>a man is literally being jailed for "hate speech"
You realize this is actually happening, right?
>a man is literally being jailed for "hate speech"
You realize this is actually happening, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think it's been happening for a while now, ít's just that this is the first time someone is jailed for a joke. Either way, it's good that it's getting traction.
The media portrayed his case as a man who got arrested for teaching his dog to sig heil. That is fake news and far from the truth. If you watch his video he repeatedly says gas the jews as well as other innapropriate comments. Given that the holocaust was a serious event in which millions were murdered, comments like his are unwelcome in a civilized society.
Justice has been served
>teach a doggo a trick
>go to jail
>saying gas the Jews should net you jail or prison time
Kill yourself.
he was actually arrested for being quote 'grossly offenssive'
Fucking post news link you massive dolts.
Europe and the UK aren't free, user. Everyone knows this.
Well what did he actually say? If he was going around threatening to "Kill all niggers" or something then he deserved it.
He taught a dog to get excited when he says "wanna gas the Jews?" or just "Jews" and also taught it to sieg heil
Not sentenced yet. I don't think they will jail him because of the bad publicity.
It's my free speech right to call for a genocide or race war against niggers
pretty much thinkin this too although we need to PUSH HARD HARD HARD ON SOCIAL MEDIA
You don’t have free speech
He is a lefty. I have no sympathy. At least one of their own is suffering because of moronic left wing anti-speech laws.
I can't believe it's the current year and so many people are opposed to the right to free speech. I am actually dumbfounded.
Kill all niggers
See, free speech
What happened to the dog?
You're a big man talking like that while on an anonymous forum board. Bet your ass you wouldn't talk like that in real life.
Reported to Canadian police
Enjoy prison
Apparently his lawyer told him he'll probably get tagged - basically a curfew. Fucking ridiculous, this country is being run by Dadaists.
Sadly for you, you're not an American, so you don't have freedom of speech.
Is this not real life? Are we in the matrix?
he wasnt you stupid nigger cunt
>not sure if clever bait or just typical leaftardation.
Put in a dog surrender bin and euthanized.
i watched the video, it's NOT hate speech, it's nothing but a silly idiot making a stupid, inappropriate joke. at most he should be shunned by his peers.
it's so OBVIOUS it's joke.
What if he said "rape the babies" instead? We all know babies have been raped right?
What if he said "kill niggers" - we all know niggers have been killed right? What if he said "torture all cats"....etc.....unbelievable. this is a very, very, very bad sign.
Technically you are not guaranteed freeze peach, kanook. Hopefully one of Trudeau's henchx's will not decide to prosecute you for upsetting words, a very serious offense. The cyber police will back trace you, user.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with nationality. It's inherit, natural right of every man
Fucking hell “I ban words that hurt my feefees :(“ grow a pair you coward.
If you are not going to follow up with things you claim, you are a cuck and a manchild.
If you are going to follow up with things you claim, you are legitimate target.
"Muh free speech" is a jewish partake of the legit mechanism of critising the government to make sure that provocators can do their jewish tricks while meeting no reprecussion.
> gas the jews
That clearly wasn’t a call to action, he was repeating a historical fact.
It's in Scotland, they'd sell their own mums to African slavery for some positive karma virtue signalling.
I checked out some of his videos, dude is an asshole and a cuck. I don't really give a fuck, I'm from America anyways.
definitely correct. it was a stupid joke. obviously.
Count dankula is not in favour of hate speech laws retard. He wasn't when he originally made the video and he isn't now.
It is the behaviour of a civilized society to not threaten others with mass extermination. Fuck off
this is a very, very, very, very bad sign.
Alleged gassing of jews btw
Europeans don't have freedom of speech like Americans do... So this shouldn't be surprising.
Did it not pay its TV license?
You're really stupid.
The only way you will ever censor those want genocide is when they are unpopular. And when they are unpopular there is not fucking reason to censor them.
Not that it actually helps, it creates more symphatizers just so you now idiot.
This. There is no free speech in europe. People are getting jailed monthly in luxembourg for hate speech. Doesnt even need to be a threat.
Aside from the flag this post is legit. Kikes play the "free will" shit just to get dumbasses to do stuff in hopes of getting shut down, purposefully.
No dog license. If he just paid his free speech license on time none of this would have happened.
All who insult the Quran will be jailed
There is a guy in england who got sentenced for calling a tranny a geezer.
While I agree freedom of speech is sacrosanct and should be protected at all costs, there is no such thing as a "natural right". Rights are things that are created by people, and only exist insofar as there's some sort of consensus that they should exist.
>We should have a right to free speech no matter what, agreed?
>But this means you will have to tolerate people saying things you don't like. It will be your responsibility to allow people to say what they believe regardless of what it is.
>Okay we agree.
The entire idea of the "natural god-given right" is just stupid no matter who's using it.
it was not a threat. i repeat it was not a threat.
What if he said "cut the grass"....did the dog cut the grass? will the dog ever cut the grass? Will anyone be inspired by the dog and cut their grass?
Here is our law guaranteeing freedom of speech, it's Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights:
>Article 10 – Freedom of expression
>1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
>2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
tl;dr: it's fucking worthless
Your comment says some hateful things, how do we know it's not what you truly believe? You should be investigated by your local sensitivity training officer just in case.
