Swedecucks march against 2nd Amendement

Why do Swedecucks think they can meddle in foreign affairs? Don't they have their own problems to take care of?


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Yeah ok for the guns but what about grenades ?

Same thing in Copenhagen and several other European capitals (London, Berlin etc)


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The decline of organized religion hasn’t removed the primal human need to gather in groups with rituals, creeds, and a shared enemy.

Most people in the western world are confused, alienated and struggling with an inferiority complex due to social media addiction.

These rallies allow people harvest a sense of meaningfulness and joy from the illusion of being part of a cause. Don’t look for logic; this is on the emotional level.

Sup Forums BTFO by based Sweden, once again

This marsch is arranged by an American. He might get a few people involved since he is in the most liberal city of sweden. Most people here have bigger problems to worry about.

Can you find any photos of the event at local media. Couldn't find any thanks

The ordering principle has shifted from man and god to the crowd and state

>arranged by an American

Kill them, make an example.

Hello meme flag cianigger

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>no guns more cum

You mean Swedes like Barbara Lerner Spectre?
It's the same (((european style socialists))) in both countries that are pushing this anti-gun shit. But you know that already, being one, gnomesayin, mr. Memeflagstein?

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There are plenty of native Swedes too. Swedecucks are extremely Americanised they follow American politics consume American media.

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they are not protesting against rapes in swimming pools. not against grooming gangs and no-go zones...not against very light sentences that rapist and murderers get. not against grenades.....not against what is happening with farmers in sa.

they are protesting right of other people to defend them-self. what a total puppets.

maybe they demonstrate against ownership of grenades

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No that would be racist because all those grenades are owned by muslims immigrants not White males



Mauve someday leftists will understand that you can't give something that is not yours.

you're glowing

Is Sweden tampering in our elections

swedes think they are americans since they just consume the same media/entertainment.

Modern Swedes are extremely Americanized it's sick

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Words can not describe the embarasment I feel right now. Sorry yanks but our people are retarded and should be put to sleep.

90% of swedish politics are their attempt at being as cool and relevnt as us

>should be put to sleep
Then anally raped live on Facebook

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Ugh, who wears buttoned collars with a tie? Can you please give him a proper collar?