The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an...

The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an invisible intangible substance called Dark Matter that we are expected to believe in because "wise men" have predicted its existence through mathematical formulas. Yet, according to atheists there is no good reason to believe in God because He cannot readily be detected by the naked eye.

Why is it considered appropriate to throw blind faith behind a mere theory while rejecting over 2000 years of Christian wisdom?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dark matter, dark energy, black holes are all fake news.

>we are expected to believe in because "wise men" have predicted its existence through mathematical formulas.
>expected to believe
>mathematical formulas

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Here's the final red pill for ya'll:

Does it matter if God exists or not?
If he exists then he lest atrocities be committed on a daily basis. What god is that?
If he doesn't exist then it still doesn't matter.

Drink it.

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so much this.


Babys first Epicurus. This is an 18 and older board. You cant predict or judge an all omnipotent being with human emotions or reasoning. What would joy be without pain? What would light be without dark?

We had paradise and rejected it for the knowledge of Good and Bad so we could be like god. That is our doing.

>What is free will

Every person that commits evil acts knows that they are doing something wrong deep in their hearts. The person that rapes a girl and hears her cry knows that it's wrong and evil to do so. The fact that you can recognize evil gives more reason to believe in God. Since without Him, you wouldn't have a standard in which you compare evil vs good acts.

More in depth explanation:

Isaiah 45:7

Your redpill is black. The real redpill is that belief is a glue of society and thus a belief in a non-existent god may be more useful for your purposes than a lack of belief.

Ironic you have a condescending tone calling me a baby while you actually never understood my point.
No spoonfeeding though. You're a grown man, you'll have to think.

The earth is the center of the universe and Tycho Brahe was murdered because of his accurate model of our solar system.

>predicted its existence through mathematical formulas.
Incorrect. It is not by prediction, it is by observation. Rotational velocities in galaxies are too fast to be held in orbit by the observed mass alone. So where is the extra mass? That is the question, and this "missing" mass, this "hidden" mass, has been called dark matter. It is a present, observable phenomenon.

literally boris

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brb raping some kids so there can still be good in the world

I've disproven the "free will" theory a long time ago.
Here, enjoy.

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It's good for a society on it's own, but just look at what religion does between societies.
Need I mention the crusades, or ahem... ISLAM?
Basically, on a larger scale religion is ultimately bad for society.

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How can you possibly know what heaven is like? If we are going to throw assumptions just like that I can say that you could commit evil acts in heaven, but you wouldn't want to, since you are in a place where you feel so good that you wouldn't even think about it.

Plus, we know from the Bible that some characters like Lucifer commited evil acts in the heavens, hence why he was casted out.

Dark matter and dark energy are modern epicycles.

and his blog:

This guy has devised a theory - Quantised Inertia - that described inertia as a form of Casimir Effect in universal scale.
His math:
- predicts correct rotations of galaxies
- em drive experiments thrust values
- pioneer anomaly
- missing proton mass anomaly and more.

Why it's so alluring? Because his theory has no adjustable parameters. He can't put arbitrary dark matter and mix the model. His maths checks with few current anomalies. Also he proposed set of quite cheap experiments to prove or disprove his theory.

What about a psychopath who genuinely does not give a shit about such things?

I assume that because free will and being in the best state possible must be synonymous.
But you are right, there might be a state which we just don't know yet.

Who was this again?

>about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an invisible intangible substance called Dark Matter
just like ze Sweden

Not all religions teach the same shit, as the first part of your gif says...
In fact, the Abrahamic religions are pretty odd in the grand scheme of things for being as warmongering and proselytizing as they are. But that also is why they have so many followers now.

you sound kind of idiotic tho. I thought Jews are supposed to be smart. There would be no free will if we were the puppets of God. Sure, we could all behave like clogs in a clock, but what would be the point of that?

