The parkland shooting survivors shouldn't be allowed to push for positive change!!! They're too youn-

>the parkland shooting survivors shouldn't be allowed to push for positive change!!! They're too youn-


Attached: Lib phaggot.png (1080x1469, 1.66M)

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Wasn't the average lifespan back then like 35?

Back then being 18 to 21 is like being 40 today

give digits

haha they mine now bitch

give more digits

give digit

They changed the world with rifles not feelz

This is totally true.

They're right that it's always the youth creating political change. Because the youth are too dumb to understand the consequences of what they're doing but they have the energy to do it.

I don't care how old the "survivors" are. The media are putting one view on a pedestal to manipulate the public. See: Kyle Kashuv

Being 18 to 21 then is equal to being 18 to 21 today. A short lifespan doesn't magically make them more mature. 18 to 21 year olds now are just as mature as those back in the 1700s.

>Being 18 to 21 then is equal to being 18 to 21 today. A short lifespan doesn't magically make them more mature. 18 to 21 year olds now are just as mature as those back in the 1700s.

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The age isn't important. These kids are idiots though.

ha ha. no.

>James Monroe
>18 in 1776
>he fought at as soldier
>he used a GUN
>and got wounded in battle
>then he studied law
>under Thomas Jefferson (aged 37)
>from 1780-1783
>Monroe then ran for Congress
>age 26
>a veteran wounded in combat
>with a fucking law degree
>who owned guns

40 year old today have the maturity of 12 year olds. What the fuck are you talking about?

Have a >(((You)))

Nice meme in support of keeping the gun buying age 18, if not lowering.

The founding fathers weren't forced into 13 years of indoctrination daycare.

Two of those guys "created change" with guns. The other one wanted to, but was a pussy.

I don't think he realized at the time that the NRA couldn't have come up with a better ad in support of the 2nd amendment than he did right there

I've had this argument with people before about this sign, but the sign had more names. Either way it's a piss poor argument, because Hamilton and Monroe wouldn't become important political players until much later in their lives (roughly 20 years later), in 1776 they were soldiers, they didn't sign the declaration of independence and were fighting in a war, not protesting and asking others to fight for them. Lafayette wouldn't get involved in the war until 2 years later, making him 20, which is older than the range you would expect in high schools. There's also the fact that Jackson was 13 helping out in the revolutionary war, and lefties hate him with a passion. But following the logic on the sign, they should be looking to him as inspiration.

I like how people are using histroy to show change and then leaving out the years of the revolutionary War.

I mean if thats the path they want to take.... i hope they stockpiled weapo... oh

Who are they? Don't know much of American history.

Are you talking about Lafayette? Dude, I get the whole France cheeseeating surrendermonkey meme but Lafayette was not a pussy and we would most likely not have won the war without his contributions and French support.

Trump = -170 years
Eisenhower = -114 years
Lincoln = -33 years

You can always cherry pick numbers. Or, make an argument against abortion....

Most men were full time employed or in an apprenticeship (usually indentured ie near slavery) at 12-14 in those days even 50 years ago that was the case, very few people sat in class rooms until acting like they knew how the world worked until they were 21-25 like today. They also more often had to serve in wars and so on, so they'd seen some shit by the time they were 18, you really don't have a clue.

IT wasn’t short life expectancy
It was actual responsibilities
They where coddled and told they where special from day one.

Now if your stupid it’s a learning disorder or you have test anxiety

Oh wow now boy do I feel silly. Here I was thinking gun rights were important and all, but then I read this sign, and I mean, like wow, literally, completely changed my mind on everything. My mind is completely blown. Ive never read a more thought provoking and, dare I say, woke sign than this wise Master sage has shared in the OP. I'm literally voting for Bernie Sanders until the end of time now. Thanks for sharing user!!!

Wasn’t Hamilton in a duel?

>implying every single one of them wouldnt shoot every antigun leftist totalitarian in the face

Why the fuck do leftists know so little about history? Everyday I think more and more that leftism truly is a mental disorder. Its as if they had a filter in their brain that distorts every piece of information that enters it to conform to their worldview.

Did they also have rampart gangs killing people right and left?
Did they have spoiled kids that got everything handed to them and cost their parents millions while they fucked around?
Did their teachers influence them the most with propaganda at an early age?
Were society controlled by media?
Were information (true or false) readily available and spread like wildfire to every corner and brainwashing society?

No they did not, they had to carve their own path and make their own future from a very early age. They grew up mentally quicker and took responsibility in society.
Todays kids cannot be compared to our ancestors.
One worked hard to build a life with no welfare or safety nets.
Where as kids today can sit at home and leech on their parents until their 20’s, an age where our ancestors built their own home, had their own families and worked hard to provide for their family.

These kids know nothing of how society works and live in their media bubble to get attention because they want to matter.

And they weren't eligible to vote since the you had to be what 25 and own land to vote?

No you moron. Infant death rates contributed to lower overall LER, most people lived 60 plus if making it out of infancy.

