>Blocks your path
What do you do, Sup Forums ?
Blocks your path
Other urls found in this thread:
Use fist.
Fist her.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away. I don't associate with freedom hating leftist cucks.
>those digitals
Looks like she's wishin' for a fistin' indeed
her eyes are screaming for an alpha male to fuck her and her politics will change to whatever his are.
>you're too much of a sissy faggot to use your fists lol
women enforce gender roles
Deck her
knock her out and then piss on her
So what I see here is:
1) Someone using a gender stereotype to put a point across
2) Someone who likely argues that there are no genders, gender is a social construct
3) Someone saying there is such a thing as a "real man", which is sexist.
I can't do these mental gymnastics.
Tell the niggers that
Puke on her stage
Then fist her like she was Leah Dunham’s sister
The nose knows
I like a woman that knows what she wants. Now how does she want me to use said fists?
Call her a Jew and watch her recoil
Degenerate looking to get her vag fiated, while protesting firearms on the back of a school shooting.
I am disgusted.
Check out the beak on that kike.
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Beat her up with my fists and ask her if she wishes she had a gun now.
You're the only idiot here or just stale trolling.
If I was black, I unironically would mug white girls at night.
Especially in places like San Fran or Austin.
A) 115lbs womlets
B) Lots of money in cash
C) wear hoodie
D) liberal girls don't own guns
Newfag detected
So does she promote masculinity and patriarchy or something? Either way, no. You don't want to be left with your fists when you're on a council estate full of wogs who're chasing you with guns.
lol Yes.
They say real men is a social construct
if its a social construct how are we supposed to defend ourselves with fists if a mere women can also identify as a real man?
>Meme flag
It's like pottery
fuck a more attractive girl
Most contructs (if not all) don't use weapons.
Explain that real women stay at home while obeying their husbands and have no risk of being shot
Shoot her.
>Clears your path
..oh and then laugh at all the retard shit she will try to do to get my attention after its too late.
Beat her with a sock full of D batteries then laugh "Use your fists" as I get shot by security.
Punch her in the face
Ask her why she thinks black men aren't real men and if she condones slavery
Welcome to Sup Forums
Remember your here foever.
Any man who listens to the opinion of women as to what constitutes manhood is, by definition, not a man at all.
>What do you do?
Wake up.
Cause i dont have that shit in my country.
(((REAL MEN)))
>bringing a fist to a gunfight
Invite her out for a dinner so I can later fuck her. Anally.
>women are allowed to be sexist
>Jews are allowed to be racist
Plz go back
Imagine being this new.
Show her this video and then tell her to either accept the fact that her movement is full of shit or get the fuck out of the way.
For thread discussion here on video related.
Fist that bitch
>fist her. deep
>Sven comes to the aid of a fag with the I was only pretending to be retarded defense
Also, they won’t report the crime to remain in solidarity with minorities
Dios mio....
Obviously a kike.
ban hands
Start using my fists and feet. We have more than just fists, but this bitch is a stupid roastie cunt who can't be expected to know more than 1+1.
Not young enough
Your time is coming ...
> What do you do, Sup Forums ?
Fist her ass ofc.
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
can not be more perfect!!!
>6 foot 200 lb tyrone suddenly appears to get in that ass
>just use your fists to defend yourself
kek'd and checked
Force her on gunpoint to give a blowjob.
I dont conform to your definition of manliness
Cum on her face with my high capacity assault penis.
You do realize this makes you the new fag right?
fucking newfags , kill yourselves
Shoot her
Call the cops. Have them use guns. Complain that they aren't real men. Call the cops to arrest the cops. Watch gunfight between cops.
almost as retarded as your ideology
yeah well, I never thought that particular meme to be extremely funny. but that's just my HO
>volveremos a pasar
La falange murio con Jose Antonio
Real men don't listen to women.
Yeah but if we use fists, you'll get mad too, so whatever.
Except in this case, it does apply. The "but then you'd be facing the same direction" is very much part of the meme.
Now fuck off back to r*ddit.
Well, she asked for it.
((( it )))
Since here in the states it's illegal to block my path, I literally assert my physical size and push myself through her and her friends.
Hopefully they'll chimp out and I get an excuse to go full chad on these nerds
Only in America
They'd go with it
>'Why do I need all this money my husband makes? He can make more''
>Since here in the states it's illegal to block my path
is that a thing? I mean I saw like dozens of SJW vids where they chimp out and block entrances, yet nobody dared to kick them aside...
It's considered kidnapping if they continually block your path. A lot of normal people in the states are respectful, so they don't bash these kids out because they know the're just fucking retarded right now.
also police presence and most of the time, if liberals are blocking something big enough to get media coverage, anyone who needed those buildings already aren't there.
Only people there are the protestors/antis
Just fell for the oldest troll in the book.
What to know who is pushing this? I believe billionaire Johann Rupert let the cat out of the bag.
They fear the poor uprising.
She'll get that reality check when her fists are useless against her rapist.
yeah... ok, 'cos I wa always wondering about that... masses of normies and few idiots block entrance and nobody does a shit.
I guess it is testament to my country's incivility that we would not even consider waiting for POLICE-men
yeah I know... could not resist. besides, that meme is quite so-so...
Fist her, I guess.
be a real man
>Real women stays in kitchen
We regularly drive through those retarded street blockades they love pulling. Every driver who has done it hasn't been charged with any crime.
>real men use fists
red pill her all day and become her boyfriend.fist her daily to get her cunt ready for baby dropping.fuck her incessantly until she pushes out 50 diluted jew babies that have my pure nordic blood.teach them all to hate and fight zog along with the now red pilled mother.teach kids to marry pure white,within race or jews.red pill them.
create new aryan army from common jewish blood.
Real women don't go to political marches
>real men