World Cup 2018

So now that we know Japan's group for the World Cup, when can we expect more football anime to take advantage? Mai Ball! needs an anime already. Better luck next time USA.

As always Japan won't make it so enthusiasm will be low.

With this joke of a group you'd think they'd have a chance but you're probably right. At least we'll get more German waifu fanart when they inevitably win it again.

I don't think it's a joke at all. I see Poland as stronger and last I checked Colombia is at least as "good" as Japan if not better, I don't even remember the last time I saw Japan play a good game but I've not seen a football game in years.

Will we ever see another spectacle like 5pa1n and Bra7i1 again?

the world cup is my favorite anime
the actors aren't very good but the plot and character design is cool
I'm excited for this next season

Poland and Columbia will beat japs easly.

Japan will get out of that group easily, They're all one star man teams.


They held Belgium to a 1-0 defeat which is very impressive.

It's like Morocco is destined to be the protag.

El peru/a/no


Can anybody stop them?

Drug testing?

It actually seems like those tests are politically charged, so I wouldn't put it behind them to actually bar the team, or at least cripple it to the point where they wouldn't be able to compete anymore.


>Drug testing
>in Russia
Not a chance.

We're invading Russia, the US is the only thing that can stop us and they already committed suicide. Alternatively Italian incompetence but they also committed suicide before becoming a problem. Now it's only about not tripping over ourselves and getting stuck in the mud.


>germany and mexico in the same group
Damn, any chance mexico goes out of that group ok?

Easy pickings for japs, Colombia might be a problem but they should hold them off.

Was this the memest world cup of all time?

Sup Forums vs /jp/

>They're all one star man teams.

Yeah sure, like the last WC


>somehow Poland is not the problem here




Much better.
For ms paint, that's fucking impressive.

>a world cup without italy and netherlands


Are there any other manga that combine cute girls and the beautiful game? Seems underused. Considering Inoue was watching the draw, how likely is Mai Ball to take advantage of the hype?

Not a burger in sight, all is right in the world.

Feels bad as Dutch bro.

>a world cup without italy
It's glorious isn't it? I wish I could see the scorned faces of all the fucking guidos and ginos I had to put up with in HS. The icing on the cake is that there are a bunch of shitskin countries in the running in their place.

Sad, isn't it? Well, there is always Iceland.

>a bunch of shitskin countries in the running in their place.
Like who? Spain?

Oh come now. Argentina is white, everyone knows that. Now she looks like she's from Sweden or something


I hope that Costa Rica could make the same performance that he did in Bra7i1, but i won't count on it


>Broken Brazilians

>watching soccer/football

>Netherlands and Italy out
>Sweden and motherfucking Iceland in

I immensely enjoyed the Iceland-England match in European championship games but come on now.

The swedes are even more surprised by the situation. They assumed the italians would steamroll them, and thus went to bed instead of watching the game.

that's what they get for sucking though

It'll be a toss up between Colombia and Japan, the one to watch is gonna be Russa vs. Uruguay, not because Russia's got a good team but because russia will likely bribe the referees to look the other way while russians attack uruguay players with steel chairs.

What the actual fuck? What about Milik and Piszczek for Poland? I think Grosicki played well also in qualifiers. And Bacca, Cardona and Sanchez are pretty good too, Bacca used to be somewhat of a star at some point too. Also, Japan has no real stars either. You could say Kagawa and Nagamoto but really that's it.

Will Peru try his best?

That's fucking disgraceful. They are my two favorites too and I was planning to go and see them play but fuck that WC now.

Peru will get raped by the Emirate of France

they'll probably end up 2nd though because Denmark a shit

Germany got the group of death again, like every world cup! This is so unfair!

Please. That's the least they can do to have a chance against Suarez' deadly bites.

This world cup was such a blast to watch live. Sucks that the time zone difference in burgerville is going to make it a lot harder to watch the games live.

Most beautiful webm ever made.

How is that a group of death? Sweden got lucky to even be there and Korea will struggle not to get eliminated. Mexico is the second best of that group and they're really no match for Germany.


>Group full of nothing threatening.
>Know we're still going to fuck it up anyway.

TSUUU man will lead Portugal to a world cup

Who cares, Spain and Germany has already won everything what's worth winning. Let's see somebody else do it for a change.

Just a stupid meme. Commentators in Germany were always complaining in the past.

Sweden usually plays a lot better than their seeding indicates. They're no Iceland but they'll give both Mexico and Germany a struggle. Groups D and E are going to be more competitive anyways.

t. 56%

Well, they play well enough when they have Z there to run things. Let's just hope he doesn't completely break before the cup.