Dark matter is far from universally accepted. It's like Einstein's universal constant, they had to plug in something to explain the unexplainable. Read Erik Verlinde

>i hate God because i am traumatized by my Rebbe

It sucks theres evil in the world. Theres no power over humans to act a certain way. You can only try and live a good life yourself. Its the individual. Thinking we could control the actions of everyone is what gets us big government and big brother.
I get your point. Im just saying its a long established philosophical arguement that removes Gods gift of free will from the equation so its kind of moot. I thought it was the perfect arguement when i was a 16yo know it all. Having a nice platitude that sounds good removes all responsibility from someone having to actually do some critical thinking on the subject

i really wish i wasnt a brainlet and could understand this stuff. Space is the most interesting thing to me.

Dont they have a way to create dark matter though?

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are still hotly debated topics in the scientific community and there is still a lot more work to be done. The difference is they're not retarded enough to "believe" their theories without evidence.

1. not an argument, most jews are religions
2. not jewish
you fail on all levels

please no ad hominems, provide a solid argument to contradict what I've put forward.

>intangible substance called Dark Matter

back in my day we called that "the unknown".

>Dark matter is far from universally accepted.
It's universally observed, though. Now whether it's actually matter, or a missing variable in the math, a new theory ... whatever. But it is not something predicted -- the gravitational effects are observed right here and now. That's a solid rebuttal to OPs premise as it stands.

Jew detected.

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I guess his argument is that the Math could be wrong.

what an inferior perception of the nature of spirit. Why are Jews so materialistic? Is it because you build your entire identity on the promoted ideals of slavery?

>there is no free will without evil
You could say there is no evil without free will but why would it work the other way around?

>If he exists then he lest atrocities be committed on a daily basis.
Does it really count as an atrocity if Slavs
Mongols, and Jews die?

It's observed, but what "it" is may not be matter at all, so you're technically correct, I just think that calling it Dark Matter is a misnomer.

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dark matter is bullshit. What happens is that the general relativity equations astrophysicists use to model the universe don't actually line up with what they see in reality, and so they come up with this bullshit of unseeable undetectable dark matter to make their equations work. It's a fudge factor to get around admitting that the equations are wrong.

You have to go back.

I've brought forward 2 possibilities. How is my perception inferior? You need to elaborate.

Oh there can be evil without free will, by God's design of course, because he's omnipotent.
He could just create a universe where everything is evil.

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>Dont they have a way to create dark matter though
No one knows what it is, yet. They tried looking for sources of classical matter. They looked for MACHOs, massive compact halo objects -- failed suns, brown dwarfs, like Jupiter and Saturn. They don't shine with their own light, and if there were a lot more of them out there than we thought, then maybe they would account for the extra mass. But that seems a bust.

WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles -- particles that have mass which affects the gravitational field, but react very rarely with observational instruments, which would explain why we can't see them. But again, these proposed exotic particles haven't borne fruit. People thought maybe neutrino's had mass that could explain it, but again, this seems to be a fail.

Could it be that our gravitational theories are close, but not complete? Like how Newton's laws of gravity were close, but small inconsistencies led to the discovery of General Relativity and a more complete explanation? Maybe. There's work going on right now with things like Scale Relativity, and Holographic Theory, and lots of other things, trying to see if there is a more complete mathematical/physical description that would tie up the loose ends. The exciting chase continues!

Alrighty, gonna have to ask you to define free will for me.

>Its another "G*dfags get triggered by literally anything" episode.
Why are G*dfags so insecure?

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sorry i mean define evil.

Like portrayed in my image, it's a limitless spectrum of actions.

Yep, bunch if nonsense suggested by that lying cunt Einstein
Also Hawking himself point blank said black holes didn't exist

This is the most 12 year old post I've seen in a while.
Can't you faggot atheists stop drowning in a glass of water?

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>I just think that calling it Dark Matter is a misnomer.
I agree! It was just the first thing that came to mind when the observations came out, and it became popular and stuck. It keeps looking like it isn't matter as we know it at all, and there is something needing to be added to the physical/cosmological framework we're now using. Exciting stuff still ahead!

>Believe is a glue of society
No those are called laws you cuckd Jew loving shitstain

There's an argument there if you read it carefully.

