If I were Issei, I'd elope with Asia and breed her in a romantic way

If I were Issei, I'd elope with Asia and breed her in a romantic way.

>he doesnt elope with best girl

If I were Issei, I'd elope with Ravel and breed her in a romantic way.

that asia and xenovia doujin superb

If I was Issei, I would be sad that I’m not an alpha male.

>breeding with Maurice

If I was Issei, I would be scared shitless of all the crazy shit constantly going on.

i'm wondering if it's going to be shit because they switched studios

I'd probably just roll woth it
And get Ophis as a permanent bodyguard

If I were Issei, I'd make harem and make Asia into head wife.

If I were Issei, I'd start a thread with a better girl so it lasts more then 30 posts

Superior taste, user.

Now user, that is just rude. OP is an eleven, as shown by his shit taste. It is genetic, there is nothing he can do about it.

Even the nips have turned on Asia

Good. Washboards OUT!

How can the usless cunt Rossweisse be 2nd?

Probably for her T&A, which even I have to admit are impressive.

11s have shit taste.
What is new?

This motherfucker is the first MC I've ever seen fuck the girls AND the trap
What a mad lad

I will admit she makes anything she wears super sexy, i would probably say more than any of the other girls.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while

Agreed there.

>first MC I've ever seen fuck the girls AND the trap

Have you seen pic related?

Excellent taste.

The best thing about Asia is she's a Christian, hoping to be a nun, that was turned into a demon. Being nice to her is just plain wrong.

She should never even be allowed to be married, she should be kept as mistress #5, forever knowing that she's completely fallen into darkness. Oh how beautiful it is corrupting the pure.

Mah nigga!

Diodora stop samefagging and leave

Which character in this series would let Issei give the the BOOSTO and which ones wouldn't? Anyone wants to sling some pipe his way?