If dubbing studios employed acclaimed celebrities as voice actors would you consider watching dubs over subs?

If dubbing studios employed acclaimed celebrities as voice actors would you consider watching dubs over subs?

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probably not, as it would make me realize how corny much of the dialogue is.

No. That's a sure sign the studio is relying on name recognition and marketing because they know the product is unable to stand on its own merits.

Yes. The American voice acting market has so little voice actors that I can hear the same VA in tens of titles. So if you were to say, broaden the amount of talent willing to partake in voice acting for anime, by result you will have better dubs.

no because acclaimed celebrities aren't always good voice actors (that wizard came from the moon), and anyway the real problem with dubs is that the dubbing happens often years if not decades after the original japanese release, so the english VAs tend to have no direction from the original director of the show or movie, so the performance is inherently inferior to the original dialogue from a VA with the original director's directorial vision and intent behind it (or not, as the case may be).

If dubbing studios put in a modicum of effort I would love to watch dubs. I watch a lot of my anime dubbed when I watch things that aren't currently airing. While a lot of them are passable I still have to constantly ask, "Why did they use that take?"

You're asking for more VA, but OP wants celebs as VA instead of actual good VA.

its not meant to be taken that literal. he could just mean va celebrities

>over subs
No. But I'd consider watching the dubs period.

I thought OP wanted celebrities (Hollywood ones) to voice act, in which case I would imagine yes they have the ability to act. The problem remaining becomes making the dialogue sounding reasonable as other anons have mentioned.

If you were unemployed and handholdless, would you agree to give your only value, your time, to some fucker making a survey?

Disney tried using celebrities for name recognition when it dubbed Mononoke Hime - the result was, while not terrible, not particularly good. Not particularly surprising as celebrities do not necessarily make good voice actors.

Yes because I'm not a weeb and if studios employed genuinely talented actors who are used to voice acting like Mckellen, Mark Hamil, Myers, Gary Oldman, Eddie Murphy... the end result would be an objectively superior product.

Only if they dubbed everything into Scottish.

I meant celebrity actors. I didnt want to use the word again to not be redundant.

Just mute the japanses dub and play this youtube.com/watch?v=nlYlNF30bVg

No, because rarely does the voice direction of a dub better the original.

No. Why would a celebrity voicing someone in anime make it better? I'd rather have the original feelings and emotions the Japanese VAs put into the work.

oi tae fook arye se'n ye fookan cant

No, I was done with dubs when I realized that Sailor Moon's original dub changed parts of the storyline beyond recognition. Not to mention that most English anime dubs are filled with below average talent compared to works originally in English.

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It would be better if the people doing the dub actually gave a shit about what they were doing.

Japanese VAs are shit

I agree
laputa dub > sub

In English, please.

>is it okay for me to wear my shoes inside?

>Muh Seiyu folded one Million times

Japanese voice actors are just dubbers who get paid more than their American counterparts. If Hollywood were put its back into it it would produce a superior product.

There's no comparison between your average dreamworks/disney/pixxar acting piece and the reiterative trite Japanese actors are known for.

That got me so hard.

I would prefer if Japanese studios picked bilingual voice actors, and they would put out their own English voice work, instead of having it done by two different individuals, but hell is going to freeze over before that ever happens.

I do not want this. Japanese Engrish is awful to listen to.

ayem spachen de fochen engle yae dafcun

What had freedom got to do with this? Silly jocks.

Can't I watch both?

It would have more character than some bottom of the barrel commissioned English voice actors doing a localized dub.

I don't think there are enough bilingual voice actors to fill out the cast of a single anime desu

I know i know, a man can dream though.

>watching both
where would you find so much time between work, partying, sports, family, sex...?

No because I don't want liberals closer to my anime than they already are.

>most of our VA are already dogshit
>why not take random celebrities that are probably even worse at voice acting
Yeah great idea.
Someone remind me why dub threads are allowed now?

Fuck no, Christian Bale as Howl was awful. Let VAs do the job they've devoted their lives to perfecting.

