This kills the shills
This kills the shills
yes it does
They purge all the nonwhites from the military first.
If ends up being legit, he's a confirmed 4-d chess mastermind.
Enemy combatants pouring through our borders.
Rollin for war on U.S. clay
He does this every time, which is why it baffles me when actual people that support him say “I’m done” like they never cared in the first place
Apply this to anything to fix it
I'm sure there's nothing else that 1.42 TRILLION dollars could have done to improve the economy.
Also what happened to Mexico paying for the wall? Why does he even need funding?
Shameless self bump
>enemy combatants pouring into our country
>I'm sure there's nothing else that 1.42 TRILLION dollars could have done to improve the economy.
Lockheed Martin and Boeing make up something like $150 billion in arms sales. They employ nearly 300,000 people.
The Omnibus bill was a bad thing all around, yet ultimately he decides how the money is spent
Illegals should be considered combatants, case in point with the shit that’s going on in Texas and California
Reminder that eternally triggered libtards are the real shills.
No wonder the shills have been so pathetic.
No one can even tell you how retarded you are on tumblr - it's the last haven of delusional liberal NEETs.
Unironically this. I'm taking note of who the Mercurial cowards are.
So far
I'm sure they're many others.
They started on March 18th and nothing happened. So the operation still going or did they get severly triggered they got PTSD?
>Targets 4Chans Sup Forums, Sup Forums. Sup Forums, /k/ and Sup Forums boards
>Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums
Dear God they are maniacs. Do they not learn from history?
A lot of these dummies just hopped on the Trump train for their 15 minutes. Makes me sad
His tweet right after this one kind of contradicts it
Why are we not posting gore. I just don't get it.
>Cant ban trannies with his Twitter
>You fags think he will build the Wall with a tweet
Based MAGApedes
Maybe, however the “down payment” bit also is a contradiction
The sad thing is the next time something happens and the blackpill concern shilling starts up again idiots will still fall for it.
Wait for April
why is he even trying to appeal to the illegals. fuck dacaspics
he hasn't done dhit yet beyond tweet. its still a democrat omnibus bill
Why arent we doing a rerun of the great independence day war?
How can you not see he is totally ego driven? He does not care about any of that shit, only approval. It is the same drive that teen girls have.
Trump fucked up and many of you niggers keep right on worshiping him.
Fake and gay
Instead hes tweeting about amnesty for DACA again. Hes fucking done
If he’s so full of hot air like a lot of people claim, then all he’s doing is stirring up unrest and letting the pieces fall where they may
>work will start immediately
Is it?
Dunno but here's some Japanese vomit porn to share
>it's disgusting but not actually unethical so GCHQ can't profile you as a high threat psycho
And, is an omnibus bill a federal budget? No, it is not. It has the weight of a terrorists list of demands, he has no obligation to follow it whatsoever. This is established in both law and precedent.
Those numbers...I got an idea.
So they consider us scourge right? So what if we are the the Scourge from Wrath of the Lich King except online.
So would we have Death Knights?
Blood = Gore Posters
Unholy = Kek's servants
Frost = Spammers
Ops are continuing they just can’t overcome the organic shitposting that Sup Forums produces.
This guy is fucking delusional
Including co, b, and v and k does.
>letting the pieces fall where they may
which had better be civil war at this point.
he's proven to cuck to libshit demands in the past, he will do it again.
>build the wall as a military project
Pretty sneaky Donald.
It doesn't, because he's making some asinine abstract point that our stronger military is a defensive wall, not that hes going to actually build a wall. Even though the US military has fuck all to do with immigration or drug enforcement.
It's literally damage control because he knows the knives are out now
Bump for wall.
Go back to tumblr,
I know it’s ego driven.
But I would like a proper answer to this: If he’s so ego driven and only cares about money, why in God’s name would he give all that up to have your entire family name dragged through the mud by every news and social media outlet? Why would he give up the cushy life of luxury and success only to be hated and reviled by half of the country (so the online polls say)
What kind of ego would do that?
>promises to use military to help build wall
>also promises not to “forget” about DACA recipients
Trump using Dreamers to build wall under gunpoint confirmed
Screencap this
You seem nervous.
Drumpf is finished again, rite?
So what's the "4D interdimensional underwater checkers" that he's pulling with the bump stock ban?
Only thing i can think of is that after the 90 day comment period the government will eventually say "We looked into the facts, and banning bump stocks would not be feasible due to various loopholes in the existing law" or something to that effect. Or maybe he'll just abandon the whole thing and hope nobody brings it up anymore. Like "Lock her up."
>everyone who doesnt like trump is a shill
The funny thing is while trump has idiots like you sucking his dick, you just encourage him to run off the cliff
>trump posted a tweet, so that spending bill totally didnt happen
>were going to build a wall now
>2020 elections, build that wall!
Blacks and spics in the military are unironically often based, although obviously there are many diversity hire subhumans
Bump stocks are meme toys for retards.
Hilldawg is still going to prison.
The sky is not falling.
You're such a faggot that I can smell the Cheetos and 3 day old lube from here.
Just post gote without the larping
When your shills and people genuinely concerned with the way things are sound almost the same, it’s hard to tell the difference
>What kind of ego would do that?
the ego that doesn't actually care about his family name and was so egotistical he thought he could make liberals like him by cucking to them
>Some brainlet tumbloid can see into the mind of a man who graduated from Wharton (avg Matriculant 157 IQ), and was elected to the most powerful position in the world with all the elites (and their useful idiots) against him.
More likely, you're a Dunnig-Kruger effect zero. Your kind are filth that are only good for plowing fields for your betters.
That’s your best answer?
