>tfw whenever someone is racist/bigoted outside of Sup Forums I bully them back to Sup Forums
Daily reminder to stay in your containment boards nazis
>tfw whenever someone is racist/bigoted outside of Sup Forums I bully them back to Sup Forums
Daily reminder to stay in your containment boards nazis
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>>tfw whenever someone is racist/bigoted outside of Sup Forums I bully them back to Sup Forums
>Daily reminder to stay in your containment boards nazis
Fuck off spagheti limbed tranny
Suck my dick you fuckin homosexual
You should move to your Utopia.
Go back home to reddit faggot
Fuck off larping faggot
Come get some you faggot pussy
yeah come on fag big words come get some nigger fag
I saw this.
>so weak they need niggers to protect themselves
Just kys already.
So I fixed it.
Kay nigger
>Buddha Hipster
kys you namefagging tripfag faggot
Antifa acts tough but who do they go after? Women and video game nerds.
tripfag larping as pantyfa, my sides
if your larping ass ever finds its way outside I'll destroy you
Also the Alt-Right is going against the entire progressive mob of corporations, education institutions, and government that is all pro diversity aka anti-white.
And yet, we'll win because we have thousands of years of victory in our blood and nature on our side.
hahaha, fuck you nigger. Screencap for when someone shoots you
Fuck all of you Trump-worshipping retards. If you still look up to the man at this point then you're beyond help.
Join your local pro white organization. Get in the fight.
The only true contenders are
Patriot Front bloodandsoil.org
Identity Evropa identityevropa.com
Daily reminder your life has no meaning and suicide is your best option.
Actually, you're the fascist acting this way - sage
fucking nigger, who let you on this board?
good work
i can't help it user, i have to vote for him again
No one worships Trump. Trump may be awful, idc anymore. But he has been made a white symbol for America. The last gasp of white identity. And it was the left that gave him that label. He inspires us because he is strong and does not cuck to being called a racist or being ashamed of being a successful and powerful white man.
Trump has changed everything. The toothpaste will never go back in the tube. Those that are awake will never forget.
You'll have to kill us.
2019 will be a shit show as the left seeks revenge on the Trump supporters, the right, and whites in general. The Democrats will have to go with a woman or POC as a candidate against Trump.
2019 will be the start of the defacto race war. Both sides are polarized and not shifting. The fence humpers will have to choose sides.
In 2019 we will recruit so many followers. Get involved today. Create local brotherhoods and networks. Ready yourself, so when they come in 2019 these people have a place to go.
Hail Victory
Daily reminder that you and your faggotry conformist "squad" are on borrowed time
>white identity
I'm white and I don't know what the fuck you see in Trump that you'd want associated with being white. Do you want the world to think all white people are moody orange cunts that spend all day bitching on Twitter and pushing conspiracy theories rather than acting mature and not lying 24/7?
There is nothing special about being white. Or black. Or brown. Or any color. The only thing to judge people on is their character. Anyone who acts like a retard, no matter their color, deserves to be treated like the retards they are.
You sound like neo Nazi trash though with that "Hail Victory" shit, so have fun with that. I'm looking forward to seeing you retards complain when the republicans lose a ton of seats this year.
friendly reminder that i could break you "budda hipster".
i doubt you would even look me in the eyes, let alone approach me, irl.
We're all starting to hate niggers here. It's clear that they're all autistic tree people, trying to subvert the right with their gibsmedat policies. They also give the right nut a bad reputation that push more people to the left nut. Niggers and black nationalists are antifa! And we can't let this continue. If you too, are tired of niggers and skanks coming to our board then this general is for you.
Post shame images or discuss the removal of faggotry, Niggerism, Fakeism, Feminism, Collectivism Cum Stains, Furries, Leftism.
Ancaps, Libertarians and Republicans welcome.
Redpilled African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, and Muslims are all welcome as well.
>The cheapest sort of pride is ball sack pride; for if a man is proud of his own balls, it argues that he has no other qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellow men. The man who is endowed with big balls has important personal qualities and will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects when his own ball sack shrivels up, since their failings will be constantly before my cock. But every miserable slut who has nothing at all of which she can be proud adopts, as a last resource, on her knees in the alley to which she belongs; she is ready and glad to defend all her faults and follies using her teeth and nails, thus reimbursing herself with his own spooge.
~My Balls
So u you are proud of shitposting while u could be outside living your life
Sounds like you are just as pathetic as these online nazis
More please
mamma mia what a bad thread.
Shut up nigger. Your beta bitch ass ain't doin shit
I'm going to really enjoy it when the tables finally turn in public opinion, and "it's not wrong to use violence if it's against an antifa member" becomes mainstream. I hope they bring back helicopter rides, they'd make for good public entertainment.
>Remember, sage goes in options in slide threads newfags.