>it sure was neat meeting you at the anti-gun rally user, I've had a really nice time with you :3
It sure was neat meeting you at the anti-gun rally user, I've had a really nice time with you :3
Other urls found in this thread:
But I'm off to meet my boyfriend Jamal. Here's my cable bill. Thanks boo!
It was really cool, I agree. Shame we couldn't stab more of these anti guns faggot.
Id never drink at a Starbucks.
Sup Forums tier thread you ultimate cringy cancer patient
My date with Jamal is kinda sudden. Do you mind watching little Tyrone, Janika, Jamika (my twins lol), Queenyisha, Tyrilla, Sha-naynay, Mkwekwe, and Fatimi for me for just a few hours. I think Jamal is the one.
>you will never go back in time and save august before the mind cancer got her
feels bad
>"w-wanna read some n-nietzsche with m-me user?"
tell her if she could fuck me with a stap after the really she can invite tyrone too if she wants too
>you will never go back in time and accept leftwing politics are the future for a progressive, participatory society and join auggie in a brighter tomorrow
>its so funny user when you mimic those rightwing goons
>I hope you don't mind Tyrone and Dequavius coming over while you're out watching avengers infinity war
Its so funny you guys keep saying this
When it turns out its the alt right that does this
Whats the deal with you guys and projection?
user, thanks for the coffee. I really like you. You're a nice guy, butt I'm just so confused.
More augfrogg ?
I'm a gen Z idiot that couldn't resist this thread. I think I'm on Sup Forums. Bump guys, politics is fun. I've designed a new flag what do you guys think?
more everything
>new flag
oh you
That's a man.
wew that body, lad
I remember exactly when I swore away leftism, I was listen to NPR in 2013 talk about the Trayvon Martin court case, I had been watching it live for a week and a half, amd the NPR station was completely spinning it.
I was also watching the Ukraine crisis unfold, I watched All Russian Roulette dispatches and consistently heard the news get it wrong and spin.
Couldnt go back after that. Because the Russia crimea narrative has been the lynch pin for the Democrats for the last 5 years, I havent had a place.
left girls do tend to have them
thicc MAGA women are also pleasing, and are more willing to give you white children
>it sure was neat meeting you at the gunshow user
Yeah, no problem. Wanna go back to my place?
>proceed fucking her brains out
>stomp her out of the house
>never contact her again
they quickly turn to fat and have low IQ because of their poor diets and environmental poisoning
What was Crimea really about and what was the democrat spin?
I now just replace Russia with CIA to understand American news
Depends on the woman, but I take your point.
Those thinner leftist women already have lowered their IQ, so it's a race to ignorance by women in general?
>already have lowered their IQ
>smarter, capable of a debate more complex than "da j00s!", creative and artistic, and in college
>I'm going to church tomorrow since it's Sunday, would you like to come with me?
>be me
>on the way to the range
>got a new AUG to break into, two barrels to chech, a whole bag of ammo, and my trusty P220 by my side
>There is a mass of people on the streets. shouting something, carrying some banners
>probably Trump tweeted again, lol
>thank god I cut myself off from social media after election.
>Suddenly I walk upon a grill
>qt, but she's fucked, hysteric, wailing on the floor something about killing children
>other people are just moving around her, ignoring her, fuck up world
>I walk up to her, talk her up, talk like to child
>shes hysteric
>lifter her up, ask her if she is ok like 10 times
>she starts calming down, I guess she just needs attention
>do you need water? I ask her
>she acts kind of dazed but nods
>I take her to the nerby starbucks and get her cup of water, shes shaking so I put the top on it, dont want her to spill it
>Keep talking slowly at her, untill she finally calms
>Time is running, and my AUG is not gonna shot itself. Guns are useless without people you see, they are just tools
>Damn I cant wait, it always was my favourite bullpup, it's gonna be so sweet, It was expensive af, but totally worth
>She suddenly puts her head in her hands turns to me with an awkward stare and says
>"it sure was neat meeting you at the anti-gun rally user, I've had a really nice time with you :3"
She looks bored out of her mind.
