Jews are completely evil and are the source of all evil in this world. Jews create feminism, Jews created communism...

Jews are completely evil and are the source of all evil in this world. Jews create feminism, Jews created communism, Jews own the media, Jews start all the wars thru their control over the government, Jews control Hollywood, Jews are the ones pushing for mass immigration of 3rd worlder subhumans into the West, Jews own the banking system, Jews were the ones responsible for slavery, Jews lied about the holocaust and claimed 6 million jews were killed when in reality there were no gas chambers or death camps, and on and on it goes. The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

What can we, the average user, do to fight back?

A few ideas I've had:
-create a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account and go troll jews on those sites
-go to jewish blogs and troll them in the comments section
-create websites that expose the jew's lies and their agenda
-print out flyers exposing the jewish agenda and go post them all over your town (do it at night if you are worried about people seeing you)
-post threads on Sup Forums exposing the truth about how the holocaust never happened and exposing the rest of the jew's lies, thus redpilling thousands of young white males

Anyone else got any ideas on how we can fight back against the jews?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what leftist aritcle or blog is this for?

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Anyone have the picture of all the Jewish celebrites who changed their names to sound white?

Can I ask for evidence or is that a Jewish trick as well

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sure, posting evidence now, have a few infopics

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>Jews own the banking system, Jews were the ones responsible for slavery, Jews lied about the holocaust and claimed 6 million jews were killed when in reality there were no gas chambers or death camps, and on and on it goes. The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

You’ve proved they run the media. I can extrapolate here and assume the media started feminism and are pushing for migrants but what about the rest of this?

Gas the Jews now!!!

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>be a jew
>loves money
>loves communism which involves handing out wealthy to the needy

Something doesn't check out...

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Top Five Missions by Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>the first victim of 9/11, Daniel Lewin, was an elite captain in Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>he was allegedly stabbed to death with boxcutters on Flight 11, the first plane to hit the WTC, after being seated between two alleged hijackers
>but his seat number 9B is cited as a hijacker in the official 9/11 transcript by attendant Betty Ong
>notice how Sayeret missions frequently target airports, airplanes, and occur behind enemy lines, using disguises, including as airport staff and Muslims
>Benjamin Netanyahu is ex-Sayeret. He once disguised himself as an airport technician to kill Muslim hijackers; his brother died raiding an airport for Sayeret in Operation Thunderbolt, also called Operation Jonathan in his memory
>Lewin's father was a Zionist Israeli poet who hated America. He refused to visit Daniel...until the week before 9/11. He literally departed back to Israel on 9/10
>Lewin's company Akamai is responsible for handling US Internet traffic on 9/11, and now has offices in Israel
>Lewin was an alum of Technion aka Mossad University
Pure coincidence? Or was 9/11 a Sayeret/Mossad operation? What did Daniel Lewin know? Why is he never celebrated as a hero if he attempted to kill hijackers as reported?

Flight 11 is the plane the "Dancing Israelis" of Urban Moving Systems were arrested for celebrating and photographing as it crashed. They were ordered deported to Israel, after 71 days of FBI interrogation, by Zionist Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff. Their employer Dominik Suter entirely abandoned the UMSystems business and fled to Israel, before it was raided by FBI.

Do your research Sup Forumsaks. The number #1 thing we can do to MAGA is to circulate the truth about Daniel Lewin to youngfags and America First conservatives. The "coincidence" is too bizarre to deny.

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yes, israel did 9-11, google "Masters of Deception PDF"

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The origins of Marxism, Bolshevism, and Cultural Marxism lie not in atheism and secularism, but in the occult, or more specifically, Gnosticism and Jewish kabbalah.

Kabbalah states that man doesn't just emanate from (the Jewish) God, but man is God's collaborator through the process of tikkun olam (literally, "repairing the world"). Through holy acts, the Jews have the power to trigger the coming of the messiah. In 1666, a kabbalist named Sabbatai Zevi declared himself the Jewish messiah and declared the only way to finish the tikkun - and make the world "one" - was to engage in acts of depravity. His successor, Jacob Frank, took this doctrine to Europe and radicalized it even more. The Frankists engaged in pure satanism before seemingly disappearing. What is not mentioned is, the Sabbatean-Frankist kabbalist doctrine simply took a new face in Marxism.

