They probably won't bother most of the people on this board, but Irish,British and Romanians probably know what aim talking about.They lack education,their health is shit,they are way more likely to have birth defects,they steal,and they don't even travel anywhere.They just stick their shitty caravans anywhere they want and stay there and councils can't kick them out because some retard decided to have them recognised as a minority.
Gypsy/Traveller hate thread
I see you gypsy and I raise you a haitian
>average IQ 67
>violent niggers thieves
>voodoo ("black magic which craft")
Let’s get some more pics of these travelers my long lost Paddie ancestor friend.
they also believe in magic user
here short little story
>be me
>going to hospital
>going to see my new born niece
>gypsies in the same hospital with their spawn
>gypsy spawn keeps crying every time they put it down
>gypsy figures there must be a curse put on the baby
>2 days later shit ton of gypsies gather to burn coal and some other shit to break the curse on the baby
>literally fill the hospital with smoke and set off fire alarms
>doctors have to rush to tell them to cut it the fuck off
>poor doctor has to escort these dumbass out
these people are a plague
I'll do the two cuties on the left. The rest of them can tickle my butthole though.
>wearing high heels in mud
Hatians truly are the worst. One almost killed me with a machete one night coming home from a bar.
Disgusting creatures they are
well don't worry they'll be replaced with packs of machete wielding niggers soon enough.
they get done from time to time under modern slavery laws
The second one from the left is the only one that isn't already knocked up by niggerkind.
Everyone knows this group of trashpeople.
They are almost like indians, but instead of poo, its just litter and trash.
They usually shit and piss in bushes.
Are these frogs?
i fucking hate them all
They exist here too. There's a trailer park in Memphis, Tennessee near the airport that has nothing by gypsies living there. The families travel around the country, the husband perpetuates home remodeling/restoration scams and the wives shoplift from department stores and conduct return fraud.
When enough people in the town catch on and start closing in on them they move on to the next town and repeat indefinitely.
I was a loss prevention officer at a department store and we knew all of them. They're good at detecting undercover security, and they'll signal to the whole group by pointing at them and saying out loud "Hey doesn't that look like your cousin?"
Also we would get fired if we called them "gypsies" or "travellers" because it was deemed racist toward Romanians or some shit. We had to call them "the Memphis group".
I claim the pudgy qt on the right
Those are Irish travellers, a very distinct group of gypsies that differ from Romania. These are Romani people.
>Hatians truly are the worst
A beautiful and vibrant culture.
I'll never forget the time my bus got stuck for an hour in Lisdoonvarna during the horse festival.. so many neon subhumans :O
You have to say this: they are still more traditional than western women:
I wanna know more about their "recognized minority" status - does it protect their culture? We could use that as a way of protecting our own traditional culture?
remember the little blond "angel" found living amongst gypsies who was eventually determined to actually be one? this is her big sister.
>a very distinct group of gypsies that differ from Romania.
nope most are from the same area Punjab or so
and from the lowest claste
they are more mixed in ireland and america
And I though Romania is the only country full of these ghetto fucks. Guess other countries have the same problem too.
literally none of that shit ever happens
only one clan probably keeps the traditions and culture if you can call it
most are from the bear tamers clan and are utter trash
That's not just a raise, that's all in
Haitians truly are the king niggers of this world
I actually saw a show about Irish(?) travelers when I was a kid but thought it was just fiction at the time, something like Mad Max.
> the only country full of these ghetto fucks
Dude, do you even Balkan?
Anglo gypsies are classier than the balkan variety
As we move north gypsies tend to improve, maybe cold effects them i dont know
Greek and Albo gypsies are the worst of the worse that's for sure
I'd kill every single one of them without hesitation.
Why not just stolen generation them out of existence?
I'd do them. All of them.
Irish gipos are not an unique ethnic group.They are inbred.
Can relate Romanbro.
>Sister had Leukaemia
>Hospital absolutely full of gippos
>They have shit health
>cos of inbreeding
>Whine + do disgusting shit whole time.
>Rude to staff
Fucking animals
Every Romanian is a gypsy and ever Irishmen is a piece of scum that needs to be sterilized.
Not sure if that guy was a gypsy user. Gypsies frequenting Örebro live in the outskirts of the woods, in disgusting camps. This guy lived in that bus stop for 3 months, had to move in to one of the public restrooms for a while when the police were fucking with him.
