>another islamic terrorist attack in france
>no one is giving a shit
Is terrorism the new norm for e*rope?
Another islamic terrorist attack in france
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and it's beautiful
part and parcel of being a cuck
Even with terrorism included, way more people die from violent crime in Brazil and Muttistan, than in Europe. Just the news rarely reports on it because its so common for you
They see themselves as freedom fighters.
It was a pretty small attack really. In fact 176 people are murdered in Brazil each day
not from islamic terror.
Yeah I'm sure getting beheaded for cocaine is much more enjoyable
Flamby le moi-je a dit qu'on devait s'habituer à vivre avec le terrorisme.
C'était pas Manu la Valseuse ?
>no one is giving a shit
Literally the first article on the BBC news page.
How do you know no one is giving a shit, monkey? Less threads about it than usual?
someone really need to research the phenomenon that is brasilians feeling entitled to criticize europe
Now tell us how many people died in the favellas today?
It's the Sup Forums monkey
In europe we're giving a shit beacuse we're scared
this lmao
from islamic terror made by immigrants?
fuck off monkey terrorism is just part and parcel of living in europe.
Not from invaders. They just kill themselves, like ABB did here. That's pretty shit, but I take that over invaders.
this, killing ourselves is still better than being killed by welfare leeching muslim invaders.
>Is terrorism the new norm for e*rope?
seems like it
If this was coming from Japanese or Korean, it might be reasonable for them to say that. However what baffles me is it's coming from South American.
>number of French killed by terrorism in 2017 (excluding terrorists)
>number of French born every year
.00000386597% (births)
.00000000448430493% (population)
>number of Brazil killed in violent crime every year
>number of Brazilian births every year
.01994680851% (births)
.00030170918% (population)
>number of Americans killed in violent crime every year
>number of births per year
.0043125% (births)
.00005296284% (population)
For mass shootings in USA (590 deaths in 2017)
.0001475% (births)
.00000181% (population)
Murders total in France (802)
.00104563% (births)
.00001199% (population)
What was it this time?
yeah its just an average day in western europe. maybe when some bigger scale stuff happens people will talk about it for a day or two
So it's more important when Mohamed decides to TRUCK other people every 5 months than when several hundred people are murdered everyday?
According to the London mayor Sadiq Khan it is.
>says the monkey
t. muhammad
fuck off macaco
i hate filthy frogs so much:D they deserve every terrors go go our arab brothers!
>Is terrorism the new norm for e*rope?
Maybe for France.
Even though I agree with the stuff he says in this, PJW is just very annoying to listen to.
Your flag is a fucking cross, what does that even mean?
How is this better? I would be even more repulsed knowing Belgians were killing other Belgians en masse. Not to mention the fact the your own population killing each other implies poverty which we don't have.
People who dies in favela are poor nobody care about them
you are not belgian, muhammad
ITT: 3rd world shithole coping with their shithole
>mass shooting vs homicides
why not homicides vs homicides ?
you have 12k..
you're a monkey, cheeta
>Hey atleast were not brazil right
imagine thinking this is a positive thing to say, why not compare yourself to countries near you?
hard to compare ourself with inferior countries like yours tho
I guess I shouldn't expect any meaningful response from a favela monkey
Our homicide rate is higher then Algeria, Morroco, Greece and Romania...
>no media outrage
>no protest
>no faggots who change their facebook picture
Muslim attacks have sharply decreased in recent months.
Even the dumbest of those fucks have come to realize by now that "dying for Syria " is beyond a lost cause and doesn't accomplish anything.
I hope you're not actually S Korean. Thousands of French men fought for Korea's freedom during the Korean War.
time to remove mudshits
il negro delle banlieue
All things considered, we have very few terror attacks and gun deaths, despite the huge availability of guns, both legal and illegal, as well as the huge number of muslims and a completely inneficient state and police.
It's pretty much a miracle at this point that we don't have 10000+ people killed everyday.
People are politely trying to not laugh at someone attacking a supermarket with a arsenal of grenades and a gun and only killing 1 civilian and 2 cops
The French are so convinced of their intellectual prowess and position as the great defenders of 'liberté, égalité, fraternité' that they will never turn the tide. Amongst youths, something like 20-25% of the population is North African (and Mohammedan).
I will say that France gets a broader range of personalities with North Africans than, say, Britain gets with Pakistanis (none of whom adopt the local culture), as many Tunisians/Moroccans/etc do seem to 'integrate'. However, because of sheer numbers, they have even more of the filth as well.
>It was a pretty small attack really
Oh well, never mind I guess