Is there any other anime post-2000 that's even close to being as good as this one?

Is there any other anime post-2000 that's even close to being as good as this one?

>that unique animation
>the episode structure
>the perfect ending

Is watching anime some kind of pissing contest to you?

Tatami Galaxy is only different because of the college setting. It's still garbage

Kaiba maybe if you want something unique.

I liked it. It's not a masterpiece but it was better than most anime from last few years.

NHK ni Youkoso is better.

Exact opposite of Tatami galaxy

While it's extremely different, Ping Pong is certainly better.

>It's still garbage
Nobody can help your here mate

Kaiba is probably in my top 5 as well. But I'm not as hardcore of a fan as most of Sup Forums so I've probably missed a lot

Uchouten Kazoku is the better Morimi work.

Saraiya Goyou, Uchouten Kazoku and Kyousougiga are all great and they all have similar kind of feeling to Tatami Galaxy and Kaiba in a way. They are very different sort of anime mostly but they all have that something I can't quite put my finger on. Katanagatari is also awesome and has great artstyle but it's relatively well-known so you've probably heard about it already.

Thanks! I'll check all of these out. I'm still trying to catch up on a lot of stuff after being out of anime for a while.

piece of overrated shit

Yoru wa Mijikashi Aruke yo Otome was pretty fucking enjoyable

>Is there any other anime post-2000 that's even close to being as good as this one?
If we're just talking TV shows:

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Anything else by Yuasa
Mawaru Penguindrum
Paranoia Agent
Abenobashi Mahou Shotengai
Gurren Lagann
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Uchouten Kazoku
Flip Flappers
Uchuu Patrol Luluco
Lupin III 2015
Haibane Renmei
3gatsu no Lion
Boogiepop wa Warawanai
Kuuchuu Buranko

Honestly, watch more anime.
Tatami Galaxy is good, but it's not some singular masterpiece, or even in Yuasa's top three.

Are you me? Holy shit, I've never seen anyone post anime list this long without one bad show.

Sick list bro what's your MAL

Go die you cancerous faggot.

Nice man

How else do you know what anime is good when butthurt mods delete every rec thread

>Gainax and Trigger shit
Holy manchild

I can't help but laugh whenever an Sup Forums user calls anyone a manchild.

>only different because of the college setting
and yet it never really uses it as each episode descends into a tangled hodgepodge of surrealist absurdism

Madoka, undoubtedly

Thanks for this! The stuff I have seen from this list like Luluco and Flip Flappers I also really like so I figure I'll like the rest

Shit, I forgot Princess Tutu, which might be better than everything else on that list. I always think it was made in '99 for some reason.

I only thought it was "good". The outcome was predictable and the overly surrealist presentation felt overkill for the simple message it wanted to convey which made the last few supposedly cathartic episodes feel underwhelming, I got a very strong "all that for that?" feeling when I finished this anime.

It should've been a movie instead.

>Flip Flappers
embarassing, watch more anime

Did you watch The Night is Short?

Not yet, I'm definitely planning on watching it though.

Guaranteed, I've seen more than you.

Oh wow, I didn't realize shitposters were putting flip flappers in the company of madoka and k-on now. I might have to up my opinion of it.

Out of curiosity, do you have a shortlist for pre-2000? I've seen pretty much only the big stuff (Eva, Bebop, most of the hyped Gundam stuff)

not a masterpiece
kaiba is good
true, but not a masterpiece
>Saraiya Goyou
>Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
>Paranoia Agent
>Haibane Renmei
>Kuuchuu Buranko

>Abenobashi Mahou Shotengai
>Mawaru Penguindrum
>Flip Flappers
>Lupin III 2015
>3gatsu no Lion
>Boogiepop wa Warawanai

>Gurren Lagann
>Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
>Uchuu Patrol Luluco

You should just go loo at a list of everything by decade, and pick out the ones that get mentioned all the time. Trigun, Lain, GitS.

Will you be the user to finally give me a real reason that Madoka is bad?

there is nothing to the show, just pretty colours and lesbians, classic pleb bait

shock factor, predictable plot twists, time resets, milking the cow

So, no. I'm disappointed again.

if those aren't good enough reasons for you you are cancer and your opinion is worthless

Try and tell me the designs, storyboarding, and animation aren't good. I'll give you story even, though I think the ending was better than people seem to give credit for.

If you're going to blame a Shaft show for milking the cow, Madoka is a very unfair target. It's one of the most profitable anime ever made, and there's only been one sequel film.

there are dozens of shows every year that have good animation and designs, they are worthless without good writing and characterization

Shock factor means, what? That you were mad it had a moment of surprise?
If you base your opinions on a show's twists, you're a pleb. Every good show should be rewatched at least three times, so a twist is irrelevant.
Time resets are neither inherently bad or good. You are so stupid it hurts.
"Milking the cow" You're literally claiming that things that occur after the show is made make the original worse. I have no time for your brand of retardation.

>there are dozens of shows every year that have good animation and designs
I think you actually believe this, and it's very funny.

>there are dozens of shows every year that have good animation and designs
Yeah, but you said all the show had was pretty colors and dykes.
Don't move the goalpost.

it's true, do you really think trash like Flip Flappers will become a classic? It is style over substance flavour of the month with no lasting appeal that nobody will remember in 10 years
pretty colours is a euphemism

I didn't claim it will become a classic. I just pointed out how funny it is you think there are dozens of shows a year with good animation.

