Vermont house just passed a bill raising age to 21 to buy, imposing 10 round limit , waiting periods, banning bump stocks, and universal background checks.
Senate is Democrat controlled and RINO gov will sign it.
Vermont house just passed a bill raising age to 21 to buy, imposing 10 round limit , waiting periods, banning bump stocks, and universal background checks.
Senate is Democrat controlled and RINO gov will sign it.
Not passed yet, third reading on tuesday
Call the governor or show up to his office in person or some shit on Monday
If Vermont falls then New England is fucked.
I swear, dixiefags need to show their pride more so yanks can get out.
>Shumlin shuts down gun control whining after Sandy Hook
>Supposed republican doesn't
this should act as no surprise to anyone
It's going to pass.
Send e-mails to Scott
>Republican Gov. Phil Scott said Thursday that lawmakers had done some good work on the bill and said he could see himself supporting a magazine limit depending the details of the provision.
that looks like tom hanks
VTfags blamin MA residents in 3...2..
fake blood, mass cas ex
Damn. Vermont confirmed as shit as canada
Vermont sucks, New Hampshire is better
what does this mean for the 30 round mags i have?
Why though? Why can't Republicans grow a pair? They always give in, inch by inch.
vermont is a prime example of a place with great gun laws and very little gun violence
everyone should call the VT sergeant at arms and tell them they are opposed ti this even if theyre not a resident.
if vermont starts getting stricter it can only go downhill for the rest of the country
any laberge fags here?
People that run for higher offices usually have this idea that if they appease as many people as they can they will stay there and maybe even move up to a bigger office.
Also R as an idea usually uses fact and data to have discussion about topics but people who disagree really just hem and haw about MUH FEELINGS and THE CHILDREN. Thus no sane debate can take place on the facts. People who debate facts are pushed out as heartless and we have a bunch of bleeding heart RINOs just saying "JUST THIS ONE TIME" thinking it will appease the feelings of people.
"Free" states finally realizing they won't be spared
>just move lol
What makes it better? Genuinely curious.
Shut up.
It’s not though. New Hampshire has a bunch of authoritarian jackboots in the state gov.
Once it starts, it never stops
“Now let’s see who Vermont REALLY is!”
*gasp* “It’s Old Man Illinois!”
And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!
The only surprising thing about this is that it took this long.
It means “30 round magazines? What 30 round magazines? I’d never own one of those baby killers, no xir.”
Whether that’s actually true or not, get used to saying that.
Nothing if you shut the fuck up about them.
You think some VT sheriff in the middle of nowhere VT is gonna give a shit about your 30rd mag when there's meth heads and heroin addicts causing trouble?
That's the crazy thing about VT, if it weren't for the meth and heroin problem. There would probably be single digit deaths involving firearms.
Comparatively, your junkies are saints because they can get anything they want for free. Place I lived, we didn’t give them shit. They’d break into the homes of the elderly, tie them up and beat them to death and pawn everything they owned.
Phil Scott's office phone: 802(not)828(spam)3333
Was about to post this. Give him a call and let him know. Don't e-mail, call. Nothing works like a call to some asshole politician's desk.
but realistically, what will happen? the range i go to is frequented by atf agents so i cant bring them there, and if i used them in home defense it would be illegal. are they gonna be grandfathered? there are so many hi cap mags in this state already
call the sergeant at arms too they have to hand deliver the message to the governor
Oi bruv, new Hampshire is holding up alright up here. Live free or die is still going strong, we just have to make sure everyone follows it
If they get banned, you fucking bury them, buy a bunch of 10 rounders or whatever the legal limit is and use those until some real shit starts going down. Keep one or two above ground for home defense. If you need to use them, just hide them before you call 911.
Just use them anyway. If they try to arrest you at the range, well cowboy we’re both packing guns.
what for? why the push for gun control? it's not like we have a serious violence problem. i just don't understand it. are the elite actually this paranoid?
i think it's more about ensuring that our equipment and combat power remain strictly inferior to that of government agencies or armed forces. you can join the army at 18, but you can't buy a weapon until you're 21. magazine capacity limits. no automatic weapons or any workarounds like bump stocks. universal background checks that will likely be at least as restrictive as the army's.
