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Lol! Please be true plsease be true!
The Liberal Salt from this will be better than when he won the Election. MAGA!!!
Oh, and Sauce on that Juicyburger plx.
Lemme gather it, hang on. Make some popcorn for this one. Kek.
Interesting. And?
Doing it right, user. Go on?
The first wall isnt even started and they are already promising a second one.
Annexing Mexico clay. We're starting to make a bad habbit of this.
I hope he tries, the shit fest would be great
user, could you provide the EOM? If it would compromise you, I understand if you are unable to provide it.
I have grown quite attached to my head.
He's building the fucking wall, and nothing will stop it now.
Understood. What else can you provide?
The facts you spergs pull meaning from that is delusional.
Also if you guys want to bump that would be good. The sliding going on right now is crazy.
Ill believe it when i see it.
>In before he builds couple of miles and promises he will finish the whole thing in second term
Taking a conference call. Be back in 20.
Standing by. Fill us in on the call.
Call over. Troops on The Border and DMZ confirmed.
“I want to address the situation on border security, which I call national defense,” Trump said. “I call it stopping drugs from pouring across our border. And I call it illegal immigration. It’s all of those things. But national defense is a very important two words. Because by having a strong border system, including a wall, we are in a position, militarily, that is very advantageous.”
For the first time, Trump underlined the significance of the barrier as a military structure and a matter of national defense. Up to now, the president promoted the wall as a way to curtail illegal immigration and stop the deadly flood of illicit drugs. The introduction of the wall’s military function is significant, especially in terms of funding it.
Roughly half of the spending bill is dedicated to the military for a total of over $654 billion allotted to the Pentagon’s base budget and overseas counterinsurgency operations. That’s enough to build the wall 26 times.
He can't take the 1.3 trillion but he can designate the military appropriations as he sees fit in accordance with the declared emergency...or emergencies.
Does this mean he got the wall and no DACA anything got traded? YEP!
Wow. I'm speechless. M-maga.
That bill section has to do with foreign aid for health emergencies and is too small to have anything to do with the wall
There's not going to be a wall.
This is Trumps chosen wall design for the Interior Wall, and it will be built with AMERICAN MINED AND MANUFACTURED STEEL.
booyah #MAGA
So sorry Mi Amigo, you have to make your own country great. No more leeching off of the U.S.
You are being weaned.
Mexico will collapse in to total anarchy.
I will pray the Rosary for you.
This design has been since latter Bush and early Obumo days and it's literally a bad hombre ladder, it's total crap made with recycled steel from your decommissioned planes, cash for clunkers snatches and tanks. Git gud faggots and build
Why highest mexican achievement and ambition is to leech on USA?
Sounds like bullshit
But I believe it
>Carso leeching Drumpf & US gov shekels
You're funny Cleetus
Where is M? Minnesota?
Well, yeah. The plan is to build the DMZ, allow Mexico to decay in to total anarchy. After the population has reduced each other by haly, The U.S. will intervene by Invitation. A New Wall will be built South of Mexico City, and all the Criminal elements Exiled to The Other Side. Carlos slim will then Administer everything North of Mexico City. It will replace China as one of our Industrial/ Tech producers.
Because muh American Dream meme still somehow a thing in 2018, it would be dead if (You) somehow learn how to grow your staple food like burgers and KFC from trees so u don't need Juan and Pedro to harvest your veggies because you fat asses can't even do that for yourselves. And Still, you Amerimutts will import our avocados to spread over your soy toast for eternity. Mark my words into your mind.
Thank you for your info. I will retain my Investments. I may have to wait a few years for the returns it sounds like. How wide will the DMZ be?
That sounds like a plan I guess
How wide is the Korean DMZ?
Thanks. I will dump everything I hold inside the future DMZ.
Wider than your mum's boipucci
FYI I'm not American.
You are just a parasite. I can understand you do what you do, but you have no right to expect USA to bend to your demands, nor even have any demands. You just simply have no leverage to demand anything, and it's very arrogant, makes you look like losers and cunts. Hence the hate you get.
>Mfw when we get a two for one wall sale
Quit that meme flag faggot.
>I'm not a mutt
Unironically ironically using the Gadsden memeflag.
>You're a parasite
But I don't flagpost that shit even tho La Mesilla is literally 10m away from my home, I can cross and buy a snek McDouble rn if I wanted u faggot but I don't because USA is shit I rather have some tacos and you know u too. ¿Quien es El parasito ahora? :^)
>Quit that meme flag faggot.
Go fuck yourself
Do you even know the meaning behind that flag you nigger?
You sound angry mongolito.
building starts Monday morning, expect a high military presence along the USA mexico boarder.
>Red Castle
>Green Castle
>U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) red corps castle logo
>Green light means GO
I can't wait to see the liberals foaming at the mouth Monday, when the land is taken from mexico for the DMZ, Mexico will (kinda) pay.
no more muslim brotherhood crossing in through mexico.
Then Trump will come down hard on Canadian faggot prime minister Trudie to not let the muslims into Canada, when he doesn't new election will be called here and Trudie will be gone and Canada may get fixed.
>You sound
I find your autism ammusing, how do you interpret the sound of my cryptic writings? Are you reading out loud what I'm shit posting? Mum needs to take you with again to the Psychiatrist Dr. Shekelberg to get your schizo medications topped off, goy.
>Do you even know the meaning behind that flag you nigger?
Being this trigerred by merely 176 pixels. Do you even have free will?
sorry mexico but hes right, you dont have the leverage to talk the big talk, half of mexico just wants to flee to the US....
dont give that crap about gringos bying drugs and thats the reason for your problems cause colombia was able to get out of that hole.