>bullshit of unseeable undetectable dark matter to make their equations work.
Exactly the opposite. The equations are NOT working right now, and that is what has the physicists scratching their heads. They know something is missing, and the label for that something is "Dark Matter". That's all it is, right now, just a temporary label. But there is no fudging, because "Dark Matter" is the admittance that, "Hey! Something isn't working!"

your lack of self-knowledge is so profoundly disgusting you should seriously consider whether you should be getting out of bed tomorrow morning.

>An omnipotent, all-powerful entity exists that has a plan for you even when that plan consists of not believing in him but somehow you still have free will and somehow he gives a fuck about any of this despite being all-powerful and wants people to worship him because of egotistical reasons even though ego is purely a mortal trait but somehow it still sounds right because a fedora meme made me see the truth

I will never NOT believe that religious fags are some of the most deluded people on the planet

he is invincible

Simply put, evil is the obstruction of life and growth.
(notice I didn't use words which are used to describe human feelings - like happiness or love, but more universal principles of life itself - multiplying, growing, existing)
Evil is the polarity of that and it's stopping anything from growing evolving or existing.
A black hole is evil, without even knowingly existing.

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dark matter my arse, more make believe pseudo science.

Physicist here - dark matter is basically just a placeholder until we come up with a better theory.

GR works and it works well, but there's something missing to accurately describe behavior at super-large scales (galaxies/galaxy clusters) - adding in some kind of background mass density seems to fix the problem, but we don't have any idea what the source of that background density would be, so dark matter is just the empirical factor we stick in until we figure out what it actually is. Same with dark energy - in all likelihood the accelerating expansion of the universe is probably connected to some kind of cosmological constant, but until we actually figure out what it is, dark energy is the placeholder term. It could well turn out that both ideas are wrong and that we need to adjust the models at some point in the future and we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.

>Does it matter if God exists or not?
Maybe not to you, but it does to 80% of the earth's population, who all feel the presence of a god-like force in their mind and life. You don't feel it? Perhaps something is wrong with you then - let's start there.

>Also Hawking himself point blank said black holes didn't exist
Oh you!

I ignored your argument because it had very little connection to my comment you were replying to.
I never said that there must only be good in the world.

80% of the Earth's population live in fucking squalor and filth. They must be doing something right!

Sorry, but ad hominems won't make others understand your point of view.
You need to try better.


>Why is it considered appropriate to throw blind faith behind a mere theory while rejecting over 2000 years of Christian wisdom?

these do not contradict each other, quite the opposite

Thats retarded. A lot of life thrives on evil then. A tiger is evil for hunting food.

But the point I'm making is this insistence that this disparity is "dark matter" is what irks me. The assumption that there's totally some kind of matter there that we're just not able to detect. Or how about the amount of mater we see is legitimately what there is? You could say this boils down to the semantics of labeling this disparity as "dark matter" but I think it's an important distinction to make.

quantity =/= quality
Justin Bieber might be the most popular singer in the world, but does that make his music enjoyable to you?
It still doesn't refute my initial point - people fight for what they believe, causing endless suffering.
You will want to refute this statement but you won't, because you can't.

don't you know that dark matter/energy is merely the warp, and the evil entities that dwell within the space beyond space!

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Yeah well you said what would light be without dark so who cares? Big government, big brother, so what? All the more opportunity for light. Might as well just be as evil as you want, just creating light in the process.

>but there's something missing to accurately describe behavior at super-large scales

The theory breaks down at superscales so let's fudge it by adding 19 times more mass then we can observe or theorise to the mass of the Universe rather than accept our theories are only approximations. Oh, and let's not consider ANY other possibilities.

Yes good, so you understand.
The universe is fundamentally evil by design.

This is a matter of choice and design of an omnipotent God.

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You are right IF you assume that heaven has to work like earth, which it does not.

Here is a nice argument in your style:

Heaven is a place without conflict

conflicts arise over scarce goods (including time and space)

therefore heaven is a place without time and space

Especially time cannot be linear in heaven, because an ordered timeline would imply a certain scarcity (you cannot be in this moment twice, therefore a moment is spent exactly once) which would cause conflict both internal and external (uneasiness over having to prioritize).

