How many of us are there I've met quite a few outside of my branch.
Australian-Lebanese in the ADF
Fuck off poofta
fuck off poofta
>t. enl*sted peasants
we need another cronulla m8
You wouldn't say that to me in real life.
bump habibi
of coruse not m8 id be crossing the road when i saw ya
Good goy fear is natural when confronted by an alpha.
you aren't australian if you add a hyphen you filthy immigrant wog
kill yourself and see if any Australian turn up at your funeral.
More Australian than you'll ever be Bruce. I'm serving my nation you're on gibbs waiting for a VB sale.
i really want to fuck that
I'll actually give you sauce if you get some noice digits.
Why do they have to make the ADF recruitment adds so cringey/gay. Like as if its some normie casual bro job.
Isnt the military supposed to be a hardcore bad ass mother fucker thing?
Makes no sense to me.
The ADF ads would make you think the military is some kind of meme
They should start doing adverts like the Chinese/Russians do, make it actually look like a military, not some glorified trade job.
listen you filthy brown turd polisher, you aren't "serving" anyone but your pocket and the politicians and you know it.
the blue and green shirts here are scum, you are all welfare queens that obey fat bald pedophiles in a pyramid in canberra.
nothing more.
because they want the dumbest people.
Because you have to try to appeal to normies you're not recruiting Spartans you know. And yes to a big degree its a job like any other but it also is a lifestyle. If you understood the logistics of our nation's military capability better you'd understand why they're presenting it so but that's a great question one I asked the recruiters tbqh.
Tl;dr all I got from this is you're angry your gibs payments aren't in yet. Quick liquorland have a sale!!
Sauce awaits you.
It seems like that.
IF you watch ADF recruitment videos and informational, the only people who seem war-ready and soldier-like are the SAS/Commandos, everyone else seems like some slow cunt that doesn't even know that they have to actually kill shit if they get into a war.
Not at all lmfao.
60% of troops deployed overseas atm are infantry and armored vehicles operators the other 40% are logistics and office jockeys. No one sends in their elite units to war you ninny they send them in for delicate operations for e.g Bin Laden, training local forces (in Syria and in Africa) to fight terror cells etc..
Again I understand your PoV and urge you to further understand our armed forces' capabilities before judging it so harshly.
I guess you in the midst of it all so you actually know what goes on.
Just saying from the outside it doesnt look like a bad ass military.