panther Party
>did you even watch the protest yesterday?
What protest?
Are you talking about the rally where this stumbling fuck was told to hand over the mic and one of the speakers puked while giving their speech?
Powerful stuff.
this face was made for punching.
>when the gun literally has assault rifle in its name and people still think that civilians should be able to on military grade weapons.
Thank God death I will take care of you traditionalist pieces of shit eventually.
always fucking women
because theyre not the ones who have to defend their families is it
Wow 1/600th of the American people want something. Surely it's all over for the 2nd Amendment.
Well, there's at least evidence of it on the state level: sun-sentinel.com
burden of proof is on you. if you make a claim, you back it up with evidence.
In...a toilet?
>when the gun literally has assault rifle in its name
Obvious troll is obvious.
The "highlight" was a fat goblin puking on stage. It is now Sunday & the MSM will MoveOn to Stormy Daniels & then back to Russia next week. the following weeks menu will be why Trump drank 16 diet Cokes whilst watching Fox & Friends without eating a McDonalds as well. Could this new change of habit be the downfall of his Presidency?
Where do these kids get all this free time?
Shouldn't they be in school?
No one ever had to defend their family with an assault gun. Besides there are plenty of other ways to defend your life. Tasers, batons, martial arts, stunguns, pepper spray, knifes the list is long
>WE elected Donald Trump.
So we have done more to destroy the 2A than these kids would have dreamed of? WINNING.
>mfw realizing I will likely be able to own an AK-47 in the UK within my lifetime to fire in the air at islamic weddings when the entire country is successfully converted with no help or rebellion let when people realize it's actually the best option left on Earth to live under an extremely conservative theocracy and Americans even won't be able to own food when the whole country devolves into Civil War and becomes a Syria-style "Earth's Death Match Zone" as different countries fight proxy wars by backing different splinter groups constantly bulkanizing the former nation into weaker and weaker subterritories
At least they'll lose some weight I guess.
and they say Germans don't have a sense of humor!
It wasn't smashed, stop exaggerating and scaremongering.
Why does liberty trigger you so hard?
Fact of the matter is most of these people marching want totalitarianism, they want the boot on their heads.
I learned today that Armalite = assault.
Produce. Your. Sources.
Haha. :p
show us where we destroyed the 2 a
tic toc
>Check. The. News.
You mean the very same News that constantly lie to us about literally EVERY other fact? Except the current date, sports results and the weather forecast - and I'm not so sure about these anymore.
Sure, there was a mass protest. And then what? What actually changed?
No they really haven’t
Despite media coverage, they’ve had zero impact on American culture. Gun sales went up, NRA memberships increased, and people became much more protective and aware of the rights granted by the second amendment
I dont care what your opinion is on anything faggot
No, this was your cherry picked highlight, that you try to force into a meme. The turning point was when David raised his fist and send shockwaves of hope through the American people, marking the point of a new beginning. You have to watch it live to know what it felt like. I am not joking.
They should get nominated for Nobel peace prize or at least win Time's person of the year
>No one ever had to defend their family with an assault gun.
How do you know this?
destruction =/= accomplishment
in the works like Trumps impeachment? so never got it.
It's over my fellow nazis, my trusted state owned newspaper informed me that Gonzales got TWICE as many twitter followers than the (((gun lobby)))
I almost thought your were serious. Now I know this is a YLYL thread.
Thanks Ahmed
Gun sales going up and NRA membership is rising is just a failed attempt at trying to produce a counter culture. This will plummet by the end of the evening. Unlike the anti-gun revolution, this is real and you saw that yesterday on the news, people were actually on the streets
Pathetic deflection