What did America do to deserve 9/11?
What did America do to deserve 9/11?
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Supporting Israel
They recruited, financed and armed the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. Who later became Al Qaida and Taliban. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset. They brought this on themselves.
falling for their tricks ;/
there's no such thing as "justice" or "injustice" or "deserving" or "undeserving" in war.
either win or lose. shit happens. you either fold and submit or fight back.
no one complains about how unfair the Battle of Salamis turned out for the stronger Persians.
Well It waited until Larry Silverstien had insured BOTH towers for "terrorist attack" ( something previously never done ) a few weeks before they did the false flag attack...
America.gov had full knowledge of and aided the attack... plenty of evidence this is so out there.
it put into power the people responsible for it
>What did America do to deserve 9/11?
That Patriot Act wasn't going to sign itself.
The "Titanic" playbook for those unaware. It likely staggered whomever was dumb enough to insure it
what was blake doing there?
Yes, the Mossad tipped off Larry about the attacks and he played his role. If you dig deep enough, you'll find the payments from Larry back to his buddies in Israel. It's sickening.
Israel #1
literally nothing
based dill
what is sickening is how close the public was to knowing and they immediately memory holed it once Thomas Wales died
Who else never heard of Islam before 9/11?
That's a bingo
Programs like ECHELON started in secret in the 50's, the NSA/CIA was working to spy on your every move long before 9/11 this was a legitimization of their work and a massive expansion of their budgets, the endless war was just a nice side effect for the corporations.
Support dictators all over the middle east, and Saudi Arabia in particular.
i genuinely thought islam was an obscure christian branch like mormons.
I know that Obama denied the attacks, which is uncharacteristic of a terrorist. When you really think about it, why the fuck would they want to attack us? They wouldn't, Israel is the only party that benefited from our involvement. Well, Israel and the fucking Neocons that sold us out.
easy mistake to make considering they are both criminals
Probably trusted a Jew at some point. Serves us right.
that guy is a pro skateboarder
Not support the final crusade.
top back this up a little more, AIPAC is pretty much the specific reason the Israelis were even able to subvert our government to begin with. Michael Chertoff was a literal Israeli citizen when he covered up the "Art Students" involvement with the attacks. There are literal israeli citizens all up in our legislative bodies, these people are loyal first and foremost to Israel and they make our laws. If you have any question as to who is really behind the endless assault on the 2nd Amendment, just remember the democratic party is literally Israel. Especially when they stand in solidarity, allowing the 40+ Israeli citizens holding key office positions to make legislative decisions for the entire Democratic party is why civic nationalism is failing
Sweet baby Kek you're right.
The port authority privitized the wtc only a month or so before the attack. Once they privitized them, lucky larry moved in only a few days later and took out exoribant insurance coverage....
Terrorism is never acceptable, but don’t ask Gen z faggots trying to pull a conservative facade fake out on you. They’ll jump through hoops in their mind trying to justify any happening, which aids and abets terrorists because we are doomed to take the pressure off them when these fuckers start to vote. How you respond to terrorism though defines your character
Being the second zion. I wish it would happen again and again and again. There are few people in this country that I don't hold some level of contempt for.
Al Quaida literally translate to "The database".
US deserve to be nuked into ashes.
Kill yourself boomer scum. The world will rejoice when you die.