Sup, /Arabs/
Leaf of Polish and other mixed Slav heritage here
Been living in Sup Forumsska for 3 years now
Leaf in Poland AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why Poland
My family is from here, wanted to visit the motherland
>What do you do
English teacher, keeping her simple
>Reeeee ur not white or Catholic and worse than Muslim rapefugees
White, Catholic, and had an understanding of Polish before I came here from grandparents
>How's the money?
Shit for Canada, but decent for Poland
>How can I be as cool as you, OP?
Easier than you think. Buy a ticket and apply online to private schools. Native speakers are in high demand. Non-whites need not apply
TBT summer camp
Btw, pic related is my QT Silesian gf. Inb4 butthurt
1. what is it like to never have to see niggers?
2. do you even bother locking your doors?
3. does the air smell cleaner without the presence of niggers?
>soy wieners
what the hell are you buying you homo?
>Silesian gf
stop lying
they are black
>mixed Slav heritage
Subhuman trash literally the niggers of white people
>abandons the thread
i fucking hate people like you, OP
Come on love, Timestamp (with or without tits)
I rest my case
> (OP) (You)
>1. what is it like to never have to see niggers?
Fucking kickass
>2. do you even bother locking your doors?
Sometimes I forget because I'm from a small Canadian town. Theft is rare, but can't be too careful
>3. does the air smell cleaner without the presence of niggers?
Smells like smog desu
> (You)
>>soy wieners
>what the hell are you buying you homo?
Just found that pic on my phone
> (You)
>>Silesian gf
>stop lying
>they are black
Don't you see the dark features?
I'm not the girl, fags
Thirsty are we, Achmed?
Jumping on the leaf anons thread. Bong here made the move to Poland last year, wouldnt dream of moving back to the islamic brittish isles
Shit man, you in southwest Poland? I'm in Wroclaw every weekend, I could speak English with a pure Anglo for once
>being thirsty is the same thing as wanting proof that you are who say you are.
I'm Hitler's Grandson, AMA.
How are the women? Relative to bongs?
Come to West Virginia and bring that pretty girlfriend of yours with you.
do you also have one testicle?
up in Gdansk user
not lazy fucking landwhale blobs, and based as fuck, my gf is Sup Forums approved
>Who you say you are
I'm a guy living in Poland. What's so unbelievable?
Prettier. But Polish girls don't have very good asses. Can't complain much about anything else
Eiffel tower, bro
I'm going to Canada for the summer, seriously considering Gdańsk when I return
How traditional are the women in Poland? Are they in reality sluts like everywhere else?
You get your sluts like any country. Notably less here though. They don't wait til marriage, but they definitely are more sexually conservative than what I'm used to in Canada
Its nice user, we have the beach, old city, new city, national parks and all that, one downside is that a lot of people are libtards, but not to the same extent as UK so there is still opportunity to talk to them without them reeeeeeeeeeeeeeing
assuming this isn't a larp, what's the free speech like there? do people openly talk bad about shitskins? I know the president is a jew, so i'm assuming naming the jew is not tolerated.
>White, Catholic, and had an understanding of Polish before I came here from grandparents
So you're a Pole, not leaf
Dose Polan even exist? Because the misnistry said it doesn.
>Native speakers are in high demand
>money decent for Poland
also I'm not buying this. I've head quite a few english teachers and all of them spoke it fluently even though they're native Poles. But teacher's pensions are shit, no matter where.
people ive met openly talk about both. I was drinking vodka with a guy and we got talking about the JQ and he showed me his shot glass it had a merchant in a no sign i kek'd
Do you even english?
check the dictionary my friend, you sound like an idiot.
What sounds like fluent in your ears sounds terribly for native english speakers. Poles are among those who have way to thick of an akcent to ever becoming english teachers. Its sounds ridiculous and very forced and School-administrators are well aware of this fact.
Umiesz mówić po polsku?
Gdzie pracujesz?
ok, now I know you're larping
I don't think so. I watched enough english sphere tv shows to differentiate between different accents. Our teachers are good enough and their salaries are shit. OP's story sounds fishy desu.
shit even for Poland I mean. I'm talking 1000 euro a month at most, before taxes and insurance. It's manageable to live on that in Poland, but definitely not decent, as OP says.
true story user
Your so called english sphere television is dubbed over crap with a man speaking polish in every fucking movie/TV-show. Polish schools hire preferably native english speaker over polish english teachers every day of the week. I remember when I met a so called polish english teacher when I was in Warsaw last year this gal teached classes in some private middle school and she sounded like a mix between Melania and Ivanka Trump minus the eloquence. I don't want to be mean, fren, I only want to provide you a reality check. Slavs and english does not mix well.
>no qt gf to show off to pol
I believe him. Talking about the JQ in Poland is like talking about hamburgers in the states.
*Ivana not Ivanka