"Based Gen Z" is coming for your guns :)

"Based Gen Z" is coming for your guns :)


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>tools of the state

Based gen z

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Prohibition 2: "But this time, it's guns instead!"

Gen Z hates freedom of speech for whites, they hate whites bearing arms, they hate whites breeding, and they think whites should be taxed at 90% of their income to pay for them to sit around and do nothing.

When is enough, enough, white man?


Lol your generation of youths are trying to take away your weapons while we're remilitarizing our country at ludicrous fucking speed

Fucking retards

Given that gen z is the least white generetion ever im not surprise. This whole based gene z shit was and always has been a fucking meme. "But muh gen z consuvative".


there is a minority of gen Z that are quite reactionary, more so than previous generations, that's where the meme comes from. It's because of the altright counter culture thing.

On the whole though they are very non-white and basically commies.

It isn't a coincidence that a majority of Gen Z is nonwhite and a majority supports the destruction of the principles found in the Constitution

>This topic is so last week
OPs mad that Trump just tricked the Dems and RINOS into funding the wall all while proving that the Dems don’t give a solitary fuck about DACA dreamers.
This timeline is glorious


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This is the "youth" of america?... Fucking hell the wall takes no prisoners does it

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March for your momma
Slush fund

little whoppi goldberg

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Did they do casting calls from the state mental hospital?

gen z was a retarded meme to begin with. the "conservative" counterparts to these kids are the braindead fucks posting in /ptg/ and unironically worshiping trump. we are fucked until this country collapses on itself

Ask yourself who started this whole shift we are seeing. It certainly isnt gen z. I do think some of them are going to be pretty based but dont delude yourself. They are an even bigger minority then millenials were.

>who started this whole shift we are seeing
I think people in their 40s. But they didn't really start it until they were in their late 20s at least.

The difference with gen z is that you ahve 18 year olds posting white nationalist memes. Im not disagreeing with you though, on the whole they are completely cucked

Niggers insist black don't crack.

How the fuck do you explain that disgusting thing?

She is supposed to be a teenager?


>implying this hasn't encouraged me to start arming

>11 years old

Gen Z are the first official generation of goblinas.

>11 years old

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American gen z are even more brainwashed than millenials good thing the rest of gen z in all the other places of the world at least know that something is wrong.

Meanwhile most of GEN Z are playing gaymes with guns like pubg

>people actually thought the spawn of the worst gen (Millenials) would be ANYWHERE near based
Gen Z was doomed from the start the only thing that can save us is War and a Draft as soon as those things come back we'll be back on track but without a war America is doomed to falter

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The amount of delusion in this single post, holy fuck

Gen Z was never based.
It'll be even worse than last generation.
There's no hope for us.

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I blame post malone. a jew

>Colleges, DNC, Hollywood, Soros, etc etc.. spent tens if not hundreds of millions to ship commies from Commiefornia to DC and other hotspots
>Schools force students to go out in support of gun control when students in reality have no idea at all what they are outside for
>Weapon sales skyrocketing
>NRA membership increased by more than 500k since the shooting and rally for gun control happened

I mean.. it's pretty obvious that the media are trying AGAIN to paint the picture that everyone wants heavy gun control. The statistics don't really match up.
Imagine for a second that NRA and the republicucks sponsored a pro-gun rally, spent millions to ship people in from different states, etc etc. They could most likely push the same amount of people without a doubt, it's just the media trying to paint the picture that EVERYONE wants gun control.

the stress ages them

There was about 100k people in DC, and the other marches across the country didn't look all that big. The youtube streams had maybe a total of 40k viewers. That's like an episode of Louder with Crowder. No one cares. It's just an extremely vocal and protected minority. If flights, hotels, etc weren't paid for, how many people would have actually gone to DC? The commie scum has already done their march through the institutions. We put in Trump, which helps. But, we must not let this protected commie sect take over for good. Fight brothers and sisters!

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come and take them then nigger

The issue isn't whether the majority of Americans want gun control, it's that Gen Z does.

it's for your own safety user

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Gen z are not the spawn of millennial you mong.

we got trump elected, so we can slow drain you, like torture

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Translation: Turn in your only means of defense before the civil wars begin. What could possibly go wrong?

Yes, a vocal minority completely trumps actual statistics.

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You didn't get shit elected, child.

Are you daft? The US military is the largest military on Earth and is continuing to grow to feed the industrial complex which it is built on. All that while shills are trying to disarm the people. US government has an incredible history of fucking turning on it's own people be it civil wars, waco, work camps for japanese americans (which I expect will be a thing for whites when we hit minority status), and slavery. All you liberal fucks have no clue.

>no sources

I need more proof than some graph with no source. White kids have white guilt x1000.

ugly assed bitch

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Yeah, because this rally speaks for every single Gen Z out there, kek'd. They barely breached 250k and a majority of them were shipped in from different states.
I might aswell advice you to read up on March for life, that shit racked up hundreds of thousands of people which media and Hollywood didn't even pay attention to and a majority of people attending that event are under the age of 30..

>no argument

The data don't reflect the conclusion you've drawn.


What argument am I supposed to give to a sourceless graph, retard?

>being that dumb
might as well kill yourself


This has been posted and discussed on Sup Forums to hell and back already. Newfags pls.

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>not an argument

Lmao that poll ignores the entire west coast

literally nobody cares faggot

Time was in Britain you'd be running around minding your own business smoking a bit of whacky backy one of your mates had got off a jigaboo down the docks, in a bomb site and having a laugh. Apart from the random nutters with guns they were great places to play as it happens. Wouldn't be allowed now though because of all the health and safety nonsense, my mate Wogglechops, that was his nickname, his real name was Andy Tunley but he went by the name Wogglechops because he got the piss taken out of him when people found out his name was Andy, for obvious reasons, found a human hand there once. It had been burnt black and solid, but apart from that it was well preserved.

Anyways, young Wogglechops started messing around with the hand and tapping people on the back with it then hiding it, putting it down peoples undercrackers, that kind of shit. This was very funny but after 2 weeks of this a girl who was playing with us, I forget her name, it might have been Juniper or Holly, something bushy, she didn't like it when Wogglechops put it down her bra and told her dad on Wogglechops. This was quite the working class area and her dad went propper apeshit cos Wobblechops had touched his 18 year old daughter's boob with a burnt mummified hand of a long dead Luftwaffe victim. He started chasing us through the bombed out ruins with his gun. He shot both Wobblechops and his own daughter by accident before shooting himself. Bad times, to this day I can't watch Enemy at the Gates starring Jude Law without getting a little sad.

If it weren't for guns Wobblechobs and the shrubbery girl would not have been killed, her dad was fat and they could have outrun him if he had a knife. So, sunshine, when anyone asks me if we made the right decision to ban guns in Britain, my answer will always be yes.

(pic unrelated)

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No it doesn't, how about you fucking read. There is solid data showing a reactionary paradigm shift away from liberalism in the youth unlike anything we've seen in generations, and your only retort is "b-b-but there were kids at astroturfed gun grab protests!"