show benis
>creative and artistic
women are incapable of being either
>in college
>Christ, the gospel, theology, homesteading, natural health, nature, Scripture music, hymns, activism for Constitutional government
>I consider myself Reformed Baptist. I want a life of living for God by His grace, even if it's hard because of going against the flow of the God-rejecting culture we live in. I dream of someday homeschooling, being a natural health counselor, helping my future husband with ministry, and perhaps having a small farm. I want a husband to stand beside whose views I can support and who is humble, knows and loves Christ, is kind and courageous and active in service to God through the strength of Christ, not someone who is caught up with the things of the world. I want a husband who is a deep thinker, caring about what is true and what is worthwhile in life. I'd be happy to get to know someone without assuming right away that we'd get married. :)
>I love the outdoors and seeing God's creation. I love homemaking stuff like healthy cooking, canning, etc, as well as raising and growing a bit of my own food. I've been shy much of my life but God and His people have helped me tremendously. People refer to me as sweet; I'm not sure why :) and I think one of my faults is being too agreeable. I use the KJV or NKJV because they were translated from the Received Text, not the Critical text, and so was the Geneva Bible and other early translations. Probably my favorite things to do are talking with real Christians about Christ, thinking about God, reading, and listening to sermons as I drive. I used to be so apathetic toward God in my heart even though I was following God to some extent, but He has worked in amazing unexpected ways and brought me into closer blessed fellowship with Him. I am seeing more and more that regeneration and sanctification are His work, and His love is so wonderful to me.
I’m a Fresh Movement Christian and a grill. We have accepted that Jesus has intercourse with prostitutes including Mary Magdalene. He enjoyed the pleasure of the vagina and promoted physical pleasure of the flesh as an escape from the physical suffering of life. This was covered up at the time due to the conservative attitudes present. Now however we are confident with the modernisation of attitudes on earth, people will come to free themselves with Fresh Movement Christianity, and the vast primal sexual life of Jesus Christ.
she has that "i am agony" SJW look
Crimea opted to side with Russia after Obama and Clinton state department fomented Ukrainian upheaval of the elected Ukrainian government. Russia offered better Gibbs,. Russian interests in their deepwater port and energy hub for their natural gas infastuctre. Crimea has been a Russian strategic necessity for something like 500 years.
No idea who this Aug woman is but I get this horrible feeling looking at her that she is perpetually awaiting her next bump of cocaine.
thats a man
triggered by the truth
You think that is the hurdle here and not going to an anti-gun rally?
>That's a really interesting shopping cart. What's it like to be homeless?
Are traps gay?
Why the fuck would I go to an anti-gun rally?
*shows famine benis*
>Jewish trap confirmed
>You have to go back in time to accept left wing politics
>falling for the vaginal jew
it's just a wet hole.
david hogg tweeting out that he doesn't have facebook
seems unlikely
what's weird - nobody knows his birthdate
perhaps he had a facebook, and deleted it, so he could be presented as < 18 so they have a rationale to remove all criticism of the fag
B-e-a-utiful user
This is the mistake I keep making. I usually recoil at the stupidity of libtard events and avoid them. But these libtard events draw young stupid women. So I should go an play the part to score a QT woman. They generally turn conservative and drop their bullshit after they have kids. Plus they will gradually redpill from just being around me. I need to exploit these events like they exploit children and stupid people.
I'm a grill too :3
Hmmm, the Austin bomber didn't have a FB either.
t. incel
odds yes
evens no
prime directive: maybe
Die in a fire commie
oh balls. if the balls don't touch then it's kosher
holy shit even though she's got blue eyes all I can think of is mutt. That just dead stare into the void, someone's whose descendants are just going to race mix until they look like oblivion
Where is she now?
nah,but there are more important things.
you shouldn't base your life on serving the vaginal jew
Enjoy your right wing fatties. I'll stay here with my yoga girls who take nutrition and exercise seriously into their 50s
Commie slut
auggie dump thread
when you shoot and the mohel still sucking
fucking kikes i swear
why is she so perfect anons
Sage this shit said the joo to the spic
Sage this shit said the nigger to the spic
Sage this shit said the kike to the jew
kidnap the jap
We will build a brighter and more prosperous future in spite of you and your ilk's best efforts.
Because you like guys but not penises?
I bet you think these girls are cute too
this cunt is soo HOT
if only a nigger was inside her
roast beef flaps are seasoned
>kike to the jew
The true gaze of satan
because you're a fucking soyboy with soyboy tastes.
back to your tranny porn you worthless faggot
Except the left literally wants a darker future.
They really are not worth it. Leave them to their future cats.
you're just mad I claimed this fine leftyfu
B-but what I like in xher is xheir girly-ness...
Luckily they're at Target. Or do you think Starbucks has shopping carts.
Ok, were done. I'm going to find a nice gay man to fuck me in the ass now because even getting fucked in the ass by a rough trick names Shaun i'll still be less of a faggot than you bitch.
>already have lowered their IQ
they're the ones doing something that is clearly working out for them and giving them affirmative action in the work place
it's not stupid, just wrong
more women in college than men user
yeah, guys are better but it sucks that they have dicks
A lot of targets have Starbucks in them ya dunce
Does feminist study count as collage?
you look like a bitch
is that the SJW from trump's inauguration who got BTFO by the infowars guy?
sauce on this semen demon?
>tfw this soiboi faggot is the one that gets to fuck her
august west