What can we expect from KanColle season 2?

what can we expect from KanColle season 2?

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As evidenced by S1 and the movie, all the same mistakes again, and maybe 15 minutes of material worth watching in total.

I want to ejaculate inside Shimakaze!

Kancolle is old news. Azur Lane is the new hotness.

anime when?

that fox/dog girl is getting such nice fan arts

Being shit.

Fubuki will sink offscreen on the way back to her home planet.

What is it? I only know it's a chinese mobage, and fanart went crazy about it. Kancolle 2.0?

They should make s2 about Shimakaze-kun sexually harassing the admiral.


It has more than IJN wank so the Nips who got tired of endless IJN DDs spam decided to jump the ship.

It's already slowing down.

More proper yuri SoL

>japan gets nuked
>draw the japanese character with an atomic wedgie


>cut admiral
>cut drama
>improve action
>make a popular girl the MC

They can still save it pretty easily.

>It has more than IJN wank
No, it just has Mikasa. Who was in concrete long before the war started. The real advantage is that it has a ton more foreign ships. But the problem is that once you start by picking out all the big names, you have a future of endless DD spam.



REMOVE BOATKIN remove boatkin
you are worst boat. you are the boat idiot you are the boat smell. return to DMM. to our imperial japanese cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,EMPIRE we will never forgeve you. 国賊 rascal FUck but fuck asshole boat stink yokosuka ship ship..boatkin genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead boatkin..ahahahahahJAPANESE NAVY WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .pearlharbor we kill the arizona , yamato return to your precious kancole….hahahahaha idiot boatkin and waifu smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE BOATKIN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+china+britan=kill boatkin…you will ww2/ tojo alive in pyongyang, tojo making album of pyongyang . fast rap tojo pyongyang. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tojo… you are ppoor stink boat… you live in a port hahahaha, you live in a dock

It has more to do with AL being an actual game not autism simulator like KC.

We;ll see how KC phase2 looks. Their arcade game looks great.


Kisaragi dying again.

I want more Hibiki and more Mutsuki and Shiratsuyu botes


Because the arcade game isn't developed by the retarded monkeys at Kadokawa. I doubt there would be any drastic change to the gameplay in phase 2, probably a an UI overhaul and some QoL improvement.

>what can we expect from KanColle season 2?
Everything except what you want.

More garbage, just like the franchise itself.


I saw Bismark being posted on some dude's twitter I like to follow, but I thought it was just MMD. This looks pretty damn cool though. Here's hoping it gets ported to PC relatively quickly so we can all give it a try.

isn't that a boy?

It's only a boy in fanart due to a madman who won a race while dressed as Shimakaze. The real character, like every boat, is female.

The game costs an arm and leg to play, and it's also the franchise latest and probably final cashcow, they are going to milk to for all eternity before they even consider about that PC port.

>what can we expect
I hope an ass that can beat this, at least.

An arm and a leg? How expensive is it to play an arcade game over there? More than pocket change?

it has no breasts
boys have no breasts
I'm no logician, but...

Typical for the attention span of mobagefags

Know what else doesn't have breasts? lolis Also, she does have breasts. Pretty small ones, but there's noticeable lumps in her official art.


You exchange your token for GP, and most actions in game, even idling at your homebase molesting your girls will drain a certain amount of GP. One token is 100 yen, which gives about 5 min worth of playtime.
Not to mention the card collecting aspect of the game, and at the result, we have something like that 150k yen Kashima card.

Little submarines.




I wish


You cheeky cunt

I sure love how all good KC designs are years old.


Is this going to be another general where we don't discuss the the anime and just post lewds? Wouldn't it be better to make a KanColle thread on /jp/ in that case if you don't want to discuss OP's question?

They better have DesDiv17 and the Akizuki-class in it.

Kancolle is declining user, it's time has passed. The only redeeming thing it can do is a pacific rim style show.

How was the movie? Was it any better than the Anime?

It has more drama and Bucky wank.

You waste less time in your life.

Better production values and some nice scenes but plot was baka as fuck.

Other than the rolling scene it hasn't much value.

Please be real

Thoughts on the new ships (Suzutsuki, Sado, Tsushima, I-400)?

They're shit, pretty disappointing event.

So bad I didn't even bother with the event.

Suzutsuki is decent, rest are trash.

Subs would save S2

Good things about the KanColle movie:
>Amatsukaze is in it
>Tatsuta is in it
>Aoba is in it
...That's it.

Remind that Azur Lane absolutely BTFOs KancerColle, both in terms of gameplay and girls. Expect AL to eclipse KC in popularity over the next few years.

Suzutsuki looks good, rest is meh.

They need to start adding more big non japanese ships and fast.

All pretty good. Sado is a loli Maya-sama, Tsushima is like larval Kisaragi, Shion is very cute for a Shibafu ship, and who doesn't love ducks?

AL is a much better game but Kancolel has better girls. AL designs are like some generic pixiv fanart. And it's never eclipsing Kancolle, it already slowed down hard.

All I ask for is more Akatsuki.

Most of KC early designs aren't stellar example of high quality arts either, it just has more time to develop.
Either way, having actual competitor would probably wake up the fatfuck and give him an actual reason to improve his shitty game.

what do the cards do? do they have in-game functionality?

YAMATOOOOO is the only girl i need.

>even idling at your homebase molesting your girls will drain a certain amount of GP
that's fucked up

There's no improvement over absolute garbage.

It's an arcade game. The alternative is waiting in line for hours while the guy in front of you molests everyone in his fleet. Pray for a console port.

>all your favourite shipgirls are very unpopular and most likely won't make it in any anime adaptations

Why is Kantai Collection so popular in the Phillipines? They even have their own dub of the anime broadcasted there.

They give buff to your ships, but these mostly are for collection purpose, otherwise no one sane would want to waste a fortune for some meager in game buffs.

god, I want to lick ro's tanlines

Thats fucked up, I figured it'd give you some sort of exclusive in-game bonus for having a rare card.

How do the cards get distributed to the market? I have no idea how 1 tiny trading card with no in-game purpose can be worth 150k if they aren't mass producing them.

By buying card packs, like every trading card games out there.
You can also spend your GP to print out new cards when you get the ships you want in game.

Anybody else from Sup Forums here?

I used to be.

Does it count if I move there for the world cup?

Yes. We all do anyway.

>liking such a useless hotel

D/a/llas fan

We have submarines now?

Fan Service for pedophiles and CGI shit, the usual

>What can we expect?
More Yamato.
It'd fuckin' better have more Yamato; Yamato is perfection.

Failing that of course, I'll settle for more fairies. Fairies are amazing and need 1000% more screen time.

There's been submarines since 2013.

I meant in the show. There weren't any in the movie nor season 1


The guy talking about new ships was talking about the game you fucking retard.

Don't need to be so mean

Not even best in her own class.

See, I can respect you liking Musashi; she's a good girl and a good ship. She's a perfectly respectable preference.

I still think you're WRONG, but I can see your point of view.

It's not Yamato's fault the admiralty thoroughly mis-used her (and the entire IJN for that matter).

They are alright together.

Agreed. Sisters should get along.

Come to think of it though, season 2 we're likely to see some foreign botes and while I'd love for it to be Warspite or Arc Royal, odds are it'll be Iowa or Bismark...

I don't care who they decide to make the MC, but they MUST wear gloves of some sort.

Who will show up for a good 30 seconds at the end of the final episode.