>words I don't like justify violence
fuck you from the bottom of my heart
It's funny because Canadians don't have freedom of speech anymore either.
The only intrinsic right you have is the right of self and any action you may take to protect yourself.
Never had it in the first place
>you have total free speech
>unless we decide you don't
Gas the cunt who dreamed up this nonsense (and the Jews)
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are the exact same thing you fucking idiot
but when u send people to jail for stupid shit like this - you are done....downward spiral. because now you are forced to define "hate" in such a way that almost anything can be categorized as "hate' .... if the wrong person (or right depending) interprets what you say as "hate" ...by this NEW standard, you can go to jail.
So at the point of a gun now law enforcement can imprison you for a joke if it offends someone.
Its all like a sick joke. I want this ride to end
>criticises free speech while advocating criticising the government
Go on, let's see the real flag.
I use the Quran for toilet paper.
>be brit
>tell joke
>go to jail
what a fucking dystopian shithole
If you are left wing and vote left wing, you voted for hate speech laws whether you like them or not. Hate speech laws should cause every self identified lefty to reconsider his or her political affiliation. It's like saying "I'm a pro free speech left winger" in the current political climate is like saying "I'm a communist but against collectivism" What did he think would happen as a result of the multiculturalism that he likes so well?
i thinkt the wurst thing abt this is that fucking nazi
prick of a dog wont spend a day in prison its not fair
In solidarity I suggest that all bongs and their allies change their facebook, twitter and whatever other public profile photo to a bulldog.
Nothing offensive about that is there?
>tfw you realize Monty Python, Blackadder and Absolutely Fabulous would all be in the fucking gulag today
He looked like a contributing member of society.
Okay and you Canadians have neither.
Almost every right in the Convention is hedged in similar terms, remember that when you hear people talk about how important it is and how it protects us. It's basically a sham.
rofl holy shit. I knew your laws were cucked but that is astounding. Syrup Revolution when?
I literally thought he was speaking Swedish or Dutch
are we going to arrest John Cleese for Fawlty Towers or what?
>It's like saying "I'm a pro free speech left winger" in the current political climate is like saying...
*Saying, "I'm a pro free speech left winger" in the current political climate is like saying...
10 years ago they were laughing at blasphemy laws in mudslime lands
He didn't say gas the jews he asked the dog if it wants to gas the jews because he was accusing the dog of being a nazi. He then trained the dog to lift its paw to the command sieg heil to show how the dog is a nazi.
The joke is that his girlfriends dog isn't as cute as she thinks and that it's ax a horrible nazi. The only people this should be offencive to is nazis because it's saying they are the most despicable thing he could think of.
Quite so, how embarrassing that a Brit should have to correct an American on this. Alas, many of our more retarded brethren call this board home.
Everyone saying it's ok because it was a joke is missing the point. If it weren't a joke it would be even more important to let him do it. The entire point of freedom of expression is to allow people to express controversial opinions without the government stopping them.
The Cyber Mounties are closing in on you, hatemonger.
Who fucking cares.
If it weren't a joke, 9/10 people sliding this board with pleas to meme for this obnoxious faggot would vanish into thin air. All of his public defenders would vanish. It's only because it's a joke that they're willing to defend him, you dumb fuck.
>Living in a civilized country where people respect each other is being cucked
Day of the grill when?
>Tfw Mercian
>Tfw I can go out in public and say I hate niggers and half the people around me think it’s funny, the other half don’t say anything.
>Tfw the authorities agree
>Tfw a local police officer got a promotion for shooting 2 niggers dead in an Arby’s who wouldn’t drop their knifes and become a town celebrity because of it.
Feels good to be an American desu
The 1st Amendment lets you say kill all niggers as long as you aren't specific about the details.
I don't even like that restriction. Only action should matter, not words.
All he had to do was to handcuff the cop and run away.
He's a commie being treated precisely how he'd be treated under communist-like restrictive speech laws
Literal victimless crime
He's not been sentenced yet. He might still avoid jail time
No, it isn't. Even if you aren't religious, the whole point of a natural or God given right is that the government doesn't have the authority to take them away, as they never gave you them in the first place. The bill of rights recognizes that we have these rights, and is kind of a pledge to not mess with them. Too bad now people don't take their own rights seriously anymore. This is my we need Christianity to make a comeback, it is the basis for our morality, and gives the term God given much more meaning.
So no, natural rights aren't stupid, you boot licking retard.
this 100%
support a commie regime et treated like you live in one.
allah save the queen
No, you can get hit with inciting a riot. You can say I want to kill all niggers or say, more people should agree that all niggers should die. But giving an order to invite violence is actually illegal.
This offends me and has me deebly goncerned. Please go to jail, do not past go and collect 200 dollars.
That's why I was criticizing his public defenders for not really being for free speech.
Actually a pretty funny video desu
Hopefully you alt right goblins are next.
He was found GUILTY of being offensive. And where was his jury of peers?
You guys don't have freedom of speech or the basic human Right of a jury trial.
Your opinion is rejected as that of a retard
Your existence annoys me.