If you're english, then Belgium are pretty good, and Panama has meme magic on their side so be careful

Inoue's footy-im@s made me want some manner of alternate-interpretation-im@s (think Xenoglossia) where our dear aidoru kick balls.
Haruka gets tasked with registering an idoling club, but the posh girls highschool already has so many clubs for that. Haruka has brain problems and registers a soccer club instead.
Kotori's their phys-ed teacher, and she brings in her husband P-san, a professional. (In some touching flashback it gets revealed that he broke an ankle and only came back because he saw Kotori play and instantly fell in love with her, and the ball again. Cue badass training montage.)

Cue standard episodes of getting to know aidoru and what the fuck ball-kicking is about. At some point they manage to get a team together and play a friendly match with a neighboring school's footy club. The neighbors naturally jog all the way to the game, and back.
The aidoru get thoroughly humiliated by the neighboring school's B-team, losing with 7-1 (ideally a penalty shot set by a pissed Iori, which is so weak and terrible the goalie just lets it past to rub it in).

Cue summer camp, Chihaya wants to quit the club but P-san convinces her to think it over, she doesn't go with them to camp though. Summer camp is basically hell on earth. Everything the aidoru thought they learnt was untrue and they had to unlearn and relearn. They're all fucking worn out after summer and variably want to quit, only to meet up with Chihaya who is now ever so passionate, having turned from a plank to a lover.

>too long, the rest in another post

In a separate OVA: Chihaya's brother is not dead but Chihaya has her autism (so they never speak) and wanted to become an aidoru so she could speak to him. On the first day of summer vacation she blurts out that she quit the soccer club only to then find out her kid brother (beyond being not dead) is an enormous soccer otaku (and reasonable player). They talk more in that day than they do in a whole year. She spends every last day training, playing or just watching. She does all sorts of alternate ball games and ends up having to tell the local boys not to go easy on her.

In the second cour there's more training and trying to keep the autistic genius on the same wavelength as the others. At the end they play another friendly with the neighbors who quickly realise it's go time and put real pressure on. After their craziest ninety minutes the aidorus are defeated by one to nil, but act like they won the world cup.

Feels fucking bad man, even though both of them have an in-between generation of jobbers.

>Both Buffon and Robben retired with their NTs being unable to qualify for a World Cup

Well, at least Gigi has one championship. I feel so bad for Robben, they deserved to win in 2010.

>English Oujo-samas

>Not following rugby and the Ashes Cricket.

>not wanting Americans yelling USA to riot in the stands

Nobody here even gives a fuck about the World Cup, but if we were in it we’d go all out

>The Ashes
Please no.
But why is there no cricket anime? A nice comfy SoL with classy ojous sitting around having tea while the rest get bowled off screen would be great.

>Implying that they don't follow every sport that is played in 'Muh Royal Empire'


I want to shoot my balls into anzu.

If they somehow get out of the group I guess the government will declare another holiday

all me

>Poland will destroy Japan

Can't wait for fanarts.

It's like they made a pact with the devil or something. This is once in a lifetime shit.

That's some high functioning autism but I'd watch it. After Leicester went and memed every ridiculous cliched underdog story into real life I can't turn my nose up at sports manga anymore.

Shit team

Fuck off.

Italy? Netherlands? Brazil? Which one is it?

my sides are ready

I wouldn't mind Giant Killing S2. The original series aired in year of the Vuvuzela Games, though, and didn't receive a new series during the last World Cup, with so I doubt it's happening.

Are we living in the new age of Japanese soccer? Will the Damashii be enough this time? Why are asians so bad at this sport there's millions of them

>there's millions of them

Because there are millions of other people too.

Who urugu/a/y?

>No good Chinese players
>No good Indian players
>No good American players
Three of the biggest populations on Earth contribute absolutely nothing to the sport, they can't even qualify with FIFA's help. You'd think by now they would have at least produced one decent player between them.

The core football countries just have such big head start.
It's hard to compete when the other countries have much better leages and player base. It doesn't matter a whole lot that your country has a huge amount of people if all the players are not up to par with the best.


no european genes, just see the FIFA ranking, all the top 20 teams are either European or european colonies.

That's because Europe has a football culture.
America has a baseball/(A)football and basketball culture, despite having plenty of European genes.

Burgers would probably have great players if they actually focused on developing their youth in footy. The problem is most kids would rather play any of the other major pro sports because there's a lot of money to be made in them, especially in baseball and basketball. What you're left with is a couple of talented players on the USMNT but they're basically the leftover athletes. If someone like Lebron or Michael Phelps spent their youth training for soccer, the team would be a lot better.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are basically the same, calm down.

It still hurts.

americans just tend to suck at sports where they can't just send big fast niggers and dominate.

In Europe Something like every other kid gets tossed into footy school at some point between 5 and 10 years of age. In nothern Europe the rest get tossed into hockey school. Most of them fall out after a couple of weeks, I did, after having no idea what my parents wanted me to do there. Those who stay get distilled another couple of times. Out of the hundred kids sent by hopeful parents, only one or two make it into any league when they grow up.

Hopefully tie against the first, and beat the other two somehow?

who /groupF/ here?