Why does the anime run the same formula in every single episode?

Why does the anime run the same formula in every single episode?
>protags have a moment of solace in the beginning
>enemy stand user appears, has the upper hand
>protags outsmart them
>enemy stand user begs for mercy "it was jsut a joke lol!@!"
>they get spared but try to attack when the protag's back is turned


Not every episode but sometimes it did get old.
>fuck steely Dan

Part 4
Part 5
Dropped that shit at 5

manga is usually very formulaic, and the anime is pretty much a carbon copy of the manga, only abridged

That's how kids' cartoons work.

its literally an 80s manga

So why did it end up being massively entertaining and fun then?

Jojo is literally made for brainlets. There's no shame in that. It is what it is.

Literally this

It's good because part 6 exists.

It is fun, but is right. You can just turn your brain off and still love it, there's nothing to it.

Try and explain to me how Crank managed to be an entertaining and fun film and you'll have typed out the answer to your own question.

Because it gets my dick hard.

Part 3 is THE classic, 80's battle Shonen. The way the west looks at DBZ, the Japanese look at JoJo Part 3. Of course - other 80's manga came beforehand and did similar things, but JoJo did it "the best".

It's certainly not a flawless approach, - there are large sections of Part 3 that are not fun to experience. However the Egypt arc is top tier.

JoJo fatigue did become a thing as well. There is a reason there was such a drastic shift between Part 6 and Part 7. Part 7 is certainly a battle manga, but the setup is very different from every part beforehand.

JoJo was on the verge of cancellation with Part 6, because the formula hadn't evolved since Part 3 (4 was sort of an evolution - but 5 and 6 were attempts to revitalize the Part 3 style of manga). People became fatigued with the endless fights, and the strange characters that didn't confirm to Japanese tastes by that point anymore.

Araki knew when to evolve JoJo and he did good job with it. However, Part 3 is where it's purest and done most correctly, - other than perhaps part 5 (a source of controversy indeed).

J Geil/Justice and the Dio battle had everything that made season 3 great imo. Season 4 was just way too long

>The way the west looks at DBZ, the Japanese look at JoJo Part 3

>Weeaboos actually believe this.
JJBA was no way near the most popular battle manga in WSJ when it was running.

They stray away a bit from that formula in part 7 & 8


you could say that about ANY series with a Monster of the Week formula. Why single this show out?

I've never actually bothered with the manga so I was surprised everyone thought part 3 was so highly regarded.

I get that stands are a much better plot device than hamon/vampires/Aztec Gods of fitness but the villain of the week formula got really boring in part 3. Did it work better in the manga? Part 4 was when the stands got more creative and the different ways they were used in combination was interesting.

It's better in the manga because you can go at your own pace.