And your whole country needs to be nuked by Americans to not spread your retarded ideas or before you start cloning Trudeau.
As a Roma Gypsie I would prefer if you would not use the term Gypsie to describe the white trailer trash that live in Ireland, One originated from Asia, the other is an inbred island dweller. Thank u
Far left is is least terrible.They're all subhuman.
>They have shit health
dont know about over there but here
they are like cockroach live in trash and immune to infections it seems
>be me
>go for surgery in 07
>almost died have to spend a month in hospital
>barely can eat or move
>little gypsy comes next day same surgery
>makes full recovery in a few days and the rest of the pack simply take him away
the rest is however true from personal experience
Whats the deal with the old gypsies in Scandinavia? We got a few brutal families running the mob in some parts of Sweden. Always dress in suits and the women have these ginormous black skirts which under they hang all the stuff they shoplift.
Are they also originally Romanian/Bulgarian?
Lol true.
Knacker death camps when?
what is the average european gypsy IQ?
nope those are older i believe larped as tattars or tatan you might call them
Subhumans.Their only skill is knackery and stealing.I feel bad for the horses they have.They keep then in terrible conditions.
I know but I hear the Romani have the same kind of steal and fuck off when the townsfolk get aware of their fuckery.
i have seen tests from sub 80 to 76
Are you retarded? Gypsies and Travellers are not the same ethnic group of people, just because both were nomadic does not make them same. Gypsies are from Romania, Travellers are from Ireland
They're practically white.
100% of them in Russia are drug-dealers and i am not exaggerating
Ah poor Lisdoonvarna.Lovely town currently being overrun by subhumans and hotel owner is bringing in refugees.
>. Gypsies are from Romania
>buying in to Sup Forums memes
one google search it is all it takes to not be a moron
The two on the left is kinda cute desu. A good man and some workout, they would be a good woman for any of you neckbeards.
Gotta be honest lads I think these gypsy skanks are sexy as fuck
Irish gypsy camp in my town, they look so interbred its like they have one face for everyone.
The cans on that chick
These are gypsys/romanians, the same ugly fucks that hang outside our supermarkets. Gas these with fire.
I'm from Rome, Italy. Even leftists say they're subhumans. They managed to get racial hate even from the softest soyboys out there.
sorry I meant to say that Gypsies orignated ethnically in North India and then moved to Romania. Such a huge difference for the conversation.
fuck them
There is one family of gypsies in the town I am living in.
They live a few blocks away from me in free government house.
Everyday they catch the bus around 10:00 to the downtown
The woman and older man spend all day begging from tourists.
The younger men roam and pickpocket.
I saw one of the guys get arrested once.
Every time I am downtown they are begging.
This has been going on for 3 years.
irish travellers are white irish
not from india
My mamaliga and mastika friends can confirm that we don't always get along, but when it comes to gypsies, we can have a coalition.
they don't even have paved roads in Romania and you think you can make one understand that travellers aren't romani?
How the fuck is this legal?
It's never going to change. They take pride in stealing from their host country's people, and they proudly teach their children to do the same. They are seriously fucked up. I know cause I had a few in my school as a kid and they'd tell me.
When they look for quick work in whatever town they've set up shop for a few years, normal Irish folk would probably deny them the job because of repeated incidents of the gippos that were hired stealing stuff from building sites,shops etc.So when they get denied employment,they will start calling it discrimination which it kind of is but for good reason, and then they due the employer for everything they have.After they win they don't have to work a day in their life.Also they aren't that traditional.They bare knuckle box in backyards like chimps and they ride horse carts.Everything else they do is tacky shit.This has been happening since last year when some tard decided to let them do this bullshit.
This level of stupidity shouldn't be allowed
Hey DR , I work in a store within a Haitian neighborhood. They are awful people. I only started to understand there is a difference between the Caribbean people. I have to agree Haitians are the worse. They will try to haggle you on everything. Even MSRP items. It doesn’t make any sense to me. And then complain about it. They’re sort of worse than Jewish customers.
The worst part about this is that Channel 4 fetishizes their lifestyle a lot with those terrible reality shows.
Irish gypsies are actually just inbred el goblino version of good white Irish.
Relax, I was complimenting your people
You don't get it , Travelers in Ireland are not from the Punjab region of India, like the Romani from Romania are. Maybe go to school instead of begging on street corners.