I started a thread in this earlier but reached its limit. Here’s something for your reading pleasure. Libtards literally BTFO.
holy fuck pls stay in /ptg/
Cry some more, shill.
Gore is bannable and jannies are quite active to remove gore threads (while leaving up 15+ interracial porn threads). Its usually better to post fetish porn like vomit, goofy, and >shadman, that stays up for a long time and is more likely to freak out normies.
God bless trump
Love this man
It is just a thought from shits a giggles.
>I can smell the Cheetos and 3 day old lube from here.
First off I do not like cheetos. Second "1 post by this id." Fuck back off to tumblr.
Do they ban furshit too?
its much more plausible that hes just way out of his depth than the fantastical 3d chess conspiracies you guys cling to
Wrong. Shills don't get concerned about actually fulfilling his promises. They twist his words to make it seem like he hasn't.
In this case he literally hasn't. And he made other mistakes with this bill like giving $500 million to Planned Parenthood. Now why on earth would should anyone ever vote for him or Republicans again? Because he's better than the alternative?
What you don't realize is that we've seen Republicans pull this stunt since the Bush years. They cuck their base for the establishment and become practically indistinguishable from Democrats, and then try to concern troll us with "Gee aren't they bad! Just give us stronger majorities and we'll do what you want!" Then they turn right around and do the opposite of what we want.
A man doesn’t become a billionaire real estate mogul in Jew York by having an ego alone. Dude has to be smarter than anyone here gives him credit for
what about you wait until he back his words with actions before getting back to sucking his dick
>Trump’s ego offends
If Trump didn’t have a healthy ego he’d be ineffective in combating that which had gone on unchecked for far too long.
Trump is unironicaly giving back to the country that made him and many others very wealthy. He saw how 911 went down and he (and those who tapped him to run for president) knew the kind of pedophile scumbags gunning for a Clinton presidency and the hell they were going to implement.
They never thought she would lose. Then she lost. They went with plan B, The Steele Dossier/Muh Russia Narrative all based on bullshit and all meant to obfuscate from their decades of money laundering, human, arms and drug trafficking, sedition and treason.
Trump gave up a life of a playboy billionaire to take on the most corrupt criminal syndicate in our nation’s history. And you best believe qualities like “being an arrogant asshole” are great to have given who the adversary is.
Drumpf will never be finished because you people will never stop licking his balls while he stabs you.
yea, family money and family connections and constantly selling out your country for israel make you a billionaire real esatate mogul in new york. israel get more welfare in this bill than we get for our own borders. fucking republicunts
I'll believe it when I see it. He's still making MIGA and give dems everything they want from what I can see.
>500 million to planned parenthood out of the 700 billion in the bill
That’s what, less than a percentile while everything else goes to the wall, the military, and basically everything else?
You try to spin this as bad, and I don’t like planned parenthood all that much. But that’s hardly being cucked
Your right and that explains both tweets..
It’s fuckinf fake and gay.. the militarybonly serves Israel it doesn’t do shit to protect the American borders
All three people behind him have either left his administration or been indicted
I read it.
Still don't understand the key point, the mechanism that allows defense funds to pay for the wall.
>drugs (poison)
What did he mean by this?
>He thinks I’m republican
Also this. Like I said I don’t deny he’s an arrogant asshole, however people keep playing that up as something awful.
Fucking knew it.
Daily reminder to stop voting for gun grabber scumbags
Based nips
That took me like 5 whole minutes to try to figure out what that comic is even saying.
>larps from Wow
>thinks others are shills
Sure thing, idiot
What a faggot.
You figured it out? I gave up?
Just curious, why do feel the need to comment on internal US issues?
Dog bless M!
Is an inch a mile?
>Drumpf is finished again, rite?
he doesn't stand a chance without the millions upon millions of gun voters he stabbed in the back, its personal this time,
>tricks Dems and RINOS into funding The Wall
>simultaniously demonstrates that the Dems don’t give a single fuck about resolving the DACA issue, but don’t worry, Trump is going to resolve it without them
So Planned Parenthood isn't getting 500 mil any time soon?
i dont care what you are. you're fucking defending these traitors and rationalizing them selling america down the river
So now I guess its only Obama and Russia who care about Americans constitutional rights
Because that same shit happens everywhere and keeps everything the same, and has heavily reverberations to the rest of the world, specially when Trump campaigned around nationalist/isolationist policies that he isn't fulfilling now.
>muh national security
>ships military overseas to die for Israel
>get invaded, raped, murdered, and demographics changed by the southern neighborhood
Nobody cares about bump stocks.
You're projecting.
No gun control has been enacted.
Look at this guys Twitter. I’m on phone atm. If this is true it’s huge.
>Nobody cares about bump stocks.
A statement from GOA's Executive Director Erich Pratt:
“Gun Owners of America considers a ban on bump stocks as yet another infringement of our Second Amendment-protected rights. ‘Shall not be infringed’ means what it says -- gun control should NOT be the jurisdiction of the U.S. government.
“To be sure, banning these items will not make us any safer and it will only lead to more infringements -- to restrictions on magazines, match triggers and more. This is something that the anti-gun Left understands and is hoping for. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has stated that ‘I certainly hope’ a ban on bump stocks will lead to further gun restrictions. She’s actually right. Saying ‘yes’ to one infringement will eventually lead to more.
“How can it be that the Trump administration is placing itself to the left of the Obama administration, which determined in 2010 that bump stocks did not convert a semi-automatic firearm into a fully-automatic weapon?
“Gun Owners of America will seek out other pro-gun organizations to join us challenging this illegal executive action in court. And we predict that an honest, constitutional and legal analysis by the courts will result in this regulation being struck down.”