Have you ever purchased something because you saw it in an anime?

Have you ever purchased something because you saw it in an anime?

naruto headband

Dr Pepper because of Steins;Gate
Too sweet for my taste


I did

1/1 scale gundam

Which one?

A postwar version of a Kettenrad in poor condition.

I went to Tokyo just so I could buy shit I saw in animes

Yes character figures

Pokemon blue.

"Hescafe" instant coffee.

Mainly food.

I really want to buy a kotatsu because every anime family has one during Christmas and they look so comfy.

No, but I didn't because no one sells melon bread here.

Only because Japs don't have central heating.

Almost bought one of those air accelerators but Sup Forums memed me that they are shit

This shit. Also influenced by being subscibed to shironeko.

You are not living your winter correctly. Buy yourself a woodstove.
The visuals will warm you almost as much as the actual heat.

enjoy your cancer

Sorry, you should of course get yourself a chimney too.

Yes? I've bought my waifu and some other girls, though they're not as lively as in their shows.

It's a heater under a table. Make one.

Not like my life is worth it. I'll enjoy my cancer

Can't be worse than mine.

These never go on sales for odd fucking reason.

I'd love to buy one though.

Pocky and Ramen.

This. Now I'm hooked to buying various high tier headphones and amps/dacs.

Fucking Mio forcing me to waste thousands of dollars away.

Mio is not a cheap girl.

Accel shirt

Literally worse than the regular Korg Triton.


I ordered a lot of Pizza Hut when Code Geass was airing. I loved to polish off a box looking through my CC folder.

Yes I almost bought a hooker after watching UBW.

Fuck off brandon

Shimapan for boys


If I stuck my dick in one of those would it give me a blowjob?

You'd have better luck driving to the sea, standing on a dune and holding your dick into the wind.

I tried making a Prairie Oyster because of Cowboy Bebop if that counts.

Were these things really popular in Japan? I dont know anyone here who owns one.

Can't even tell you how many people I used to see wearing these at my high school.
They finally had to ban them.
In fact the only bans on specific franchise-related items I can remember from school are Beyblades, Naruto headbands, and Pokemon cards.
Americans are such fucking weebs.

yu gi oh cards
but I'm pretty sure that was the point of the anime in the first place

I went to Pizza Hut for the first time in years after watching Code Geass.

>Soy Sauce
>Different kinds of Rice

Things other than rare-ish "food" are either extremely expensive or unavailable on my cunt.

duel master cards, beyblades, yoyo, pokeballs and pokemon figurines, manga.

I started eating like Sword.

You're gonna die
Unless you're /fit/

Partially, but you can't safely chamber a contender in 30-06 so I did 45-70 instead.

I've bought a phone.


Why does she find a way like that?


i still purchase pizza hut
pizza hut is still my favorite pizza place

>t. netflix anime person

Maybe she has no signal

Pretty sure it's the gun from Fate/Zero

Did netflix add it to its catalog recently, or what?

from what


Workout gear. Various series spawned this.


>anything but

Correct, although kiritsugu's is slightly stylized, and 30-06, the canon clambering, exceeds the safe limits the contender action can tolerate.

Did you put a pickup behind the bridge

I have one. I bought it like 2 years ago, but haven't bought an adapter because I'm lazy so I haven't turned it on on winter. Also, can't you get sick from this shit since it's heating your lower half only?


Fuck off Sheldon.

That depends on how far you move your body into it.

Perhaps this is the root of the deadly nipponese cold

No, I've got a triple digit IQ.

You usually sit and have your lower half under the table, and upper half exposed, unless you have a coat or something, right?
If you get completely under the table, would that make it better or worse?

I'm from northern Europe, so I'm partial to superheated chambers.
People say it's healthy, and I wouldn't argue with that.

Kiritsugu probably reinforced it using magecraft


yeah, no regrets it's still my favorite camera

Broadcast towers?

That's like buying an apple product. You're a sucker, Harry.

That would literally be Gibson, user.

Im pretty susceptible to eating food I see in anime or TV. Something about seeing it on screen makes me want it. I've gotten into Japanese home cooking so I don't have to waste money at restaurants. As far as hard products over the past 13 years I've bought:
>the ath headphones p3 mc wears
>a randoseru
>bento boxes, handkerchiefs (these turned out to be really useful) >Japanese cooking supplies like a wooden drop lid, tamagoyaki pan
>a kotatsu (best purchase by far last year)
>2 ear piercings (modelled after a character but I had to let them close up)

The list probably goes on this is just what I can remember lately.

You never had soy sauce?


I once bought a Snickers.
Never again.

is that some kind of "better" version?

Alice to Zouroku?

I like to learn anime songs on bass or guitar.
Since sometimes it's hard for me to figure them out on my own, I buy the official tabs/music sheets for the music. I'm sure some japs have some sort of forum or aggregator where they share pirated tabs or whatever but since the sheet music is usually like a buck or so for official stuff it's ok.

Rip Dyson-kun

I forgot it was in an anime until I received it


>a randoseru

Depends on which part you watched, because yugioh was a manga/show before it was a card-game.




Seems really boring. Being forced to sit with your family all day, doing nothing

Really, i mean anywhere else wearing it wouldn't make people raise eyebrows but still...

>Also, can't you get sick from this shit since it's heating your lower half only?
I am pretty sure that's just superstition like 99% of all things Japs do and say.

Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.

Does this shit puck up a ton of dust? The idea is neat, but it looks like being so close to the ground and having that weird design will clog it in no time. Where does the air come out? Tiny canals along the rim?

>magical thermic paradigm of diseases
Where do you live user? Is being dumb widespread worldwide? Serious question, the people here think they get arthritis from taking a shower after ironing clothes.