they are going to keep creating these mass shootings until the 2nd amendment is gone or there is very strict gun control in this country.
something has to give, because (((they))) aren't going to stop.
buy your ammo and guns now if you haven't.
they are going to keep creating these mass shootings until the 2nd amendment is gone or there is very strict gun control in this country.
something has to give, because (((they))) aren't going to stop.
buy your ammo and guns now if you haven't.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't wait for the 2nd amendment to be repealled so mutts stop making "muh gunz" threads
Agree. Their only argument will be gone.
I plan to kill Jews, pedos and tyrants and purge this country and it's systems.
gtfo of my country shitskin
I’ll just leave this here.
Well hopefully they pick me as a victim soon. I'm sick of this rat race. Fuck this gay Earth.
You'll know it was me if you read "during mass shooting, one victim stripped naked and tried urinating on the shooter before being executed"
in ten years everyone will be 3d printing their own guns, it's a pandoras box that's already been opened, there is no going back
The only reason why I want you to lose your guns is because it will kick your fucking arse for once and you won't be running your fucking mouth about "muh uropeens XD" when you will be no different to us.
With what money and what man power, you stupid faggot?
>a jew
Into the oven with you
Say goodbye to your assault rifle, goy
I don't need either. The systems are vulnerable. Once the power and internet goes down in major Democratic cities, the niggers will riot and eat the progressives alive.
Firearms are at the bottom of the list of ways americans die.
@30k deaths a year out of a population of 350mil essentially breaks down to a chance of 0.003% of getting shot to death.
But, only if you fit at least 3 criteria, be in a gang, be a cop, or live around blacks.
Not one of those three, your chances approach almost nil.
This means current levels of gun violence would have to increase by over 1000% in order for your chance to increase to just 3%
The "dangerousness" of firearms is a fabricated deliberate lie.
Begone shill, your lies have no power here
No, their chances of getting shot are actually nearing 100% now that they've been pushing this tyrannical BS..
Your faith is based on what?
I assume you mean those that wish to take away our right to defend ourselves?
On my knowledge, skills and hatred for Jews and tyrants. You faggots will all die.
Logistics, history, common sense.
fuck you Romanian shit fucking commie
>fuck you Romanian shit fucking commie
None of that made sense, I'm a Capitalist
you are a commie you want to take murican guns
Neither are sufficient answers. There will be no collapse because they won't allow it and in 5 years time you will just look like the faggots you call us.
Gunless and a minority because you were too chicken shit to fight when you could, you ball less bastards.
So? People can want to, it's down to the two faggots I am talking to in this thread to stop it. No?
Well the supply of children will end up eventually. And guns will still be there in the hands of the citizens.
They are powerless to stop it. In 5 years you will all be dead.
why not organize a big pro gun protest ? to show your numbers dont let a bunch of kids and their
feelings dictate your way of life
most of them don't know a difference between a semi and full auto
No I'm not
I don't need to protest anything. I simply have to enforce my rights and kill tyrants.
user... you must be confused
I can only speak for myself, but I have spent the last decade+ waiting for the day that you faggot communists try violent action
I spent high school and college listening to failed loser teachers and professors, my hopelessly brainwashed peers, the media, hollywood, and all normies shit on Christianity, shit on America, shit on the Right wing and conservatives
I used to try to win lefties over, to reason with you, I used to want everyone to live happily together and not bother anyone
but after the last few years, what I really want goes so far beyond being "willing to kill"
if you faggot retards ever actually manage to pull something big and dangerous enough to bring people like me out to risk everything I have, you will wish that we are only willing to kill
I am willing and frothing at the mouth to not just kill you traitors and faggot crybullies but to make sure future generations for hundreds of years will tell horror stories of what happened to the brave antifascist activists when the white man finally stood up
if you aren't afraid of being made a celebrity, you truly don't understand what you're up against
do you know why white pride and white identity are so discouraged?
because the world knows what happens when the benevolent white man is backed into a corner facing his own destruction
we will literally eat you alive
go watch some vids on bestgore from the cartels or brazilian prisons, because when shtf, I promise you user, my goal is to make those videos seem like child's play for what faggots like you have done to this country, to the world, to innocent children
you are so naive and unprepared it's almost tragic.
do you honestly think people are going to go by those stats? no they are going to go by what the cia fake news tells them. and it is telling them to do away with guns
Većina amerikanaca su pičke koje se samo vole kurcit zato što imaju veću državu od drugih ljudi, Pa necu niš napraviti
why not they already banned you from buying knew full autos... I am pretty sure 2nd amendment should cove that as well
jebiga onda će postati kao Europa ili Kina
Make a homebuild gun. Easy. Even arrow guns are efficient.
Kill a lefty politician immediately after. You're a last, hypocritical pussy otherwise. But you knew that. It's the real reason you're pissed.
