How many of you still do this every year?

How many of you still do this every year?

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/nu-a/ doesn't know who that is

too many
toradora is an embarrassment

I usually only watch the Christmas episodes.

Do what?

i watched it once
it was ok
i will probably not watch it again

do what?
a blue haired kaichou cuck queen?

shre's the best girl is who she is

when will summer fucking end

I forgot today was the 1st so I missed it.

mah nigga
anything christmas + post-christmas is fucking perfection

I watch The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya every Christmas Eve. Dunno why.

When I watched it the first time, I dropped it over the Sumire fight because it was too over the top. And I had a different expectation of what love meant back then. It wasn't until I gave the series a second shot later in life that I came to enjoy it. Its still over the top at times.

The best parts were when Kyon was just feeling depressed while Nagato quietly read books.


>its always summer somewhere

yeah i talk through a megaphone every year lmao

I don't see why every complains about Summer in June-September when It's Summer and school's just about out in the shitposting capital of the world rm

I watch the superior Christmas anime.


oh shit it's that time again

I didn't even like toradora that much, I just rewatch it every year for the nostalgia of what it was like to watch together with Sup Forums

those were fun times, and I like to remember them

>I didn't even like toradora that much

I watch FMP again every year in December. Thanks for reminding me.

Toradora is massively overrated.

the greatest love story ever told

always remember to pair off all the spares!

This was my alarm clock for years. It made me ready to face the day, until eventually it just became routine and I changed it.

did they ever follow up on notto and kirara?

There were 300 people in today's stream.