Lefties are going all-in after the Florida thing, but I think this is the beginning of a scheme to get teenagers voting rights.
Kindermord when??
no, i think this is the pattern:
>i think it's more about ensuring that our equipment and combat power remain strictly inferior to that of government agencies or armed forces
for the most part, i think this is how they do things. you can still buy the AR, but it will be effectively neutered by relatively poor ergos and a low-capacity magazine. if SHTF they can always issue high-capacity mags and you can cut that stupid plastic piece out of your stock. but generally, i think we'll be limited in such a manner.
>What makes it better? Genuinely curious.
The state motto is always there to remind NH residents of what their values ought to be.
so i don't expect the ar-15 to be banned. but i think we will see mag limits, bump stock bans, and stricter background checks. this is the outcome i predict.
> i just don't understand it. are the elite actually this paranoid?
Voting for gun control wins them votes and political power. What´s hard to understand about elites wishing to disarm the common man?
Vermont elected a literal Jew socialist as a senator so to pretend they weren't liberal shitfucks in the first place was stupid on your part
Styx is going to be pissed!
You've been selected for extinction lol, stop overthinking it. Your vote does not matter and you being armed is not desired in the future brown utopia.
Do you not remember the fucking mini Waco in Plainfield??
>Voting for gun control wins them votes and political power. What´s hard to understand about elites wishing to disarm the common man?
you know, whenever this happens, the media usually talks about the ar-15, we are threatened with an ar-15 ban, and so people buy ar-15s in droves hoping to be "grandfathered". if they really wanted to disarm the common man, why would they nudge us onto a standardized weapon platform?
Grandfathered under the text of the current bill.
The text says "unless possessed before the bill takes effect" and one of the reps pointed out that there is no real way to determine when someone had a magazine.
In Colorado you cant buy mags over 15 rounds (>implying) but you can posses them so people just buy them out of state. If this passes I think you'll see something like that.
If anyone asks, you don't own any, if someone asks about one your'e using, you've had it for years.
Maybe that retarded faggot will finally put on a shirt and stop being an edgelord then.
so my theory is that civilian disarmament is not the goal. their goal is simply to limit civilian arms to something strictly less effective, but compatible with and upgradable to military hardware. i won't fall for their feint and give my shekels to the NRA.
an "assault weapon registration" will go into effect and the media hysteria will die down, and decades from now it will be cited by brain-dead academics as historical evidence that gun control works.
oh please I think they're going for a full ban. Neutered would be putting it lightly. They're going to try and ban every single semi-automatic firearm
>an "assault weapon registration"
either that or just universal bans on high-capacity mags and decent stocks/grips
we'll see. it's just a theory. you can't look at what they're "going for", you have to look at what actually happens. they can disguise their intent, what actually happens is more interesting than what they say.
Maybe for now, but you're huffing paint if you don't think they only see that as a stepping stone to complete confiscation.
Do your part and kill those that don't want to live free.
they needed to go full-on OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN on vermont because it's status of constitutional carry and incredibly low crime rates completely threw a wrench in their narrative.
Honestly I never really cared about the NRA and thought they were fairly weak until their chairman came out with a speech where he basically named the jew and the jews kvetched hard. So they're 100% /ourguy/s and I renewed for the first time in forever.
i don't really know. it's hard to say what their actual intent is. is limiting ar-15 ownership their goal? threatening a ban every few years without following through seems like an odd way to go about it. ar-15 ownership has skyrocketed.
i'm not saying they don't want increased gun control. they probably do. but do they want an unarmed populace? i don't know. australia, the uk, and many others have effectively disarmed their populations. so your concerns aren't unfounded. it's very hard to say.
