What's the point of racism?
What's the point of racism?
Protecting sensitive whitebois
it's something you're called. just do your thing.
There's none. Some people find it difficult to deal with asymmetry
Self-defense against orcs who are racist against whites.
Confirmation of basic human pattern recognition
Its a natural defence mechanism... if you're not racist, you're unironically just as subhuman as an abbo
Racism is literally a Jew-created term invented to try to shame whites for having in-group preferences, which is perfectly natural.
welcome back my based aussie bro, let the festivities commence
Fuck white people and fuck America
Fewer niggers
Not wanting to live a third world shithole
Not wanting to be a father of a mongrel with big, flat nose, big ears and enormous fucking mouth
I remember high school and college you fucking nigger. race groupings are real
It's fucking biology
People prefer their own
Just fucking be yourself
>t. sensitive white boy
>nuke america
why does it always have to be either or?
White mans destiny has manifested - breed a black qt, love and cherish her.
Because we only do well in diverse groups when we're forced by laws.
In small towns, racism and discrimination is rampant, because the ego of a human is just the same as the ego of a lion or a monkey; we don't like those that are dissimilar to ourselves. Why force it?
*blocks your path*
To not blame racial inequalities on oppression or whatever.
Critique of mass replacement of population.
Basically everything short of "all fucking niggers must fucking hang".
Racism only applies to males. Unless the female is racist then she can get knocked the fuck out but females are usually harmless
Racism isn't the evil you've been taught. It's acceptance of the truth. Races are different, they act differently, think differently and have different average IQ. They shouldn't be forced to live among each other if they don't want to. WA ting whites to not go extinct isn't evil.
what kind of impractical furniture is that?
if we don't want to become a second asia, we need to prevent white genes to get yellowed or blacked
all the progress that humanity can potentially achieve will be gone forever once the white creative spark is extinguished in the sea of color
Ego rush that your brain feels the same as drugs
Black women deserve white men.
Slavs aren't white.
we're not racist it's just when we're forced to take a backseat and bend laws for foreigners while supporting them through forced wealth redistribution we start to take offense
then we're called nazi so we think why not become one
it doesn't take a genius to understand this concept
Post nigger tits pls
Fuuuuck. This is why we Burgers have the 2A
>h-hey a-user what to come over tonight for a *talk*?
This. Racism will stop only when we will all be mixed.
fuck off back to iraq mohamed we dont like frechies here
Slavs aren't even human.
I am 1/4 slav, I an surprised I can even work a keyboard.
>whats the point of herecy
The pursuit of truth and justice
Pol has given me eternal jungle fever and also made me attracted to anime and shadman cartoons. I fucking hate you all.
Acknowledging the truth
>Slavs aren't white
Nazis were terrible at being racists.
I tink its time to build snekkars, assemble the waraxes and raid Swedistan again brother. They cant keep all the black qts for themselves.
Then LEAVE. You might have to give up on running water, refrigeration, air conditioning, and all your privilege for being lucky enough to have been born in a white country.
On another note: ITT: tons of foreigners completely oblivious about blacks, who they are, what it's like to live around them, the reality vs. the perception they get over the internet. Three-quarters of blacks are born out of wedlock. Just let that statistic sink in for one second.
youre welcome
you confused slav with your grandpas being cotton picking slaves, my nigger friends
that's fine, it's an american thing
problem is swedeshits dont have the best black cuties, you need to come to USA for the THICC ones
youre australian.
get your fucking head out of the gutter
im absolutely appauled that my kinsman could be such a fucking degenerate
>whats the point of racism
>posting a pic of a chimpanze with better posture
do you think its hot cunt?
do you actually think its attractive
youre a giant faggot and a disgrace to my home
post a pic of yourself
the only thing that blacks can do is take down countries, there are some blacks that can be useful for society but its not worth it.
why are blacks so needyyyy we're just not that into you
The cognitive dissonance of your cultist ideology is beyond absurd.
If you have access to running water, electricity, and aren't living in a thatched hut then you're enjoying the fruits of the white man's labor.
