American tradition: bbc

This is mainstream american television.

What is the politics and goals behind normalizing this behavior for the masses?

Attached: Kether_Donohue.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Is this American "freedom" at work?

Not free to criticize jews but free when it comes to sexual degeneracy?

Attached: 1477088090146.webm (720x404, 1.85M)

This is how El Monstruo is born

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Thats a british show

Hahaha no it isn't.


nice try cucko

I don't watch TV because it is Jewish culture.

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It's american culture. Americans love it

Hyper degenerate, if they plan to normalize this they can only fail, it will cause the opposite effect, perfect material to redpill the masses.

It's already normalized in the USA when it is in mainstream shows

>What is the politics and goals behind normalizing this behavior for the masses?
To destroy the family.

The family is the biggest unit of resistance to state indoctrination. The values and priorities you inherit from the teachings of your parents, which they inherited from their parents, are more powerful and persuasive than what you learn from strangers. When the state wants to socially re-engineer humanity to the needs of the power elite, the family and it's influence over the beliefs of individuals is the single biggest obstacle. By promoting fetishes which destroy the family unit, they can swiftly move in and replace the role of father and mother. Just look at the single-mother rates and voting tendencies of american blacks. They have had their families completely obliterated, and are easily brain-washed political puppets for the elite.

Isn't the nuclear family already dead?

the difference? you actually pay for it you dumb cunt

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Top kek, you don't even know what that pic is and what the show is retard. Lmao

will the argument come in the next response? I'm guessing it won't cuck

>What is the politics and goals behind normalizing this behavior for the masses?

You guys are actually retarded if you believe that this clip normalizes anything.

It makes fun of cuckolding and cucks - it will drive people AWAY from possibly trying it out themselves.

If the media actually wanted to push cucks into the main stream and make them accepted they would go the fifty shades of grey route.

They would make males that get cucked seem like strong, confident guys that males would try to strive after. This clip? Achieves the complete opposite lmao

Tell me first what you think it is.

>It makes fun of cuckolding
The entire show is made to make it look like the average guy and average girl are all into degenerate sexuality

roll for la luz extinguido