I think you guys need to lighten up, it's just a meme it doesn't matter, don't worry, you have brown hair and brown eyes your still white, taking this meme seriously is what (((they)))) want.
Am I the only American who think the 56% meme is actually pretty funny?
Other urls found in this thread:
>i'm not like other girl- i mean americans
I think it's hilarious. It works especially well because people who match it keep popping up in politically-relevant events.
i think it's hilarious. it's kind of like when we make fun of them for being 94% muslim. it's just a prank, bro. i seriously don't think they get a rise out of americans by posting it.
I find it funny because I'm 56% but good looking
The only problem I have with it is when it's used in place of a counter-argument to derail good posts by Ameri-posters (I feel the same way about all ad-homenims). Other than that specific usage, yes it's funny and only actual mutts get ass-blasted over a meme.
I secretly don't mind the "toothpaste" meme either.
In our culture clean and healthy teeth don't carry the same stigma as it does in Anglo cultures.
....la luz extinguido....
>Effected by meme posts
hahahahaha it's almost like the people who get angry are new or something, weird stuff.
It hurts because it's true. I was born in the seventies and remember when major cities where white, go look at old photos.
I want to learn spanish just to shitpost better
It's pretty darn funny to me
I think it's funny because I'm actually white.
Lol that thing in the op is real
I think they're a scream
I really like the meme as well, bro. Being a mutt shouldn't be something you're ashamed of. Accept it, it's not a bad thing.
Felt real gay, and forced at first with like 30 variations, but the photoshops are pretty leet. I live in las vegas and this is what i see every time I go outside.
The 56% meme is surprisingly accurate. I see half-breeds and goblinas all the time nowadays.
Meth/cocaine induced conceptions creates superhumans...word to your wonder woman.
What is this meme?
100% White Boi American, blond hair and blue eyes, and I think the 56% meme is hilarious.
The 'El Goblino' caricatures are especially zesty.
Then again, maybe I think it's funny because I look like the poster buy for the Aryan race and am 0% goblin.
I think it's bannable on Sup Forums. You can probably find it with a google search.
it's a great meme, and you can really see it in people.
I think I’m going to start calling myself “el ogro de las Americas”. Has a nice ring to it.
obama was elected. nuff said
I love it but ironically, when I think of europeans I think of ugly brownish people. The county I live in is 98% white which I can guarantee is whiter than german and british achmeds hometown.
It is a serious meme.
But only mutts take offense to it.
I was analy irritated by it at first, but it is just too funny.
I have come to embrace La Creatura as my country's mascot.
is the jew in mutt mix? There should be some.
I wonder what is the (((reason))).
My suggestions:
>el judio
>el marrano
>el gongora
>el nariz
>m I the only American who think the 56% meme is actually pretty funny?
If you look closely most of those who mutt post are in fact americans, it's especially funny when people forget to hide their flag. All in all I'd say around 56% of mutt posters are american maybe more
It’s tradition for us to embrace foreign insults. You know “Yankee Doodle” was a British song making fun of us, right?
lol, I am mutt and I laugh at it so hard. I have glowing blonde hair and green eyes. I laugh at this meme while plowing my hispanic gf