Houseki no Kuni

user kun.....dia is going to wake up in less than 24 hours, what will you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you even have to ask?

Leave her to the many other Anons who want her and go find the gem that gave her that fashionable outfit in the first place.

Who care about Dia? We're getting the Jade butt animated, that's what matters

Tell her Antarcticite is dead.

Do you think the anime will be able to be as lewd as this?

>prefers Jade to Dia

You're a gay

After naked Euclase, this is nothing

Everyone in the Houseki threads is a gay Russian fujo unless proven otherwise

Wait wut? Didn't you know that we Sup Forumsnons here are all moonies?

But user, none of the gems give a shit about Antarc, they were all asleep while Antarc was solid.

Add to the picture:
Early Phos gf
>Jobless aimless NEET
>Funny and cute
>Obnoxiously annoying
>Funny and cute
>Catastrophically accident-prone
>Funny and cute
>Oops you died horribly from caring about Phos
PTSD Phos gf
>often calls you by the name of her ex
>you've never seen her sleeping
>"not now, Antarc, i have work to do"
>"i-i am cute again! l-look, i am not pretending!"

This is the true tragedy of Antarc's death, only Phos gives a shit.


I want pictures!
Pictures of moonies!

It will be a sad Christmas for me.

I am offended that you'd call me a Russian.

Why is Cinnabar crying?

Here's a nice moonie

She entered the Hot Topic shop without her wallet.

I'm not prepared for this

thingken of life

t. butthurt Ukrainian


That's even worse.

Yea right Lunarian scum

Nice try, Lunarian

No need to have a sad Christmas, user!
If you are here with me, and in the threads you won't have to suffer alone!

Phos, or some say Phossu

My dick is.

Thank you user, sigh..
Are you a Russian?


How is that even connected?

Nope, sorry user, I'm Mexican.

I'm rewatching this episode for the 6th time but it always gets me, this scene is so cute.

lick her forehead gently

Ah, I see. Thank you once again, user.

Why do some sub groups translate with male pronouns?

Because that is the correct way.

Because gems speak in masculine terms to balance out their feminine forms and stress their genderlessness.

woah woah, do you have a permit for posting a Jade that cute? You realize you could induce heart attacks.

Because that's correct. They also clearly call each other brother.

If it makes you feel insecure about liking them or whatever, it doesn't change anything about their genderless bodies. They're never going to be canonically male or female, and they themselves would not understand what masculinity or femininity means.

>never going to be canonically male or female
What about Phos becoming a human boy?

10 years and still mad

Does anyone have a comp of Phos's facial expressions?

A quack shouldn't be so sultry.

Why is Rutile so sexy? I can't handle it.
I want to lick his legs.

no but i do have


I want to do lewd things with this quack's back


Futaba must be having a blast with this show.

At last, I though Phossy is gonna be ignored.

Hot DAMN, Rutile is sexy, and I don't even care that I'm saying that about a rock.

>Peri wearing a Chinese dress
>that Nepti smoking a cig
>that other Peri wearing a Morrigan outfit


I've got time for a few requests this morning if you all wanna throw some at me. Might even do lewd depending on the request.

top kek.

We really, REALLY need a proper Genki Phos kissing/SEKSUing Cinnamon pic.

Early Phossy with gemboobs.

Combine these.
Phos x Cinna w/gemboobs.

Do cute moonies (making out), please

Please draw Bort in casual clothing.

I'd love some gem dicks if you're willing.

Red Beryl dressing Rutile.

ANGERY Watermelon Tourmaline going biri biri on someone's ass

Benito having a yugioh duel with other gems.

Someone, give link to episode 8 ending, i haven't watch it for 3 days because i am no on pc, and YouTube doesn't have it either, i NEED to watch it again!

Cinnabun lewdly oozing mercury down Phos's throat.

>YouTube doesn't have it
With lyrics, even

Taking on your offer, can you do one of Red Beryl wearing any kind of lewd lingerie? Maybe even a red babydoll
If anything, a regular Red Beryl in casual clothing would be great, thanks a lot!

Didn't know it has a name.

Sexy Lapis wearing jewelry made from the other gems.

red alexandrite with MGR raiden's jawpiece and eyepatch.


Why do you two always MGRfags post in doubles all the time?

That makes me even more sad since text fits both Phos and Antarc.

I just rewatched the series a 6th time and I still keep crying to that scene of Antarc's bed while Liquescimus is playing, someone hold me.

>somebody saved my Jade

It's a very cute Jade, user!

I got sad with Antarc's "death" in the manga, but I got even sadder in the anime, even if I knew it was coming. It was pretty well done.

Compliment the hair i guess?

Antarc is thicc


I spend so much time eye raping Rutile and Frostyboy's butt that I never realized how expressive Jade is. On the next watch cycle, I'll look at her closely.

>that last face
Das it mane

This is the procession of faces she makes when Euclase goes down on her.

They do such a great job with the fight scenes. That sheer desperation in both Antarc's battle and Phos's attempt to rescue fucked me up.

>Rutile just violated the the first tenant of the Nuremberg Code

Rutile is definitely one of my favorite characters, and I'm glad she gets as much screen time as she does. Jade is just so expressive all the time though that she stands out in my heart.

human ethics long ago disappeared, along with knowledge of what waterjugs are

While we are on the topic of discussing Jade, I will post this since her VA sang this amazing song a long time ago.

Gem boobs are off-limits.

That's lovely.


Sugoi! Thank you, drawfriend!
>Gem boobs are off-limits.

>phos then needed to have her mouth chipped, but she thought "that was worth it"


oh my

>Antarc theoretically can still be repaired
>early Phossy died and will never return
Who even gives a fuck about water.

cut off the arms, legs and head, glue artificial Phospho, there we get genki Phos back