Fear Ratings

On a scale of 1-10 tell me how worried you are about the following

>Soy products
>White girls in IR relationships
>Your testosterone levels
>Flouride in the drinking water
>The existence of Muslims
>The Jews
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
>Gun Grabbers
>Being Forever Alone

Attached: 2dd.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine being scared of any of those.

Fucking scaredy faggot


>White girls in IR relationships

I thought that was a meme? Even in Toronto which is only half white it's still really rare, is it actually that bad in America?


>Soy products
>White girls in IR relationships
>Your testosterone levels
>Flouride in the drinking water
>The existence of Muslims
>The Jews
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
>Gun Grabbers
>Being Forever Alone

I used to be really scared that the second amendment would be repealed in my lifetime, but I'm not scared anymore because i have been reassured it'll happen 100%

Why do you not worry about testosterone but worry about guns? Much greater chance that the water is poisoned here, than someone shooting you.

All of those are Jews

>The Jews


0 to all and everything.
Ego death allows that.

Attached: Dune_Fear.jpg (1095x730, 94K)

only good answer

>Soy products
>White girls in IR relationships
>Your testosterone levels
>Flouride in the drinking water
>The existence of Muslims
>The Jews
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
1 not afraid. Just exasperated
>Gun Grabbers
>Being Forever Alone

If I have learned one thing from Trump, it is that you have to think like a winner. You keep that attitude and you become less reactive and more proactive. You don't get soy rage about all things fucked up and focus on problem solving.

>be sociopath
>don't feel fear
somehow this is a good thing?

People are already way too "robotic" today, why would you want to even feel LESS? Fear is there for a reason, and it's different than anxiety.

Why fear fear?

1, not scared, just want to know the true effects
0, if they burn the coal they're trash anyway
2, i cant sleep worth a damn, possible cause?
0, i have well water and use flouride free toothpaste
7, only if there isn't a race war to kill them off
7, same reason
0, laugh in their mentally ill face
0, i'll give 'em the ammo first
0, divorced because she was a cheating whore, as most are. I enjoy doing what i want 24/7 and already have blue eyed blond haired boys, and pay no alimony or child support. Life is breddy good

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No, they're on autopilot that's guided by their feels. Very very bluepill. But yes, stopping giving a damn sure isn't the answer.

Trump was born into an extremely wealthy family. Of course he is "immune" to the dangers we all face now, he doesn't give a shit, that's why he doesn't "fear". Just like everyone else, he has his fear, he just masks it and pretends he is fearless. That's the image of success he wants to sell you.

It's good to "think like a winner", but sometimes it's time to stop trying to change oneself and start changing society.

At the end of the day, thoughts mean very little. It's what you do that counts. So even if you think like the ultimate soy boy cuck, it's only what you do that counts.


>>Soy products (1)
>>White girls in IR relationships (1)
>>Your testosterone levels (2)
>>Flouride in the drinking water (3)
>>The existence of Muslims (1)
>>The Jews (1)
>>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun (1)
>>Gun Grabbers (1)
>>Being Forever Alone (3)

I'm mildly worried about the above issues

Fear is the Minder Killer.

Well yes. But if there is something to be learned from the actions of Traditionalist Workers' Party, it's that you have to *think* and not just go out there to brawl and get sued by Jews with bottomless pockets of money.

And you must be mindful of your thoughts if you want to do useful stuff and not just fuck stuff up. The enemy tries to use and abuse your every fuck-up.

>CIA asking us to put things on a threat matrix for him
We aren’t going to do your work for you

Attached: 9ED3F7D5-6705-440B-88AC-860B4E8C5D77.png (400x381, 108K)

Not sociopath. Although at a certain point in life due to extreme environmental stress I did developed secondary psycopathy characteristics (extreme survival mode, otherwise I would have just rolled over and died), but I do feel bad about hurting people I hurt in the past (no, I did not hurt anyone physically, but I emotionally hurt grills to whom I got close because of a fucked up attachment style), so I know that shit was temporary. The result of that was the necessary base to realise I could train myself to control the degree to which my emotional reactions affected my behaviour and cognitive efficacy (stress and fight or flight reaction fuck up your capacity to plan and strategic capacities). It also cured my depression and anxiety.

>Fear is there for a reason
Sure, but not unlike money, its a good served, but a terrible master. Either you control it totally, or it controls you.

I'm glad I don't get anxious anymore (more being a edgelord, I was a mess for many years and a big faggot in many ways and the circunstances that lead me to either swim or sink, so to say, were not pleasent in the least, and I was lucky to have gotten away from them alive (and not totally got away, shit might still happen to me)).

So yeah, life is an adventure, and I'm not a risk taker, just very aware of my own way of working internally, if that makes any sense.

Feeling is important in order to be able to feel compassion and care, and its also important to be able to detach and get perspective in order to analyse reality as logically and coldly as possible.