What's a celebrity voice gonna do besides maybe draw a few more dozen people to a theater?

Thinking elevens are better at voice acting is weeb bias and the exoticness of not knowing the language to tell that the voices we think are normal for anime sound just as silly to native ears as American cartoon voices do to ours.
The problem with dubs isn't the quality of the voice. It's because American suck at ADR. They obsess over the wrong things like making kansaiben a southern accent, or timing of lip flaps. The only one who got it was Patrick Stewart. He insisted his character be someone with a beard so you wouldn't see his mouth and he wouldn't have to deal with that shit.

>he didn't watch Haruhi in English for celebrity superstar Crispin Freeman
Absolute pleb tier

No because there's an even bigger problem than voice acting in the VA industry, this is called voice direction and you can't fix any of those problems with celebrities, all you can do with celebrities is attract more people to watch your shit but it won't make it any better.
And actually I doubt anyone on Sup Forums gives a shit about celebrities outside of the anime industry.

No, because that would involve paying for my anime, and I'm not a faggot like that.

My problem with dubs is not the issue of quality but watching things in it's original form as it should be. Watching movies and TV dubbed over is for children who can't read fast enough

lip syncing is the problem with dubs, not VA quality. unironically look at the work TFS did with DBZ. their dub is great, regardless of what you think of the writing, and it's because they can speak in a normal cadence and didn't obsessively transliterate the japanese.

But anime are dubbed in the first place user. There's no original voices.
To top it off they involve western characters or western settings half the time.

English isn't my first language so I have no reason to watch english dubbing of japanese show.

It's written in Japanese by Japanese people

Namek was the high point

Kill yourself.

So just because a book was originally written by a Frenchman, the movie adaption should also be in french using french actors.

Not enough people shit on them.

I seriously doubt western voice actors of any class are as experienced as seiyuu. The Japanese voice acting industry is a huge thing where anyone can voice anything so the internal competition is ridiculously hard. And while the top level people do everything from film dubs to anime and games to narration, they are actually paid less than the top of western voice acting (ie. people with roles in famous long-running series).

I listen to anime related web radios several hours every week and watch owarai / variety shows regularly. The truth is average 3DPD people just don't sound that good (bad pronounciation, dull intonation, generic tone characteristics), so saying "seiyuu don't sound like real people" is wrong in the opposite kind of way all the dub defenders would like it to be. It should be really fucking obvious that seiyuu sound better than average because that's that's what they do for their living; they can sound just as serious or silly as they (or more like the sound directors) want their acting to be.

How is a dub an adaption you fucking retard?

>watching dubs
>watching a dub just because some celeb did it

>The truth is average 3DPD people just don't sound that good
Why do they sound so fucking bored all the time?

>Cartoon drawing
>Original voice

Were you perhaps baiting?


>I seriously doubt western voice actors of any class are as experienced as seiyuu.

No. I don't watch any other media dubbed so there's no reason to with anime either

Because this is a serious world where everything is serious
No but really its because they're fucking hacks

They don't even need to do that, if they made just some basic attempts to make the dialogue feel natural dubs would be fine. Why can't they get the same treatment video games get? There are Japanese games like Dragon's Dogma and Nier: Automata that have English dubs that are so well done you could easily mistake for being the original audio like in Dark Souls.

hello /dg/

>I seriously doubt western voice actors of any class are as experienced as seiyuu.

But Tony Jay is dead so it will never be the same.

please no dont remind me


Dubs are for people whose IQs are too low to read quickly.

I'd love to see Billy West and Tom Kenny do a shonen, the big bad can be Mark Hamill

Subs are for people whose IQs are too low to read light novels instead.

>not Keith David

He's even included on the brown girls posting roll.

>No but really its because they're fucking hacks
>normal people speaking

No because regular actors are usually shitty voice actors.

To be fair only high IQs can read LNs.

I'm sorry Mr. David

The problem is with the directors and not the VAs. Jap VAs have great direction and the added advantage of getting to play off each other in a studio. Dub VAs just read random lines alone with little or no context and have to rely solely on what the director tells them to do so you can't really blame them for the end result.