What will the normies think when their power and internet goes out and their grocery stores no longer have food on the shelves?
Don't worry it's coming. You faggots are too impatient. I like a little foreplay before the climax.
Based on what, you thick fucking cunt? No good giving me the same old platitudes, I asked for reasoning and you and the other faggots reasoning is the same as AJ-tier 2009 muh jewluminati shit.
I hope this is pasta.
But you have guns ready. In fact you have guns that can shoot up to 100 rounds, you fucking coward.
I'm surprised they didn't pull a false flag yesterday at one of the protests.
You can literally tie string around a trigger for a better bumpstock effect...
We told you nigger. Your systems are vulnerable and easy to destroy. It's common fucking sense. Get some.
The problem is twofold:
1. gun owners have jobs unlike students
2. gun owners are largely outside of big cities, making travel to them to protest a hassle
why would that even happen? they want the populace subdued and controlled, not dead. also, normies dont think that far ahead, not until the problem slaps them square in the face
Make a homebuild gun. Easy. Even arrow guns are efficient.
Kill a lefty politician immediately after. You're a lazy, hypocritical pussy otherwise. But you knew that. It's the real reason you're pissed.
But it's not happening. I have been a Nationalist since 2013 and nothing has happened even back in the jew world order days back in 2009 losers cucks like you ALWAYS say "watch" and it's been nearly 10 fucking years that you fucks have failed to deliver what we are waiting to see.
Deep down you all know what to do, but don't have the fucking balls to do it.
So why haven't you taken advantage of yours yet, you actual nigger.
But you have actual guns you can use now. Follow what you preach, mongrel. You are obviously butthurt because you know I am right.
>Why would that happen?
Because the power, communications and supply lines are the first things to be cut in war. When we bring war, every will know it.
I know exactly what to do and you just need to wait or do it yourself. It won't be long now.
they want people to come. plus they are paying a lot of those people to show up. it would defeat their own plan.
maybe down the road they'll do something like that if they don't make progress.
Sad but this will probably happen
The left currently owns: hollywood, all news outlets (without fox), academia, youtube (starting to censor rightleaners, twitter (admits to shadowbanning rightleaner)
Its too much. It's too much propagana. I hate leftist so much but they will win.
My only solace is that when they get what they want, a communist regime, they will all be killed by it.
Someone hug me, hug me as it ends.
Do you actually believe these shootings are planned by the gov't? Like for real?
God speed, and good luck user. Maybe your solitary act of bravery will be the moment everyone realizes how gay everything is.
Make a homebuild gun. Easy. Even arrow guns are efficient.
Kill a lefty politician immediately after. You're a last, hypocritical pussy otherwise. But you knew that. It's the real reason you're pissed.
I sure hope so. because we haven't done shit yet. they've basically neutered the first amendment already. you can't speak of anything against the narrative on any popular platform on the internet or television.
Gypsy fuck, why are you even here? Not just on this Oriental Origami forum, but on this Earth? You're sub-human.
Neck yourself.
I don't think people are going to give up their guns.
yes. anyone red pilled should be able to see what's going on
You feelin' okay user?
Agreed. This isn’t Britain bros.
No the gov has never falseflagged anything before. Certainly not even things that were used as justification for wars.
Make a homebuild gun. Easy. Even arrow guns are efficient.
Kill a lefty politician immediately after. You're a last, hypocritical pussy otherwise. But you knew that. It's the real reason you're pissed.
"Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes."
They are starting to openly expose themselves now user. You go sperg if you want to, but a little prudence and planning are in order. The time is nigh.
why do leftyshills think that somehow the gubmint is gonna take er gunzz when probably 75% of them aren't registered, have been transferred without a background check at least once, and are virtually impossible to track down? they would have to go door-to-door gun owner or not and search every single domicile in order to retrieve them. it's not gonna happen
kek stop seething this hard
enjoy being raped by Abdul you literal ape
We need to figure out a way for conservatives to mobilize when the shit hits the fan. Militias are pretty obscure but they would be beneficial.
I recently bought an AR a couple carbines and some other stuff. Gonna buy more as long as i am able. But how do we get the word out when they start coming in the middle of the night? Im committed to killing as many as i can before they get me but we need a plan of action.
And dont concern yourself with cia/fbi/leftist infiltration. Thats GOING to happen anyway
mentally prep yourself to kill lefties because its the only way now.
i will kill anyone who tries.
First amendment is toast and nobody batted an eye. Same will happen with the second. A handful of us will become terrorists and they will mop that up. Thanks Trump.
You idiots realize that the Jews who own the gun lobby and the NRA want this right? It's a two-pronged attack:
1) Stage mass shooting
2) Raise protests and marches everywhere on the left
3) on the right incite people with crys of "they'll take our guns!"
