So, who's to blame for the latest fight, Kamogawa or Nekota?
Hajime No Ippo
ur mom
ur dad
Dynamic dumbass duo destroyed Ippo's career together dani
Pretty much this.
Morikawa for not wrapping up the story before he got too "punch-drunk"
Can't blame Nekota, he just wanted another punch drunk buddy,there's juist so much a man can last on solitary confinement on retarded mountian.
>I-I-I'm ooookay, coacccccch! I can t-t-take on da warudo!
Kamogawa didn't throw the towel.
Dankichi should have stayed with them
How bad is it?
>ippo gets in the ring when he knows he has brain damage just to fight for his coach, reddit says he lacks fighting spirit
>ippo's dad died when he was a kid and ippo got bullied and beaten for 10 years of his life by a guy who now lives with ippo's mom, reddit says he hasn't endured hardship
>wants Ippo's mom to die when he already has brain damage so that he can "finally man up"
reddit is heartless
>He's still a boy that hasn't seen the real world yet
What the fuck does that even mean? I would say he's quite experienced with the real world. I don't see how his mother passing away would change that or improve his intelligence, considering how he's already brain damaged.
The guy ended up being more succesful than Kamogawa with a genius boxer winning the belt without proper sparring.
>these chucklefucks think we're coming back from brain damage
It's hilarious how we havent left the denial stage yet
Ippo's okay, he just took some medicine that made him drowsy before the fight, that's all.
Takamura's fight that's just about to happen is going to be awkward considering he just watched his cornerman let another boxer get slaughtered without lifting a finger to do anything.
As stupid as it is it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this turns out to be true.
Probably not his mom dying but I can totally see Kamogawa dying and Ippo wanting to carry on his legacy or something retarded like that.
Well he's got a plausible backstory for being retarded now, at least?
fuck this fucking manga and this fucking author. Fuck you guys too.
If Takamura shows ANY signs of struggle in the first round, the manga is 100% over.
>it's happening
what was your favorite fights? 2nd Ippo vs Sendo, Ippo vs Sanada and Masiba vs Sawamura are mine
ippo vs saeki
>dexfags btfo
Morikawa doesn't know how to end his series, so he just pulls another Ashita no Joe
He's a fucking hack that completely missed the point of Joe's death. Pulling a random "lol this boxer is gonna die, thats so sad" is an insult to both Ashita no Joe and his own work.
Mashiba vs Kimura. I hate that Aokimura is just the cheering squad now
The more recent ones are more to my liking. Maybe because they are more fresh in my memory. Volg vs Mike, Takamura vs Bison, Sendo vs That one guy he broke, Miyata vs Jimmy and some others. Not a big fan of Ippos fight for some reason. I do enjoy them but not as much as the other ones in the series.
I remember enjoying the Miyata vs Randy Boy Jr fight. For some reason, he really stood out as a dangerous opponent way before the fight.
It's just a little retinal detachment
Vorg vs Ellitot
Takamura vs Eagle
Ippo vs Woli
Nekota was projecting his own desires onto Ippo
>Kamogawa dying
There was that time where he coughed up some blood I suppose
Been reading on Boxer's dementia. No amount of money is worth that kind of damage.
Nekota was telling Kamogawa to let Ippo do the fight so that Ippo could finish his career on his own terms just like Nekota did. Ippo likely feels the same way given that he went into the fight knowing that he had some form of trauma based on his monologue
Holy shit Takamura is fucking over.
you are basically making a faustian bargain. Trading your health and wellbeing for fame and fortune.
It's not too bad if you actually make it. The best option is to do like conor and get a big pay day off selling yourself rather than doing like pacquiao
The Mashiba vs Kimura fight was definitely a highlight of the series, still think that Kimura getting back into boxing was bullshit tho
>Ippo's nickname is "Wind God"
>Wind God = Kamikaze in Japanese
>Kamikaze (神風, [kamikaꜜ͜dze] (About this sound listen); "divine wind" or "spirit wind"), officially Tokubetsu Kōgekitai (特別攻撃隊 "Special Attack Unit"), were a part of the Japanese Special Attack Units of military aviators who initiated suicide attacks for the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II,
What does usually happen to boxers who lose their come back fight?
Well, take a look at Ronda Rousey.
Yes, I'm aware she's not a boxer. It's just an example of losing a comeback fight.
Luffy really let himself go after having found the One Piece.
Isn't kamikaze more like "divine wind"
Wind god I think would be kaze no kami
Well he actually teaches his boxer neat stuff like homing punches and guard break instead of DUDE PUNCH HUARDER LMAO
How can you read shounen and not know about fuujin and raijin
Japanese culture.
What happened to her?
>If blind people can wrestle or throw a javelin, why can't
wait a minute
>basically making a faustian bargain
Why has nobody on this earth read Faust Part Two
Didn't pacquiao LOSE all of the money he had in the fight with Mayweather?
The fuck happened?
supposedly he has a lot of hanger-ons and doesn't know how to say no to a friend. Plus his senate campaign was out of pocket
She's a nobody now
>that doesn't look like my brain
>without any advice from Kamogawa and without any training Ippo copies the smash to freak Sendo out
And now look at him 1100 chapters later.
They don't come back.
it was the motionless short upper he did vs miyata, wasn't it ? not the smash
>mountain is just where they dump the brain damaged boxers
>refuge for retards
>kumi becomes a retard whisperer for the rest of the series, and it ends with Ippo smiling one day and forgetting to breathe in his oxygen for too long before dying with a dumb smile on his face in her lap.
Well people confused it for the Smash, Takamura and the Coach said it was the miyata killer.
I really miss when Ippo was actually learning things and putting them into practice. He learned the motionless short upper just from studying boxing videos on his own time.
Now the only things he learns is how to do everything he already does but slightly better(?).
Does anyone else think that Ricardo is ridiculously handsome?
>I really miss when Ippo was actually learning things and putting them into practice.
I miss when he was smart
w e w
he backdoor and says no one will question you destroying your fighter and basically you have immunity as a second
Who would've known that down the road, he'd do the same
was looking for this smug fuck talking shit about shigeta's coach. the fucking irony is more like a contradiction, george, why did you have to make it so
No but he looks like a porn star.