Only if it’s in German.

>if they made just some basic attempts to make the dialogue feel natural dubs would be fine
Then we get into the whole localisation vs censorship debate and the whole thing's fucking pointless.

No. I don't care about celebrities.

Not to mention English isn't even my first language.

Someone drop the link of Ian McKellen reading the Unlimited Blade Works quote.

No, because it's not just a matter of voice actors and their talent. A lot of liberties need to be taken when translating since in many situations there's no equivalent for the phrases or words being used. In those cases, at best a close-ish equivalent is used, otherwise it's replaced with awkward-sounding or different phrase altogether. Regular watchers of subtitled anime become more or less familiar with these -isms and speech patterns so it's not really an issue with them anyway, but there's still nothing to replace them with comfortably in English.

On top of that, Japanese is inherently more nuanced in some ways - there's many ways to say the same thing, making it more "fun." To say "eat this!" you can use "kurae!" "kuraina!" "kuraiyagare!" "kucchimae!" "kurattemiro!" "kuracchae!"
In English, you'd get awkward-sounding stuff like "feast on this!" "eat it" and other similarly awkward phrases, because unlike in Japanese, the word itself (eat, or "kurau") isn't malleable. You'll probably end up using other phrases altogether, like "how's this?" but Japanese can do that too, with phrases like "dou da!" "dou yo!" "dou?" "ikaga?" then you can throw in more things to flavor it up like, "ikaga kashira?" or "dou deshou?" Anime archetypes pretty much have these -isms built into their character, so naturally they don't work as well in English. Because of that they're inherently anime-sounding, so alternatively, when they're used for western media, they usually sound off.


If they fit the description of dull and unoriginal, they're hacks
But they don't have to have expressive voices either, take the round headed buffoon for example
Just don't be boring, stop being boring

>what the fuck am I reading

It's not the actors so much as it's the direction. I had this thought earlier this week though, and all I can say is I want James Earl Jones to voice someone. Anyone. Even Ash Ketchum.

Never understood what the point of trying to get other people to approve your favorite voices is. If you get off to English dubs then watch those and be happy. You don't need to convert people like some evangelist.

Hacks are professionals by definition, people can only be hacks when talking casually if they make a living of talking casually.

This is why I don't tell anyone I watch anime.


No, I like the fact that in Japan voice acting and acting can be basically different things and even though I don't really watch I kind of like that about English dubs too. I wouldn't want to hear "acclaimed celebrities" in both hollywood and in anime I guess.

>this anime has one of the best english voice casts ever
>they were all veterans of golden age radio and hollywood, including the legendary Paul Frees
>some of them were born in the 1890s and may of them died shortly after this film was released



>On top of that, Japanese is inherently more nuanced in some ways
Read a fucking dictionary you illiterate ape.

>in some ways
Learn to fucking read you illiterate ape.

I only watch dubs under two circumstances:

1. The anime is set in a western setting
2. The dub is incredibly good quality

That’s why the only dubs I’ve ever watched and enjoyed are Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass, FMA: B, and Baccano. and Toradora even though it’s set in Japan. I have to admit I only like it because I hate Rie Kugimiya and I felt like Ami’s English voice suited her better. Having more talent in voice acting would certainly help but the first circumstance still applies.

I find this to be a common opinion of people who can't actually read or translate Japanese.

it worked for Afro Samurai. i would watch an anime dub if it had Morgan Freeman

Are you going to explain why or just leave it at that?

It doesn't need to be a celebrity, just someone decent. Usually Japanese voice acting just works best a lot of the time because it was written/styled for the way that they speak.

They also have the show's creators there guiding them into giving the right performance and time go over and fix mistakes. I remember Joel McDonald saying Funimation gets like a week to record their lines before it gets released.

No, celebrities makes it worse. Because now it's not just a bad dub. It's a bad dub where the character is Magneto. And it would mean they're spending tons of money on celebrity voice acting instead of other things.