It's all about the left and right brain hemispheres balance.

9, there in more places than you think
1, as long as i do my duty for my race my life will be fullfiled

Nice FBI data mining thread, you fucking faggot.
Only liberals use this shitty fake definition of ''fear.''
No one fears soy products or women in bestiality relationships. Fear? The fuck are you smoking, you liberal sub-human. No one is going to start panicking and running away screaming at the sight of a soy bean or some woman who fucks monkeys. It's not that scary.
Here's data for your FBI data mining operation.

>Soy products
>White girls in IR relationships
>Your testosterone levels
>Flouride in the drinking water
>The existence of Muslims
>The Jews
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
>Gun Grabbers
>Being Forever Alone


Fug is the benis killer.

Attached: Spurdo_Yolo.png (1316x1152, 35K)

>1 we only have rust and radiation in our water
>1 i dont really care and have never met a tranny
>1 no guns
>1 im practically married for 6years now

You have to understand the mind and brain of a liberal. They have a dysfunctional amygdala that over reacts at the wrong shit and fails to activate at the real threats. Compared to a liberal, someone redpilled sees 100000 diferent threats that he doesn't, but probably you use the readtion to the threat detection to plan on how you're going to deal with it, liberals (r selective individuals) instead fail to have their amygdala trigger when a real threat occurs (diversity, behaviour that spreads disease) and instead get it triggered when someone confronts their world view that everything is perfect.
I can't explain it like the pros can, you'll be better served to read:

0 just dont eat them
4 not that many of em actually are
3 it could be higher but wtv
0 again just filter your water
3 its not the existence its the location
10 fucking kikes
0 I just wont do it
0 I live in Leafland were alrdy fucked
0 just bought a house together

Or better yet:
They fail to have their amygdala trigger when a real threat occurs (diversity, behaviour that spreads disease) and instead get it triggered when someone confronts their world view and doesn't agree with it.

>Soy products
1, it's just a meme
>>White girls in IR relationships
1, pretty much doesn't happen outside of the internet
>Your testosterone levels
>Flouride in the drinking water
1, Banned in my country
>The existence of Muslims
>The Jews
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
1, who cares?
>Gun Grabbers
1, not Murrican
>Being Forever Alone
1, I'm a normie

I know this is data mining you CIA Nigger but imma answer it anyway

>>Soy products
2/10 - Dont consume them, but I always pre-emptively check for soy in things that I buy

>>White girls in IR relationships
3/10 - Mildly annoys me more than anything, but its cucks that find it arousing and push that shit is what really pisses me off.

>>Your testosterone levels
1/10 I know they are healthy because I had a blood test not long ago to check for diabetes (since both my father and grandfather had Type 1)

>>Flouride in the drinking water
0/10 - Never looked into it, Fluoride is in toothpaste im pretty sure

>>The existence of Muslims
1/10 - As long as they keep their faith in their countries and their cultures then I have no problem with them.

>>The Jews

>>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
1/10 - I'm just not going to call you 'she' if you're a fucking guy, simple.

>>Gun Grabbers
0/10 - Not American

>>Being Forever Alone
0/10 - I have a gf and both mine and her families like me.

You know that Austria is a really good country for having your own well?

But i also don't understand the "Muh, gun grabbers", in comparison to other European countries, we have a pretty open gun laws, and lefties don't care about it, because most of them just don't know shit about it.
Even when this one guy shooted some police man and they found a whole gun collection in his home, nobody was talking about having stricter gun laws.

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Glow in the dark niggers probably tryting to find hit men to deal with the guy that wanted to investigate Seth Rich death.
They must be running out of experienced or talented hit men, they shot the guy in the ass and hit him with a car and he survived, lol.

Attached: Flip_The_Script.png (720x720, 372K)

Hatred not fear
And jew is ten the rest are byproducts


>Soy products
0/10 thats the new bro science demon, like carbs or whatever. soy chorizo is pretty good.
>White girls in IR relationships
7/10 instant dismissal. sad its pushed so heavy in the media as the IM SUCH A REBEL like kim k
>Your testosterone levels
dont even think about it. 2/10 cuz Im over 30 now.
>Flouride in the drinking water
1/10 only when people bring up autism and alzheimers correlation
>The existence of Muslims
8/10 sunni's are just jews new goyim troops, shia we could use a lot more of and should be forming alliances with
>The Jews
10/10 I cant even be civil anymore. stockpile ammo and volunteer for your local b'nai b'rith
>Transgender people asking you to call them by their preferred pronoun
3/10 I WISH A NIGGA WOULD/gotten into a fight at a dive bar before
>Gun Grabbers
7/10 again I WISH A NIGGA WOULD but not this slow incremental fabian society jewish plan they have to disarm us
>Being Forever Alone
50/50 at this point so I guess 5/10

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