Marx was NOT an atheist but a Sabbatean-Frankist satanist. We know this based on the evidence. The Bolsheviks were overwhelmingly Jewish Sabbateans; Lenin was Jewish and based his dialectics on kabbalah, Trotsky's Permanent Revolution - which he theorized with Alexander Parvus (who served as the financial advisor to the Young Turks, all Sabbateans) - is based entirely on Jewish messianism as the messiah is supposed to spread communism to the entire world. Cultural Marxism is just modern-day Sabbateanism, as we know the most influential members of the Frankfurt School (Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno) were self-admitted Sabbateans. Benjamin even became a Marxist only after learning kabbalah from Gershom Scholem.

Writers such as Eric Voegelin also noted Marxism's distinct Gnostic character.

Marx was a satanist:

Jewess admits (((Cultural Marxism))) is a Sabbatean conspiracy:

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surprised to not see that eastern european jew , he is usually here to shill

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None of this will work. Thats operating on their terms against their unlimited brown slaves.

You have to form an ethnically European faith and beat them at their own game while voting in the furthest right party in your civic space.

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if we cut off the head of the beast (jews) then we can get rid of these useless brown subhumans easily

Yes, and we can see them being so brazen on snapchst right now we can see videos of Jews leading bussed in African slaves to protest human rights (white liberty).

It's amazing to see them interacting so openly with their pets but you can't just strike, Nazis did and lost. You have to play the game and out do them.

>Anyone else got any ideas on how we can fight back against the jews?
Organized, encrypted, decentralized hierarchical shitposting organization with clear chain of command with minimum 5000 members who obey every order.

You're right. Heil.

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right now we are in the phase of mass awakening. We need to wake up as many young white males as possible. Then one day once we reach critical mass, white men will strike.

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get out of here underage, just get out

i'm ready to join

t. Hershel Speigelstein

Laughable fake thread. I mean, absolutely pathetic. Like tiki looked up anti-semitism in the dictionary in order to formulate your "thoughts".

This forum is spammed continually with this sort of fake garbage-- where is it coming from?

Everything I have written is 100% true. I'm even posting evidence so YOU are a shill for denying it.

90% of the anti-semitism on Sup Forums is fake. Just look at it. Simulated lowest common denominator platitudes and banter. Fake. Why is this being produced in such volume? Where is it coming from?

Shut the fuck up. Jews are evil monsters and it is normal to hate them for being so evil. You're either a shill or a cuck if you are defending the jews


Hi JIDF. Holocaust was fake and gay.

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Dumping some redpills about (((them))). Godspeed OP someone needs to expose the Synagogue of Satan.

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Very interesting poll of jews. Shows that a majority think the most important part of bring Jewish is remembering the Holocaust. Among other tidbits. It's literally Holocaustianity.

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Thats the best pic I have seen in a while

Kubrick was BASED, don't lump him with these types it upsets and offends me

it's true they are needing a holocaust soon. jewishness is an unforgivable sin of evil.

FBI report on dancing Israelis during 9/11. It's honestly sickening to read. They were released by FBI with no charges. Went on Israeli TV and accidently slipped that they were only there to document the event... That nobody knew about.

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Hollywood rapist jews, letting women whore themselves for fame


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Ohhh, pass the juice.

I thought it said Gas the JEWS

can you not do turn it into p and merge these viewpoints with the worse every economic system ever created - socialism. Go with capitalism. No jews and Capitalism = holy shit.

Jews need to be gassed

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death to the jews!!!!!

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WHY, what is going on?

Just get in there and bump the the thread b4 it dies

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great video, ok i will bump it

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So you're saying, white people are just sheep and the jews are the sheepdogs.

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the counter argument is basically this
>Jews #1

oy vey, delet

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Jews love of money is only surpassed by the killing of Christians which they do with amazing efficiency with communism.

Reminder that Trotsky was born (((Lev Bronstrein))) and Marx was a literal jew that never had a job and was related to a rabbi.

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It's true, kikes are the worst. I suggest that physical removal may be the answer to the age oid question.

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Don't you realize that they get even more money by centralizing an economy Anna subverting it?


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Shared victimhood is an essential aspect of their group identity. They cry out in pain as they strike you.

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Shabat Shalom

i want to kiss ur vegana

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Go shit in the street towel master

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Load up hundreds of USB sticks with all your research and redpilled and scatter them all over your city

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cool idea or you can just post flyers everywhere. Or spam it out thru email. Or make a website with all the evidence and direct people to it.

explain what you find sickening in this report

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Who is this retard?

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that really answered my question thanks small dick friend


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Nazis tend to create fake social media account to troll, and sometimes other nazis think it's genuine and don't realize the irony in this positive feedback loop

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>source of all evil
-Mayan sacrifices to Quetzalcoatl
-The headhunters of Papua New Guinea
>how can we fight back?
First read Hoppe.

guarantee that the OP is a virgin