Rosario † Vampire

Friendly reminder

>Basically got cucked by her mom

OP was not a faggot. What a weird day

Season 3 NEVER

Sometimes I'm shocked to remember how short the RV girls are, Inner Moka and Kumuru especially.


So, did the MC actually fall in love with the mom? If it is, does it make it, I daresay, the best romance manga ever?

Pink Moka is a lovely cutie, inner Moka is just annoying

No, Tsukune just had a massive growth spurt through the series. He used to be shorter than inner iirc.

yes, and yes

Adaption of the manga never

Yes and the moe blob is never seen again...

Pink > Silver

user, your arrow is pointing the wrong way




This anime was way ahead for its time. It should have aired in the huge nipples era.

>senseis were forgotten

Man, i fucking love Rosario and Throne of Darkness! True Moka best Moka.

I don't remember this. Must have been in the manga.

She was upgraded.

I need gifs of Mizore Shirayuki!
best girl

>t. speedreader

Mizore best girl
inner moka runner-up


I haven’t read the manga since he hung out with snow slut and her mom in the winter wonderland, should I pick it up again

>cute echi haren manga
>turns into Man of Steel during the last arc

I fucking hate those mangas inwhich the main girl have split personality, and the dominant one is the retarded. And the MC fall in love with the retard.

Name ten (10) where this happens

Pink had the bigger butt sorry op

Kurumu mom > Kahlua > inner Moka = outer Moka > Ruby > shit > everyone else

The transformation sequence shows her ass growing as well so no

Thanks for nothing mom.



Two great waifus in one!

That last minute cop out didn't really change the fact of the matter. Omote was just as much a fragment of Akasha as she was Moka's alter ego.

There was a Ranma reference in one off the early chapters as well.

Upgraded your loli


fuck off see

Friendly reminder that right is slowly being overwritten by left and none of her friends had any issues with that disturbing fact.

to clarify, outer wasnt her mom, it was a blank personality created in silver so she was protected from knowing to much about allukard, pink was just another personality of silver, it wasnt her mom or some shit it was silver herself just with other memories

"the woman who disappeared along with alucard wasn't the outer one"

it was a clone of her mom


this was akua's though on the rosario, not that thats what it was, if Issa said it wasn't her mother then it wasn't

this can be explained easily thats the blank personality merged with akasha, it's not akasha herself, thats the blank personality in the body of akasha talking to tsukune

no need to remind me of that

So why, pray tell, did Omote fuse with Akasha when the Rosary was broken?

And no, that commentary (from Toho Fuhai, not Akua) is factually true. It's precisely because of Omote's connection to Akasha that the Rosary was such an important plot device to begin with--because that allowed it to influence Alucard.

Doesn't matter. Mizore is the best.

because the rosary was akasha safe button if allukard went wild, you have to remember that allukard body was akasha's, she needed the "soul" she created to regain control of the thing, thats why she created it in the first place to protect moka and the world, the new personality could help her to regain control long enough to defeat the damn thing

like i guess you watched FMA pride fucked father while being inside him but was his ego what did the trick

>Vampires are super cool monsters king of all monsters type of shit
>Werewolfs gets a perverted teacher
When will werewolf's by given the love they deserve?

Furries need not apply.

You answered your own question, user. Werewolves are damn near made for furrydom, and they're not likely to escape its clutches anytime soon. So yeah, vampires > werewolves. Deal with it.

the fuck are you talking about sempai was the shit

Actual best girl coming in

But Vampires are near necrophilia
Yes but he was the only werewolf we got and they never got a king of the monsters status.

Yes, and? Remember where you are, friend.

No, no, you're committing the same crime you just accused me of. It was Gyokuro's *theory* that Akasha created the rosary to control Alucard, but that's not how it actually worked. It was connected to Akasha, who just happened to be inside Alucard at the time. Remember that when she created the rosary, Akasha didn't know that she was going to have to fuse with Alucard again; she made the seal to lock away Alucard's power, and the seal personality (which was an extension of herself) to protect Moka without being present.

The reason that Omote was left as a "blank slate" as you call it, (without Akasha's consciousness/memories) is because Akasha was pretty much a vegetable during the course of the series.

I'm not above jacking it to Necro and furry.
It's actually pretty good, specially when you mix Necro loli furry.

patrician taste

The well has dried. Literally too old.

What was Hokuto's deal in the end? did he actually respect Tsukene or was it more of a "the enemy of enemy" kind of deal? Its been a while since I last read the manga

you know that's what i said, she created a blank personality in moka to protect her, but wasn't she herself, she had hand in creating a hollow without memories, that hollow within silver is what pink was, another personality but she wasn't akasha because akasha was inside allukard

more like fuck buddies to tease kiria

What about the mongrel shit, was that ever really resolved? all I remember is something about Kiria being an alucard clone or something

Who has the picture where they ask if Inner Moka likes Tsunuke and she does a cute face?

Look I just want werewolf's to shine, is that to much to ask?


Monstrels are yokai with impure lineages. Imagine a succubus breeding with a werewolf, then their child breeding with an ogre, so on so forth. The result is a monster that lacks coherent special characteristics, but can morph their bodies into grotesque mixtures of traits from their ancestry.

Kiria was posing as a monstrel, but he was actually a chimera. The difference is, Kiria was born from the flesh of a vampire who fused with other species, whereas monstrels were born from interbreeding between species. The result is that Kiria is "all of the above," whereas a monstrel is "none of the above."

okay that rings a bell, thanks user
maybe I should re-read the manga, its been like 3 years and I remember it being a pretty fun ride

It is, but the last bit could've been done better

yeah I remember the final maybe two volumes just going downhill, everything past the re-awakening of Alucard was a bit toss, maybe even most of Fairy Tale siege desu


Nah, Hokuto actually likes Tsukune.

Filthy secondary here, so which Moka ended up with Tsukune? Silver or pink?

Silver but she's slowly turning pink. He also admits to only loving Pink and sees a bit more of her each day in Silver which is why he keeps her.

man I need to reread the manga

pink moka's job here was done and she fucked off with alucard

So their persona's got combined essentially?

Literal perfection.

i remember that one of the images near the end showed that her silver hair was starting to have a pinkish highlight to it.


Alright by the end of manga Tsukune was a real bass, who do you think it'd be interesting for him to see him fight?

was the manga better or worse before Tsukune became a main fighter? it was bound to happen eventually but I liked seeing the girls do stuff instead of just "tsukune unleashed his vampire blood!"

The Manga is way better than the anime at any point in the story.


the anime gave me cancer