4) raise tons of money on anti-gun sentiment from the left
5) raise tons of money on pro-gun sentiment from the right
6) distract the public with a new "scandal" ala Stormy Daniels DVD of Trump eating nigger cum out of her diseased asshole
7) wait for the storm to die down and repeat.
If your response to a (((mass shooting))) is to go out and buy shit that (((they))) own, you're just as much of a cuck as the guy who goes out and buys a "never again" shirt that (((they))) made.
The rothschilds and all the rest spent centuries getting rich by funding both sides of wars. How is this shit still happening but you people are so blind to it because it's not wars anymore, it's cultural/social issues that they can monetize both sides of.
99% of people don't know what assault weapons actually are. Most GUN OWNERS don't know what assault weapons are, because the definition is not concrete.
I think your fellow brother is a coward and can only deflect with pasta.
Hurry the fuck up then while we have support.
When boomers die and gen x gets old, what do you think will happen to an ever decreasing White populace? Stupid fucking cunt.
lol fuck off.
Trump has nothing to do with this.If Hillary won, the guns would be being collected right now
"no u"
Litteral Leftist argument. Try again.
That's what hickok seems to think
youre probably right.
However, I dont know how you wouldnt want to arm yourself during these times.
"It's impossible to stop all violence, so why try and stop any?"
great argument there bro
When They come for the "GUNS"
And take them from us by force.
What do you think their next bitch..their next gripe will be?
What then will these ..progressives have to actually bitch and complain about?
What then?
How much freedom do they want to take from you?
When will these Democrats be satisfied?
They will be happy when you are dead...
Thats the answer.
They are a fucking death cult
They want to commit suicide
They want you dead and they want your children dead or you to never have them.
Coming from a country that only allows low powered airguns with a license, I'd say that you are being extremely bitter and jealous on the subject.
There are many other things Americans own that you don't : a job, a car, a home...
because buying one puts you on their list. Maybe it's not a 10000% accurate registry as some libcucks would like, but if you own a gun I guarantee you're already on a secret government list about it.
How will banning something stop people from breaking the law?
they will probably promote the lynching of white people. Much like what is happening in SA.Take whitey's land.
Okay, but if and when SHTF you'll be fucked.
I'd rather be walking around with a gun than some pocket knife.
It makes it much tougher to break the law, and forces them to choose worse routes. We can't ban our way to no more school attacks, but i'd infinitely prefer a school knifer to a school shooter.
We've seen across the country and the world that gun laws work. Less guns = less crime = less violence.
One common argument against what I'm saying is the existence of chiraq, (chicago) where they have some of the most restrictive gun laws and also the most gun violence.
The answer to that is easy if you bother to think for even half a second. IL has many neighboring states with much, much laxer gun laws (looking at you indiana) and LEOs have conducted countless studies showing that that is where the bulk of guns in chicago come from.
Sir, you have taken the words right out of my mouth..
God bless you, I will be there next to you. I am ready to strike with righteous fury.
>much tougher to break the law
No, not at all. Banning ARs just made a million people with ARs look for the highest bidder in a private sale.
>less guns = less crime
Ahh yes, like las vegas, chicago, california, and other reputable shitholes with stringent gun laws.
>going a state over for an AR/AK to bring back is the reason places like chicago are shitholes and not the myriad of ghettoblaster pistols that are floating around that city
I am whelmed. You have 'clearly' done your research and the majority of gun deaths committed annually are in fact NOT done with handguns, but semiautomatic rifles.
>Less guns = less crime = less violence.
Do you have a study to back that up?
No, crime was going down before the ban. Every country that got "safer" was already on a decline before the bans. Crime in the USA is still going down, ffs.
will they ban air rifles as well ?
fuck the other shill gun threads.
did they in europe?
well in some countries that would probably require a licence since this can compete with firearms when hunting
then yes, they probably would.
I never implied that the violence in shitholes was done with rifles. Nice strawman though. Indiana has laxer gun laws then chicago, meaning people buy guns of all shapes and sizes and bring them over to sell at a tidy profit on the black market.
where guns in chicago come from:
You're talking about banning rifles that contribute essentially nothing to the statistic. You're gallivanting around for five minutes of fame to get some attaboys and accomplish dick all in the scheme of things. You don't want to fix anything, you just want attention. Politely fuck off.
they probably wont ban it but will make them hard to buy
Air rifles could never be used to fight a revolution. They have a max of about 10 shots before they need to be recharged. So unless you are carrying a giant tank of compressed air around with you or you have an air compressor they are useless for combat. Plus each shot gets weaker so they don't have consistent point of aim if you are taking long range shots. Each bullet has decreasing velocity because there is less pressure.
Airguns are not a substitute for firearms.
The entire point of the 2nd amendment is for the people being able to form a formidable militia force using their personal firearms.
Things like registration are the pretext to a ban. It's easy tou confiscate them when you have a list of where each of them are at.