Macron has surprised us a few times, he and Trump are reportedly getting along extremely well.
What happened?
Macron has surprised us a few times, he and Trump are reportedly getting along extremely well.
What happened?
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Yeah, they probably get along great together.
They really have a lot in common.
Seeing as how they're both jew-fellating cocksuckers.
Macron is going to lead Europe out of disastrous EU and United Nations.
Literally better than Islam take over. Start packing Muhammed
Who knows ?
All of them are part of it.
When will you people understand. You can't be president or senior position without alliance with the Jews.
All roads lead back to Jews. They wan their satanic nwo.
All politics is divide and conquer.
All migrants flooding in is done on purpose. Destabilise countrys with war and flood into Europe. Then people become xenophobic out of self interest. Divide and conquer then enemy.
Sam with deme vs rep
Left vs right
Us vs them
All of it.
Except no, that's not how it is
Islam will never literally "take over"
But Israel already took over the west decades ago
Wow you live in france and say islam cant take over? Ironic if you ask me
That isn't surprising considering the US funded Macron's campaign with the NED.
During your claim of Jewish takeover we made the most advances to technology and science. During Islam rise we see 9/11 , people drowned in cages, and sex gangs roaming Europe.
Islam is a low iq religion for barbaric people with no morals
Dude is a Muslim obviously
Couldnt even state this without going to jail for it. I wish i was american
go back
When we get merit based immigration reform I hope you apply. Keep up your skills, learn a trade, or whatever you need to be a more desired candidate!
For all his faults, soyboyishness and granny fetishes, at least his not a cuck like Trudeau.
9/11 was done by Jews, and ISIS is an Israeli-funded proxy army. The sex gangs are in Europe because the Jews opened the gates for them, just like they've done all throughout history.
Because when an alpha can grab and subdue a manlet while literally giving his wife some sugar , he will freaking BEND THE KNEE. Good boy Maccaroon!
Granny fetishes.
Someone needs to add a French guy on this pic
What a dumb picture. You can see the sheen off the chair, while her hand grasps the seat
Anyone have a pic of Brigitte's feet?
When the whole story is too long you need a quick rundown.
Macron's downside is that he's too pro-globalism seemingly but it seems more and more like he plans to supplant Merkel as EU's #1 in time which would overcome most of that negative. His potential commitment to destroying Islam is unknown though and I suspect he is never going to address that issue but he's still going to be a better ally than Merkel, May, Trudeau, any of these Euro-based western power "leaders". Still would have been nice to see Le Pen win.
I've always felt like this image is missing something. Where does the average Sup Forums user that thinks Trump is God fit in?
I swear to god he's Napoleon