Your on the wrong side of history because when we are gone, scholars will look back and wonder why people like you insisted on destroying their own culture.
do you think im stupid enough to post a picture of myself on here?
why so you can fkn dox me
racism doesnt exist and its a bullshit phenotype of insult that retards like you use to justfy hating white people
That's a very subtle merchant there
t. abo larping as a white man, fuck off back to your government sponsored home
whats the point of niggers getting tattoos if you cant see them
Rhodesia would like a word with you
>tfw nigerian roommate
>guy is chill as fuck but has the slight problem of not cleaning the kitchen at all
>often brings QT black chicks over
>all of them are polite as fuck and make a great evening
>even dated one for a few months until she had to legit go back to Africa
>none of them act like the chimps you see in America
>none of them act like the mudslimes you get from the middle east
>recently got back from America
>doing PLC work near Seattle
>accidentally went to the wrong McDonalds
>got confronted by some chimpman after 5 minutes who basically threatened to punch me for being white
>heard my foreign accent and his toned changed slightly
>"ayo white boi if ya don't get otta dis part of town ya gun get shot and ya probably deserve it."
>looked up the location of the nearest bookstore and took an uber there
Both American blacks and whites are legit subhuman, the amount of hostility you get from them for just coexisting is generally depressing. 200 years of Americans turning more and more tribal has basically made the country into a singularity of unjustifiable anger against anyone else who could create any form of competition, it's like a nation of bitter morons with zero self-awareness.
>implying anything else but young men in their 20's or fat old women come here.
I fucking wish we had gangs of black/arabic women looking for young white men. Feel free to come and kill some male nogs though.
A better and more intelligent world
That's like saying what's the point of good and evil, both are overrated at this point in time, but as everyone will soon hate, BOTH ARE NEEDED TO STEADY THE FLOW.
abos dont know how to walk in a straight line let alone use a computer.
Yeah man, latinas are hot af too
>muh phenotype
If only skin color and physical features were the only difference between races.
If this was true we literally would not exist here.
Tribalism based on in what climate you grew up.
To bludgeon political opponents with a Marxist label when you don't have an argument.
post qt pie latinas pls
I know you are hiding the black qts Sven. Prepare for reckoning.
Kys Amerimutt
>meme flag
fuck off
I can understand why you Dutch hate the Irish though, last time I was in Amsterdam there were just endless gingers on stag nights tripping the fuck out on hallucinogens in the street.
These shill threads are getting out of hand
Mods, do your fucking jobs.
>h-hey a-user, can you b-breed me?
what are you trying to say?
my argument isnt that race isnt real but racism isnt, racism = insult. why is calling a nigger a nigger more untactful than calling a retard a retard.
Take that beast from my sight you fucking primitive
>here's some pics of some outlying negress
You realize niggers value a fat black women over this thing, correct? It's in their culture to be 400+ lbs so they can obtain the food stamps because they are starving. A thin black woman is not anything any blacks want to do with, outside of the fact, the neggers you produce might decide to rejoin nigger society and be 500lbs, as they will never in a billion years be able to join a society of white people. Plus the fact your spawn might be Tyrone and Jamal.
>come into room see this
what do?
But all fucking niggers MUST hang, swedecuck
"Not now daddy's busy trolling noobs."
>Sup Forums
What's the point of diversity and inclusion?
>imagine thinking that is attractive
even in white women that is a disgusting body type
"Free OJ"
Well they got their wish.
>83 plus replies to this thread
Sup Forums is lost
nice life jacket
Bye then, back to africa or the middle east if you don't like the culture and country that white people built.
How about this you closeted homo.
racism = hierarchy of race
reality are racist, equality is a concept who doesn't exist
>Whats the point of racism?
Maximizing the efficiency of the economy and scientific progress. Imagine how many space colonies we'd have if we didn't have to waste money on africans, globally. They don't contribute shit, cause crime, take up productive peoples time, and generally just waste resources.
to tell the truth
Shoot it dead.
good lord
She has nice legs, good shape to them.