>nobody will remember in 10 years
I see threads on /m/ about stuff like the Appleseed OVA and obscure MotW shows from the late 70s.
If it has even half-decent production values or ideas, otaku will remember it for decades to come. Including horrible stuff like SAO and Phantom World.

Here's what I don't understand about the Flip Flappers hate:
It's such an obvious labor of love by a first time director. It is so ambitious, it's fucking crazy. Does it live up to those ambitions? Haha, no fucking way, its final episodes completely fall short. But damn did it try. How can you not empathize with that?

there are

Name 24 from this year.

I can try really hard to rape your mother but nobody will empathize with it

oh sure the chroniclers will remember it (for being bad), I am talking about the 99% rest of the community (plebs)

Seriously? That was the best response you could muster?

if you replied, it was a success

Tatami galaxy really suffers from the story structure.
If it was 1 continuous plot where every episode was something different it wouldve been much better.
Also the dialogue is impossible to follow unless you're fluent in japanese.

baka desu senpai

I like how you named all the things that people really like about TG, and just said they were bad instead.

I didn't realize shitposters were putting Madoka in the company of K-On now

To be honest I was hesitant to include K-On in my post, Madoka is a lot better.

Surely you realize he meant shock value, one of the most common complaints against Madoka and Urobushit in general.

I don't understand what it's even supposed to mean. How is it a complaint?

>Time resets are neither inherently bad or good.

>a plot device is inherently bad
This is the level of intelligence I would expect of someone using a Sup Forums meme

If they were there would be more anime like that, except there isnt.
Theres 1 show with ridiculous amount of fast spoken dialogue called tatami galaxy and no one felt the need to copy it, probably because it sucks for the viewer.
Theres endless eight as an comparable example for same story structure but everyone hated it and dropped the show over it.

TTG's strong suit is having the director of Ping Pong doing it, I wish he used his talents on better source material.

actually out of K-On, Madoka and Flip Flappers K-On is the least shitty, it doesn't fall flat or betray it's premise and is pretty honest as a comfy otaku pandering show. It's more the fanbase that is cancerous for hyping it as a masterpiece (no moeshow is a masterpiece, kill yourself if you think otherwise)

Like I said

Explain to me how Madoka betrayed its premise. Did you actually believe it was just going to be a magical girl show?

Like anything a little different is good

>Haibane Renmei

Watching them would be a good start, you idiot. Do you really need your fucking social media sites to tell you what's good so you can watch something?

Not him but when a show is literally named "Magical Girl" can you really blame someone for thinking it's about magical girls?

Well they'd be right, because it is.

Yes I know. The guy I replied to was implying that it isn't.

Yes, those are great shows.

Post-2000 yes; post-2010 probably not

Of course they are, I was agreeing with user.

>Madoka is better
Jesus Christ how do you even type something like that while being fully conscious.

It's popular. What more reason do you need?

>hyping it as a masterpiece
The thing with K-on! is that it's just a really well constructed show all around. I don't think it's a masterpiece either, but it's a good example of typical anime done well.

Some are not as good, others are better and others simply different:

Poor's man EVA (aka RahXephon)
Fantastic Children
Heroic Age
The old Kino no Tabi
Now and Then, Here and There (technically before 2000, but only of a season)
Mugen no Ryvius (more or less the same as the one before)
Kemono no Souja Erin (long series, lack on quality, but still extrimely worth)
Jinrui (realtively recent, but people tend to forget it)
Paniponi Dash
Niea_7 (well, it actually is somewhat good)
Ghost Hound (more on the meh side)
Sora no Woto
Wandering Son
Hanasaku Iroha
Hibike Euphonium ( somewhat biased)
Hyouka (quite biased)
Tamako Love Story (less biased, the movie is actually quite good and you almost do not need to have watched the series)

>Hanasaku Iroha
That's some seriously good taste.

A lot of these are really shit

Which ones?

That's some quality insights right there, user. Good taste

Mindgame has many similar themes and messages as Tatamy Galaxy, but it's much more raw and expressive. You ought to give that film a try, OP.

Most of them

Some good taste in this thread.


>Now and Then, Here and There
I hate it. I hate it SO MUCH.
I'm usually pretty laid back about these sorts of things; obviously taste is subjective, and there are a is a lot of poor anime out there, but Soko ni Iru Boku is the only one that the mere mention of makes me want to tear my face off. I genuinely fail to comprehend why anyone would like it, let alone recommend it to others as "good."

Its one if my favourite animes, can't understand why someone wouldn't think it was good, please explain.

Ryvius is definitely worth watching, a great anime.

Also ghost hound was good, fans of the more atmospheric psychological shows will like it.

Now and then here and there I thought was awesome.

Boogipop phantom is great if your into surreal dementia stuff.

Wandering son also worth a watch.

Also gilgamesh is great, don't think many have seen it.

Has a nice cozy depressing vibe if your into that kinda thing.


Abe work need more attention, i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who likes his jobs

>Responding seriously to a rec thread
Hello nu-Sup Forums

He needs to get his shit animated or start drawing manga.l

I"m watching Walk On Girl right now and it's fantastic. I"m enjoying it much better than most of director's work since the pacing is excellent.

Was pretty good if you like sol stuff.

Really want to play this. Sounds awesome.

Art style is the only thing TTG has going for it. It's not enlightening, it's not heartwarming, it's not funny, it's not enjoyable in any way other than on a visual standpoint. I highly regret my time spent with it, thinking it would get better.