If time is not linear in heaven then you can commit "evil" acts without thereby hurting anyone, since their time is not taken away and their body is not harmed. Your "victim" can choose to be your victim by free will or choose not to by being somewhere else in time, or having you be somewhere else in time.

In fact heaven is so absurd a place that it is literally unimaginable, as any preference by anyone should and would exist and therefore any and all timelines occur simultaneously, if you assume that conflict does not exist in heaven.

because an all powerful cosmic super intelligence would really be interested in hairless primates on one little blue planet in a sea of gazillions of stars

>God is a sentient entity
>Atrocities occur on a daily basis
>Omnipotence is a property of "God"
>"Infinite power" would make the prevention of atrocities unimaginably easy
>God objectively commits atrocities through inaction

If he doesn't
>Then it doesn't matter because all that exists in life are atrocities

This perspective places power structure and the material world at ends and excludes any responsibility to mankind for atrocities it commits because
>muh omnipotence, muh objective deities!

Isnt that that definition is a paradox though because some organisms are required to end the life of other organisms to survive?

Is a deer evil for eating grass? Is the wolf evil for eating the deer?

an evil god

And that is relevant because...?

You fail to recognize that God made us in His image exclusively, so it makes sense that He takes a personal interest in us.

My personal definition is that an evil act is a remorseless act of cruelty. To be evil, then, is a function of performing such acts over time. This definition precludes most of nature, and ascribes 'evil' only to such things that are capable of thought, action, and understanding of consequence. Evil is a choice, always. Otherwise, you simply have circumstances that appear tragic from certain perspectives.

the idea is that if the matter we see was all there is it would fly apart faster or something like atoms wouldn't be able to hold themselves together by this point in time due to the faster 'inflation'

not a paradox, an intelligent choice by design:Evil because he let evil exist in his design, but didn't have to.

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Because the most pious people are the dumbest and live in third-world shitholes
And you're advocating we act like them

You're trying to back up your argument by saying that 80% of people do XYZ, so it must be the right way to do things. You know this is a bad argument.

Shhhhhh. Quiet down kike. I've had enough of you people.

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muuhaaaaaahhaaa!!!! and all that extra space and matter is what was left over after he scraped us together right?! If humanity is the paragon of creation then the universe is well and truly fucked!

>not realizing the universe is perfectly objective and amoral
the universe is not "fundementally evil"

Get the fuck out of here with this psuedo science. Measure and predict it and then come back to me.

Demiurge does not concern itself with trivial existence, it's neither good nor bad. Life exists because of Demiurge, your life exists because of you. Stop faulting your bad life choices on an apathetic God and create a better life for yourself. Demiurge allows you to do this.

thats the point hes making, atheist claim religion is stupid because you have to belive in a imaginary "thing"... meanwhile atheist scientist tells you the same...

What’s going on in this picture?

This is not a fair analogy.
If you design a whole system, you dictate the rules.
For example you could design a system in which there are no active volcanoes and earthquakes.
Same way we can argue that there could be a system in which a biological form can't enjoy harming another bioform, or depend on hunting it for survival.
We start small, and we evolve the thought. You can slowly see that there is no finger pointing to be had but one. The one.

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>Because the most pious people are the dumbest and live in third-world shitholes
I'd like to see your sources there, frenchie. Most atheists live in liberal shit-holes which are slowly becoming more and more like third-world backlots of otherwise first world nations.


Your nation was one of the first "liberal" type nations, even before the 90s, and you were the first one to be overrun and taken over by muslims. I'm seeing a trend with atheist liberals being taken over by Muhammad.

lmao babby's first attempt at definitions

Suppose we have A and B in a room
(1) If A eats B, A lives and B dies
(2) If B defends itself, B lives and A dies

In situation (1) A obstructs the life of B
in situation (2) B obstructs the life of A

Nearly every action (possibly every action even) that promotes growth obstructs growth. To eat is to obstruct growth, to not eat is to die.

This definition of evil has no descriptive value.


In the scientific method, they actually strive to disprove you - so there isn't blind belief at all. You're wrong straight off the bat. You need to have proof of your claim before people believe it. One of these is not like the other one!