M is Mexico you dumbfuck leafposter. We are building the Hyperloop wall THROUGH Mexico thanks to Carlos Slim bitshekels because Amerimuttland still in debt to the trillions like to start building dumb walls. That's why Goynald Drumpf made a 9D chess move and sold his ass to (((them))) in first place.
I didn't had an answer to my question. Also you can't embrace what you don't belong from. I was born in the Mesilla btw I'm can rightfully flagpost that shit if I wanted to but I rather choose to not be a larp nigger shabbos goy like (You) Get cucked fag.
you're going to be in for a big surprise mexicano.
hyperloop is fake shit to get free money, every million and billion air needs to invest in at least one failing business so to write of taxes.
As for the saving the USA will get by not supporting your welfare asses.....
Illegal drugs are most definitely a public health emergency. Or have you not been paying attention?
Thinking Trump will do business with California, Trump is cutting off funding to California AND cut off funding to Musks failed projects.
>A Jewtube video to prove a point
Yeah you totally proved your point nigger, bravo. /s
>Hyperloop is a meme, you're going to get jewed by Elon and Carlos Slim
You're mad alright.
In what part of my map do you see Commiefornia? Commiefornias don't deserve Hyperloops to begin with
>B-but Baja is also part of Commiefornia
My bad, expecting a mexican to even science......
S-so the wall is actually happening?
We can use Israeli logic to justify seizing Mexican land and call it self defense. Then when Mexico rightly is upset by this, we can use Israeli logic to cry out in pain as we strike.
my bad, hope mexico invested lots in the hyperloop
can you please stop insulting the Koreans by implying that north america is worthy of a DMZ
this isn't a war, it is Democrats stuffing California with immigrants and cheating at voting, it is mass voter fraud plus
Hector, remodel my bathroom
Hector, make me some fajitas
Hector, let me fuck your sister
the real enemy is Cali democrats
those things need to be killed
the idea that Cali democrats are not an invasive species that needs to be killed, in other words genocide, is simply pie in the sky
Cali democrats are communists, you don't talk with them, you kill them
you know it
>we're not gonna build a wall
>we're gonna build two walls
only an endless supply of mexican sub humans who do manual labor for minimum or below minimum wage are keeping americans from doing those jobs. on top of it, your all violent 60iqs who dont speak any English.
what kid is going to want to work in a field surrounded by gross short brown people yelling at each other in a foreign language all day long.
I can do whatever I want, burrito. You can't tell me what to do or not to do. I'm showing you huge grace by replying to your post. Of course a brown ape you are, you won't even understand that.
Stay mad faggot.
Nice try pretending youre of any worth carlos. America was fine before you greasy undercutting parasites decided to abandon your own country. ALOT of whites are willing to farm and be farm hands, but the commercial business of farming allows them to take senorita and Pablo instead of a self respecting american who wants more than 2 apples and a cigar for a days work.
Fuck dude you just woke me, mexico $600 billion to musk for a hyperloop that will never work, I guess you are paying for the wall.
USA takes money, builds wall with it instead, then says come mexico collect lol
M = Military
Trump is going to trade mexico for california
Russian bot.
Just saw this post
Hope its true
>build a wall through monday?
>build a wall through mexico?
>build a wall through the military?
I guess the last two sound right, the first one though ... I don't know about.
We should send the Californians to Mexico, reclaim Baja during the commotion, and then repopulate that area with patriots
Does it mean through military?
As a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY, we absolutely have to annex BAJA. I've been looking into this and there's just NO CHOICE. We have to do it, our hand is forced. Nothing can be done.
Look at how much less wall there is to build if we simply Annex Baja. There's just no way around it... that's just too bad.. it has to be done.. we have to annex baja. No way around it.. national security is at stake.
Sorry mexico. We'll make up for it by letting you pay for less wall.
fitting that a Musk vehicle would be running them down considering Mexico is investing in hyperloop lol
>he thinks people are going to be allowed anywhere near the wall on either side
sad... sad, sad, sad.
Don’t preach about what jobs Americans will do. Go fuck yourself wetback. I hope the cartel gets ya and you end up getting your own ballsack shoved in your mouth before getting beheaded. That’s traditional there right?
where the fuck is the wall across the arizonan and texan border, we still need to guard those hotspots.
reddit and libtards have been raiding this place for months, that quiz is disregarded they think that attacking this place matters and will actually get anything done.
Don’t forget, with white phosphorus.
Like /r/t d
3D Photoshop.
Mexican ladder; $29.95
American .50 round; $1.95
Whew lad/10
>Tremendous if Literal
Remember before he signed it the President was repeatedly saying how awful it was that the dems included NO provisions in the bill for DACA. He KNEW what was coming.(with the EO he just signed.)
So now the dems have not only lost their bargaining chip of DACA vs. the Wall, but they look heartless to lots of so called "dreamers" because they put no protection in the bill for them.
I tell you, Trump is a damn genius!
This fun law we have on the books will greatly expedite construction of a southern border wall.
One of the things it implements
"Waiving laws that interfere with construction of physical barriers at the borders"…
>So now the dems have not only lost their bargaining chip of DACA vs. the Wall, but they look heartless to lots of so called "dreamers" because they put no protection in the bill for them.
This is what I've been saying from the start. Why would he encourage ICE so much if he wanted DACA?
I want to see your dumb ass carry a 30ft ladder through the desert to the wall, climb up and over it, and make it to civilization without dying of fucking dehydration and stupidity faggot.
>3D Photoshop.
Oh poor reddit you upset even pol hates your god emperor now ;(