>Where as kids today can sit at home and leech on their parents until their 20’s
nigger im in my 30s

Were any of them generals in the revolution? Freedom has no age restriction!

It wasnt the only factor, getting to an age where you could sustain yourself was also less likely, starvation and disease were real issues, dying at your job etc, you had many wars where there are graveyards full of what we would consider children today, and the rate at which men were successful enough to be in a position to have children at all was also much lower, life was brutally hard before the industrial revolution and welfare state. Yes if you got through all that shit you could live roughly as long as today and raised children but it was far less common.

40 at best

Flat out wrong

Not really. People died all the time from infectious diseases without antibiotics. Diabetes was a death sentence.

Yeah and there was 11 year old British navel officers. Young people are pretty great when taught or have the cognitive ability to see the bigger picture.
Except the retards fighting to have their own Civil rights taken away. I.e The 1st and 2nd amendment.
Those people are really fucked , Cant walk and chew gum fucked.

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This man is right, I fucking hate this myth. You make it past 12, you had a good chance to live to 60+ if you didnt fuck up.

lafayette was a nobleman, this soyboy is a mutt

What to know who is pushing this? I believe billionaire Johann Rupert let the cat out of the bag.
They fear the poor uprising.


Who gives a shit about the constitution? The freedom of speech and right to bear arms are something much greater.

Just because I like posting this. You will see this faggot appear in a dress within 5 years and dead by his own hand in ten.

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Remember to sage these thread.

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You are so mad right now. Face it, change is coming.

It really is. And Lafayette was a dummy anyway.

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It's not like the Revolution started when the Bongs tried to grab the guns or anything.

> About 700 British Army regulars in Boston, under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith, were given secret orders to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies reportedly stored by the Massachusetts militia at Concord.

Ah yes of course the famous Revolutionary War fought completely without guns.

It’s like your not even trying to make a convincing thread.

The constitution was ratified is 1788...

No. People lived to 70 if they got out of childhood


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Lmfao this

Everyone in the thread should give up because these men werent important until long after the age of 20

Learn history, unlike this "teacher"

And that change is going to be you bleeding to death in a ditch somewhere surrounded by brown people shouting in a foreign language, enjoy :^)

At least I won't be killed by a gun.

>age of adulthood pushed 'officially' back to 24
so a 12 year old James Monroe should be legislating?

>be me
>2 kids
>been working since the age of 11
>have 10 more working years left before the average age of death for this time.
Nowadays NEETs think that 150 years ago we had school for 13 years and lives to be average age of 85
>OP is a Fag

>2k18 and newfags think sage does anything

I miss m00t

You're an idiot.

Did you know? The modern US school practice of summer break came about because kids still had to help their family on the farm.

Yea and they became elected representatives of the population. Not some fucking lilly white bitches crying on the middle of the road not know a thing about what they're crying about.

>Comparing national independence to surrendering rights

Holy shit, that sign is brilliant. Gonna follow him on Instagram right now

>18 year olds are perfectly mature and can be trusted to decide policy
>18 year olds can't be trusted with guns or they'll go on a shooting rampage

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Are Liberals not even trying anymore? They think the founding fathers who fucking wrote the piece of paper that guarantees gun rights would side with them on the issue of anti-gun laws?

18 in 1789 is the same as 18 in 2020

The summer break that lasts 2 months usually is one of the reasons why (along with the growing non-white population) why kids in schools are getting stupider. The first month back they have to review everything they learned the prior year because most flat out forgot all the info. School should be 12 months long. Colleges do summer classes to accelerate graduation, why can't grade schools and high schools?


>Unironically calls constitution outdated while citing age of some revolutionaries age as reason why they are more relevant.
>Tide Pod eaters today trying to undo what these guys did in 1776

about 45. They also became men, real men before they were 16. Today's leftist men become men, like never.

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Yeah it does need to be restructured but unfortunately, it's up the Feds to come up with something and then try to implement it which is just a nightmare of red tape in this country. Colleges are a private thing and can do whatever they fucking want. Nips do their school year correctly.

>>the parkland shooting survivors shouldn't be allowed to push for positive change!!! They're too youn-
literally nobody ever said this
they have every right to protest
their message is just retarded

Yes and all these young people fought for gun rights because they knew how important they were

it was an average. because the infant mortality was higher and more kids died young, the the average was dragged down. most people who lived to 35 weren't dying at 35 unless they caught some horrible disease or bad injury.

You good sir can go roto yourself
>no facts just names, welcome to the DNC!
>pic related

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They had men like Franklin to guide them, libshits reduce everything to nonsense.

high schoolers are idiots. anyone who has grown past high school knows this.

and even if they weren't kids, they're gun grabbing faggots and because of that their ideas are garbage and not worth listening to.

Half these public school zombie soy creatures probably think the war ended in 1776.

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Yeah, these kids are real revolutionaries.

Nothing says stick it to the man more than lobbying to take away the people's right to self defense and their capacity for armed rebellion against the state.

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Higher effort bait. I dig.

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>fought in war
>studied law and political philosophy


>glued to iphone
>ate tide pods.