
Why was she so cute?

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Nippa and Hauuuu

I love Hanyuu-sama!

That's pretty much it. Wrap up the thread.

Her daughter was cuter.


hauu~ hauu~

Not sure what this thread is about, but I just had to say that those are some nice stairs.

Hanyuu isn't on right now, though.

On? What are you even talking about?

She's dead user. That's what he means.

I like her because she listens to my requests.

She died? How sad.

How dense.

She's rad yo.

to entice males to breed with her

I personally think she has a robotic personality

Literally worst girl.

>hauuu i'm so useless nanodesu we should just give up and die forever
You can't be both a whiny moeblob and a self-righteous god at the same time.

Shut your whore mouth.

/r/ scarborough fair

Lies. She just grew up.

Not even the same hair color.

Hanyuu is not the happiest girl in the world.

>sacrificed herself to resolve the village internal conflict while saving the life of her husband and daughter at the same time
>keeps herself hidden and lonely for generations watching over her village until her ressurected daughter and village are in dire peril
>takes the form of a little girl to more easily approach and not scare her resurrected daughter and messes with the fabric of reality to make sure she eventually gets to grow up and have a happy second life
is there a purer Oni? best mom

she truly is this best

Rika is the cutest

That's now how you spell Satoko

Bern got created as a side though.

>hanyuu was worst girl in both series

her horns

Because she's horny.

Its the outfit

I'd her horns. None of these new people even know about them.

Hanyuu sama is a wonderful person


Which is better, badass mom Hanyuu or moe ghost Hanyuu?

I'll never forget that best girl was the first character ever to let me understand waifu fags.

Just because Rika happens to have her suffering condensed in a meta dimension it doesn't mean she wasn't saved.

We're in the final legs, I can feel it.



Fucking worst girl. Season 1 is in my top ten, but then it turned out that Oyashiro-sama was just a cute li'l loli and it was all just chemicals in your brain, bro. All spookiness died instantly.


That's what you get for being anime only

What's different in the VNs?

Well you'll have to trust me on this but it's the same content, but the anime presents it in a completely different way.
Throughout the VN you're getting tips and clues about the mystery, the author even challenges you pretty much directly every time the chapter ends to find out the mystery. And he challenges you to try and think about how it could be supernatural, or not at all. For example in Onikakushi the first chapter there's a scene where Keiichi looks at a bunch of newspapers. In the anime you just see a cut of him getting creeped out. In the VN you actually read through all the clippings and find out about the little details of each murder. And that's your first real introduction to "there's something not right with this village". Because mystery is the focus, and not jump scares and gore VN readers are much more open to the Hinamizawa syndrome, something that was hinted at from the beggining, especially when the syringe went missing from the envelope K1 leaves behind.

And as for Hanyuu, you're right that she's dumb. But nobody thinks of her as a cute li'l loli if they've read it. I guess that's because she's presented in a more interesting way. You're given hints, with some scenes of Rika talking to herself. When she's introduced she's just there as if she was the whole time, because suddenly you're reading from Rika's point of view.
It's hard to describe, but she has more weight in the VN, she seems like she has more significance.

And after reading tons of slice of life scenes people don't care if Hanyuu is cute too, that's just the way this world works. The anime jumps too hard between scary scene to scary scene. It's supposed to linger on the happy times before turning the world around every chapter.


Those knees though

I have a bunch of the VNs on Steam, maybe I should finally get around to reading them. Nevertheless, I must disagree with your characterization of the anime. I thought the pacing was nearly as perfect as it could have been. Though maybe my opinion will change

>Those thighs though

Sure, you can consider the anime good. Just not in a mystery kind of way. There's mountains of little details and clues that just aren't in the anime. It would be 8 seasons or something if they tried to adapt it all so it's understandable.

If you liked Higurashi, Umineko is right there too worth reading.

Her "horns".

Why does she have horns? What's the point other than them making her cute?



She's a demon