Back in September Travellers set up a camp in my local Tesco's car park, when a security guard went over to tell them they can't live in a fucking car park, they beat him up and he had to go to hospital and the shop had to close for a day as I presume police forced them out.
I just looked this up to get the date right and found out another slightly less local Tesco car park had them settle in it a week ago and it had to close because they were acting hostile to customers and again the police had to be brought in to remove them.
Fuck these people.
They are always speaking loudly as well, no respect for other people.
>they don't even have paved roads in Romania
that is still wrong
im wrong but the image you show definitely show them originating in north india before going to central europe. Please just stop trying
>my people
it was not a direct move and we do have roads
Americans have a traveling street people culture, but it's more like a cross of dirty Punk rock and hippies, not as bad as what Euros describe as Gypos
We have an entire village full of Irish Travellers called Murphy Village in South Carolina. They live in McMansions financed by gypsy paving (spray oil on driveway, call it sealing etc.) and other gyp rackets.
so you were butthurt cause you don't have roads, its ok
True that
You're really confused. When muslims conquered the Punjab region, many people choose to flee because they wouldn't have the freedom to practice that form of magic they still do to this day.
And some of them migrated south of Caspian Sea, some north. Then some migrated south of Black Sea, some north. Some decided to stay in south of Europe, some decided to migrate north.
And the so called "Irish travellers" are from the same group of people that are called gypsyes, zigeuner, tigan, cingaro, gitan, romani etc.
That's in Georgia not SC. SC is getting invaded by Israelis and secular J's from up North. In starting to think the coast will be used as some sort of beachhead where they will welcome the Israeli military or other nations when SHTF
>hurricane hits city
>neighbors flooded
>people start to rebuild
>see two shady characters on hime security cam while out
>cam captures on guy on the phone talking about how he is ducking his bookie but needs to place new bets
>rush home see guys next door
> think they are workers who had the wrong house, but photograph their truck anyways (no plate)
>never see them again
>hear they took another neighbor for 12 grand
>ask neighbor about them, said they didn't even have a tape measure and refused to put anything in writing, lots of pressure to start work immediately
>refered by neighbors from Cali
They were swarthy, filthy brown. At the time i thought they were typical mexicans, but neighbor said they had northwrn accents. Now i wonder.
Fuck off leaf go suck on Trudeau
Actually, it is SC:
No, the majority of irish travellers are poor white irish people. Do you consider Jews the same as Arabics because they came from the region. Would you consider a an asian and a white person the same because they all came from Africa. NO you wouldn't When your ethnic group as been seperated and breed with different genes fro over 1100 years you are not the same ethnic group anymore. I know why you think this, so you can call yourself Roman, but your not.
wrongfag. SC. I live nearby this inbred community. The chicks have nice big hair, though.
I was in Greece last year and I experienced Gypsies for the first time
It wasn't bad actually, they just went up and down the metro playing accordions and having their kids beg for money
And there were some that cleaned a bathroom at the bus station and had like a little donation box, and then some dudes tried to sell me some hot merchandise
That's all pretty whatever.
I have heard about the child thievery/slavery rings and the prostitution and the ridiculous crime syndicates though, and obviously the culture is a fucking plague, one of the worst in the world, but my experience with them was a nuisance at worst
>Saturdat just gone
>in polish shop
>ran by albanians
>pikey scum whore mother with three underage girls (looked to be between the ages of 7-10)
>pikey scum whore mother asks albanian guys (2 of them behin till) which underage girl they find most attractive
>both seem to choose the same one (didn't see which one as was at back of shop looking at beer/prices)
>as I'm walking to the counter with beer the youngest girl asks "why did you pick her? why not me?"
fairly certain the hatred for the pikey mother must have been causing some interference with reality as despite my face being in a perfectly neutral expression the smiles on the guys faces both dropped when they turned their heads to look at me walking towards the till & despite being all smiles & laughter for pikey scum whore mother, neither one said a word to me & both avoided eye contact
>pikey scum whore mother smiles & sais "thanks, see you again soon" as she leaves with the three miniature subhumans
I know some of you will make the usual claims of autist, socially awkward retard etc. but that wasn't the case in this instance
Dominicans Vs hatians is hilarious, it's like 95% Africans Vs 80% Africans, you are all black af
>I live nearby this inbred community
Do you ever ride through Murphy village to gyp watch? I heard the locals will follow outsiders until they leave town. Any good stories?