We alone are the reason the white man still has a fighting chance of survival. Countries like Germany and France have only ever brought war to whites.
Britain is the only European country that spread whites around the world
Fuck off, George
yeah, pol cant complain about anglos, we made the white race as powerful as it is today, its just a few cucks in power that are ruining it for us.
>Spread whites around the world
>Destroys every other European nation so they can't do the same
>accidentally (or not?) spreads commies and non-whites everywhere
Bro gtfo
Well fuck we are getting fucked left and right lately . What now ? Canada's going down .
Portuguese and spanish mixed with everyone they care across, very disgusting
Damn right!
Daily reminder, that Russians is the biggest white nation in the world
Haha you made that just for me? How mutthurt can one be?
:) this. Fuck brittmutts.
Oh you
Is Are Maisie fit or ugly? I cant tell
You created Israel and funded several arab crowns which promoted a global Islam. You are the cancer of the world.
Americans calling Brits mutts doesn’t work at all
the race that is responsible for majority of degeneracy prevalent today
You started two world wars in the homeland of the white race
they both work just fine, mutt.
>You started two world
The eternal (jew slave) anglo!
>all these triggered non-whites lol
This is now a Bri*ain hate thread.
Top fitty
fuck off mate its the germans who started communism and they sent lenin to russia to destabilize them so they would pull out of WW1
>ancestors came from England and Scotland
>some nigger tires to tell me he's more British than I am when his family has resided on the island for 20 years
just quintessentially British things
And then you financed those commies to crush White Nationalism. Good job, George.
That's it.
I'm contacting the british police and informing them of your racism.
Off to the slammer with you, nazi.
Hey, the Celtic Anglo-Saxon Normans aren't mutts!
don't bother. I already did
you mean we crushed more socialism in germany you fucking neanderthal
Sure bud.
Your actions sure have worked out well for you and white people so far.
Btw, allying with us in WW2 would have lead to a victory for the Axis and a now degeneracy free world populated by whites and japanese people.
Your country today is more socialistic than Nazi Germany ever was. What are you talking about.
what are the current demographics of london? 60% white was back in 2011
and whats your country like how many more Africans and Muslims is merkel letting walk into your country to fuck your wife
Yeah and in less than a hundred years we went from sole super power to a fucking international joke. Quit kidding yourself, we're fucked unless we do something soon and the sooner you recognise the predicament the sooner we can solve it. Pretending we're fine is only going to drag out the issue. I'm just glad I'm in Wales and I'm not taking the brunt of the fuck up.
Seriously, the bullying against British members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Brits are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only British man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here.
Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Even the Irish get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in all of Europe.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an British man a "Muslim"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth British man that they are a "Filthy Anglo"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
hows that wall going jamal
I see you shit-talking Britain in every thread.
If it’s so bad here fuck off back to Poland you parasite.
I live in the least white city on that list. I laughed as my poltard friend told me he had given up on living in London and preferred Houston more, because London wasn't 'white' anymore.
What's the weather in Londonistan today?
We have a far-right party in parliament and they are growing. You had UKIP and then your sacred Nigel left the party to rot after Brexit and now you stuck between literal communists and Mama May.
And don't forget it gifted the world with the acceptance of israel as a state, nigel.
Thanks btw
A very good point.
Thank you for using your noggin, Nigel. Have a meme as a token of gratitude
I have nothing against Israel.
Germans and Stormweenies can bitch all they want but it was Germany that started this shit.
Shit talking Britain? I want Britain fixed you fucking retard. You cunts denying the situation only postpones us addressing the issues. You're burying your head in the sand while the shitstorm continues.
>needs a bloody loicense for a fokin butta knoife
yes but your country is run on coalitions so there isnt a chance in hell any of the major parties in germany will make a coalition meaning they will be contained and have no real power.
>Countries like Germany and France have only ever brought war to whites.
t. country that wanted any chance it could get to kill whites in 1939
Kek Muslims I would imaging get their teeth kicked in liverpool
The queen mum is long dead.
What you on about?
AfD forces the parties to make shitty coalitions just for the sake of not coalitioning with them. Jamaika-Coalition failed and even the new """"grand""""" coalition is very unstable and half of SPD didn't even wanted it. We are gaining serious ground here.
Poes off soutie
im sorry but the only way either of our countries are going to break the globalist control is not through our parliments but when the EU collapses as they will have no choice but to give up
Kek.Looks like 1 hwhite man.Thst white man has Irish heritage
>russia white
since when mongols and tatars are considered to be a white race?
You have Brexit and you are no longer under EU tyranny. Now use your power of independence and make your country non-muslim again. I'll wait.
>whiter than you, Aoudj
just because we voted to leave doenst mean we dont have EU traitors in our parliment thats why the only way we are going to be free is when they have a financial crash witch will happen soon
The UK is almost dead, and the sooner it dies the better for the world.
Fuck you, nigger.
so this are new british mutt memes,good to see that our taxes are good employed
what damage can pol already do?
your master are rally paranoid
Pick one
>We alone are the reason the white man still has a fighting chance of survival
No we aren't, we are literally cucked beyond all recognition. We have nothing left for us.
>Countries like Germany and France have only ever brought war to whites.
>Implying we didn't
it doent matter what have happened in the past all european people need to fight together
it doen matter who was responsible for what happen germans british amricans we all know than any of them was fighting for this tipe of world lets fight together against the real enemy
Lets fight together for the first time