
Alert raised to DEFCON 2
Doomsday clock is at three minutes to midnight

That tomo though.

>Tomo manspreading

How uncouth.

That panel 3 Tomo makes my heart go doki doki.


this manga really isn't that good. even if you were to read it monthly you're still reading 30 some pages for the payoff of 2, if even

Fuck misuzu

fuck user

In every hole. She'd love it but never say so.

dont worry i will

I just want something to happen. Is that too much to ask for?

Yes, I want to.

We're in a flash back so it probably is too much to ask for.

I defended Fumita two weeks ago saying that if he's not a complete idiot something has to happen because otherwise this would be an omake.

I hate Fumita.

Yes. This mangas only purposely is literally just for reaction images

Tomo looks like a crossdresser

Tomo is so fucking ugly in that third panel

Yeah. Looks too much like a boy instead of a boyish girl.

And Misuzu looks like shit.

We are in the middle of defining Misuzu's greatest conflict and you don't think anything is happening? What the hell's wrong with you?


We actually don't know for certain Misuzu's precise motivations, no. We know the events that will happen, not why they happen. Why they happen reveals Misuzu's entire schtick. Is this really so difficult for you to understand? Why are you doing your utmost to avoid all reason?

>tomo manspreads like most tomboys

Tomo's hair is kinda JUST tier.

>dont know why
Maybe if you're retarded or haven't read the manga.

What should a tomboy be fed?


We're back to our irregularly scheduled 'Tomo is best girl' manga.

mm mm

She's best boy too

>Why they happen reveals Misuzu's entire schtick.
The one doing the breakup is Jun you retard


Too bad she'll never be Mizuzu's best boyfriend

And so Tomo begins her journey to Chaddom.

I want a tomboy lesbo girlfirend ;_;

How many pages of pure nothingness has it been so far? 6? 7?
Fumita is a ____

jaw is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too pointy, hardly looks like her

>air headed ladykiller vibe

Fumita with the same old same old.

Roughly 706 pages of nothing.

This kills the Misuzu

I think i'm gay for Tomo now

I'm starting to wonder if Fujita should've stick to porn instead with all this nothingness.

Misuzu is such a dyke.

Why is Misuzu so gay?

and thus, Mizusu discovered she's gay.

But she is

>misuzu autism made her think that if she couldn't keep up with tomo athleticallywise they can't be friends
funny how carol being the most autistic looking ends up being the smartest and misuzu the autistic


Come on user, it's not that bad, and if it was that bad you would not be in this thread in the first place. Doens't change the fact that Fumita is a hack.

I'm actually curious what the opinion of dropout is about this manga

its nice

As long as it's good enough they keep translating, it doesn't matter.

That puts the Mizu in Misuzu.

>That edit

Final version.

Even in her younger days, Tomo couldn't switch off her charm.

I would go gay for Tomo

>not liking heart-gasms

forehead seems a little too dark.

>that edit

He can do ahegaos. But really I'm just tired of nothing happening.

I'm getting mixed signals you two should fight it off to settle it.
I'll start to use white for shading.

I only do stuff I like. I do scanlation as a hobby, so I'm not really into working on things I don't enjoy because it's the most boring thing ever. I especially wouldn't do Tomo every single night, from 10h30/11h30 to Midnight/1 AM, for almost a year now, if I didn't enjoy it. Sure, the progress is stuck in molasses sometimes, but the payoff is great (like Kounichi's confession or the dodgeball tournament for example.)
Unless something happens to me, or the other staff, and we can't find replacements, I highly doubt we'll drop it before it ends.

>I'm not really into working on things I don't enjoy
>Sure, the progress is stuck in molasses sometimes, but the payoff is great
>I highly doubt we'll drop it before it ends.
thank god you got perspective man.
>I especially wouldn't do Tomo every single night for almost a year now, if I didn't enjoy it.


Nah, Fumita will drag that out for another 300 pages.

No I agree, that hairstyle is not doing her any favors.

You're doing the Lord's work. Keep at it man. You know there's a shit ton of us just waiting every night for our Tomo fix.

When is Fumita going to stop doing this?

Thanks dropout

Fuck you, that hairstyle is super cute! Especially when it goes into shoujo mode!

Would Fumita actually do that?

No, probably not.

I want her to protect me


who's that person behind misuzu

Tanabe "I want to fuck Misuzu" Hanabe.

The inevitable love interest of Misuzu.

who would that be. I haven't seen this person in the last THREE HUNDRED OR SO CHAPTERS I WONDER WHY

Possibly. Misuzu clearly has been attracted to Tomo many times. Most of the girls think she's hot as well. Do I think it'd last? I think it's probably platonic.

Son of this guy.

Fresh Blockhead cum.

Her brother?

not happening

It's too late.

Until he's removed from the banner with her, it's pretty much confirmed happening.

Oyakodon fag should be pushing these two

No it’s not. Not even close since it makes her look way to much like a boy like the other user stated.


It’s a well known and overused gag, and Tomo is basically her only friend up until Carol. By this it stands to reason why Tomo doesn’t want that to change in the flashback or else Misuzu would be alone which is her greatest fear honestly.

It's been done all of six times including the Gyarus. Three gyarus, two Misuzus, one Carol.

>no flashback to what Tomo was thinking after Jun stopped talking to her

She was thinking about depression

But that shows us Carol would be love interest to Misuzu than Tanabe and author already brought that down by pairing Carol with Senpai.

The only way Tanabe x Misuzu would happen is if author decided to pair the spares logic at the end which would be shitty since Misuzu doesn't deserve such end like Tanabe.

>Literal translation of title is Killer line (phrase) creation machine
>Translated to "a chance for sweet talk"

>physically active year around translated to "playing all the time"

>はしゃいでる (horsing around) translated to "spending time"

>"I treasure the moments I spend by your side much more" translated to "but you've always been precious to me"

I fucking hate your translator, dropout. Fuck.

>>no flashback to what Tomo was thinking after Jun stopped talking to her
It's clear she was thinking that boy stopped dating her due to her physical weakness, so it became Misuzu biggest fear that if jun is able to do that just like that, Tomo will do the same if she won't be able to keep up with her, and as we see Tomo is better boy and a charmer whp also considerates girl's weakness than Jun as today page shows us.


flashback Tomo

How many days left until volume-ending hiatus?

This is in middle school. Misuzu has the excuse of being like 12 here