They constantly point to Australia as an example of what they want. I don't know how much bigger of a clue you need.
it's hard to say. gun laws are getting stricter, there's no doubt about that. the ar-15 is vilified constantly, the panic buying could simply be a side-effect that they're willing to accept as long as they can tighten the law.
They want full disarmament. Sometimes they're forthright about it, and other times they do liberal taqiyya and pretend they just want to stop at 10 rd mags or whatever. They take everything they can get and then use it as precedent to take more.
>its hard to say what the intent is of people that are telling us exactly what they want.
You are dumb.
>10rd mag cap
>mass shooting inevitably happens
>mental health checks, registration
>mass shooting happens
>assault weapons ban
>mass shooting happens
>semi auto ban, mandatory surrender
It will go on and on until the second amendment is altered or completely abolished, man. It's a long game strategy
Can I have some context?
Fuck this shit is scary. If VA is getting this bad, it's only a matter of time before MA gets worse.
Should I just start reporting my guns as stolen so that the police won't come looking for them when the bans happen?
it's not a theory, user.
No, they will definitely look into this if you report them stolen.
Gave him a ring and i'm in AZ.
>he fell for the pro gun leftists meme
Fuck this I'm pissed. I just moved to VT from a super gun-unfriendly state and I've been saving up at a part time job to buy my first gun, and now this bullshit happens. What kind of time frame can I expect before this goes into full effect? Also can't this be challenged legally? Isn't there something in the state constitution about the right to bear arms?
Show up in person.
Can you not search “Plainfield” and “Stand-off”. I’ve only lived here for a year and I read up on the history of local gov and law enforcement State Truppen smoked that WT boy in up in Canaan for no good reason.
Authoritarian tendencies.
Stop this. Don’t let Vermont become a cuck state, it’s the state with the highest amount of white babies born.
>he votes for a lefty that clained they're pro gun
They only care about your vote retard nice going
>people unironically live in the same state that elects socialists and somehow expected their guns wouldn't be banned
No, he's a shill trying to deflect.
That better have supposed to have been ‘rate’. If it is truly amount then I’m going to go hang myself from the railroad trestle.
Buy a stripped lower and a Glawk frame right now. Buy your magazines and other scary accessories later in NH if you have to. Fuck the police.
Becuase they are on the other side and are just putting up a fight for show, like a heel in wrestling. They want you stripped of your rights, enslaved and your daughters mated to nogs just like the left. they just don't want to pay taxes for it to happen.
If people want to stop school shootings, better security is the way to go, banning guns won't stop violence. Britain, Australia, France and more have banned all guns, yet murders and crimes are only higher than the period in which those gun bans were enacted. Jesus Christ, it's pretty scary to think that I could potentially be made a criminal over night for having done nothing at all.
So how do we bring the 21 age limit up to the supreme court to get it knocked the fuck out?
They're not higher than when the ban was enacted, but our crime rates fell more over the same time without a ban.
The whole world has been getting safer because idiots are on /k/ instead of hurting people.
Get 2 more justices in the next two years.
And Maine has both NH and VT beat.
My father went to college there and told me how kids would go down the streets with .22 rifles to shoot small game. If Vermont teens can’t buy ammo anymore, the state is lost.
It’s really interesting how the pistol age is 21. If the age limit goes to the supreme court, would they make pistols 18? I mean, these are legal adults that are being stripped of a right.
Here's how that would go:
>lower court upholds 2A infringing state level gun laws
>SCOTUS refuses to review the case
It will never be signed. The state has a constitutional clause that no gun laws can be enacted or something. This has been done before and signed and judges had ruled it unconstitutional.
but now that Obama appointees are in the judgeships you're fucked
holy fuck do something about this vermont
Are you wearing a shirt? I am under the impression nobody in Vermont wears a shirt.
Based states are falling by the wayside.
They’ll review the cases once Kennedy retires. He dosen’t want to do any more 2a cases since Heller.
What are the chances of this passing? Will the governor cuck like Rick Scott?
Maine and NH are the best states for gun owners and they aren't going anywhere