I've overheard him speaking with my wife.
He's always been a bit reserved but this comes unexpected.
He's my only son and I will never accept a fag in my family.
I'm honestly thinking about killing myself.
I think my 13 yo wants to come out as gay
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Why would you kill yourself? You aren't the homosexual. Or are you? Aren't most homosexuals the way they are because of child abuse? Why'd you diddle your son, OP?
When was the last time that someone killing them self achieved a desired outcome?
i guess being a fag does come from heritage
Tell him no. If he insists, ignore him, have another kid, and try again.
Just disown him. Let that faggot piece of shit go sucks dicks elsewhere
Kys yourself
can you kick a 13 yr old out of your house???
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Timothy 5:8
>I'm honestly thinking about killing myself.
you should. He is still your son you ape. Fags are born that way.
If the desired outcome is death so you don't have to deal with how faggy life is, it seems it would have achieved your goal
Also, the end of Independence Day, suicide saves the Earth
Well, if their wish was to kill themselves and now they are dead. They did indeed achieve a desired outcome
you realize its just conditioning, right?
no more than 10 percent of males are supposed to be gay "from birth" (from the very generous (((statistics)))).
the perceived fag percentage today, however, is much higher. wondered why?
there are good chances he's just trying to conform.
you sound like a faggot and you should definitely kill yourself
>OP is a fag
>son is a fag
Checks out
Send a letter to pence and pray the gay away
>no more than 10 percent of males are supposed to be gay "from birth"
Are you serious? Something like 2-4% of males are gay, and the genetic component for homosexuality (from twin studies) is about 0.25. So this would mean that maybe 0.5% of males actually have some genetic predisposition toward being gay.
But even then, it doesn't mean you have to live a homosexual lifestyle. I know plenty of effeminate men who manage to pull it together and have families.
>letting him talk to your wife about it
nonono you fucking talk to him instead of letting her fill his head with that supportive bullshit
today he's gay, tomorrow he may be a fucking tranny and if you try to do anything, your wife will divorce your ass
curb that shit now
what can OP do? How can you legal get rid of our 13 yr old faggot son?
call CPS
tell them you have ptsd and for the safety of your child you will need them to find it a foster home
Just have more kids.
bro look at the bright side. even if he is gay it doesnt mean you wont have grand kids. fags CAN knock a woman up, they just usually dont. buy him a high class call girl and see what happens
no they aren't
being gay is a choice
One faggot is enough.
1. Don't let him watch TV
2. Feed him only organic foods, filter your water with a big berky filter with flouride filter, don't let him eat GMO foods
3. Don't feed him soy products
Google "red wine test" for chemtrails and have him take the test
God speed, the Emperor protects.
>I think my 13 yo wants to come out as gay
tell him that sex is an evolutionary process designed for reproduction and the survival of the species.
People who don't understand this are irrational degenerate.
don't an hero
have another son
disown the fag when he turns 18
How is it possible to choose who you are attracted to?
You have two choices in this. If he's really gay he's not going to stop sucking cocks any time soon. So long as he has a triple digit IQ thank god that he is cognitively functional enough that you don't have to take care of him for the rest of your life;back to my point. He's either going to make his personality revolve around "gay", and essentially make it his identity, or he's going to just be a dude who likes sucking on cocks, who also pays bills, and taxes. Truth be told you probably went somewhere wrong along the way. Don't be a complete faggot about it it's not like you're being forced by your son to suck cocks.
Your son will and wife will suck dicks if you kill yourself.
Your son is gay because you are a shitty dad.
You let your wife raise him and feminize him and now he wants men because you weren't there. This is also why he talks to your wife and not you.
The day you become a real man he will too.
Luck of the draw. He's bound to get a normal boy or girl sooner or later.
>just stop being gay kekekek
Make another son.
Start doing activities with him that raises his testosterone.
I think your head is in the right place user, kill yourself so that you don't have to live with the shame.
It's so rare to be able to use these nowadays.
Just let him be a fag. There is no going back now, you made the mistake, live with it.
I don't know if this is a thing, but check his testosterone levels and if he's low make him take something for it.
Very few people are genuinely exclusively Homosexual. There are far more people who are somewhat bisexual, who then for whatever reason just pick a side.
Because faggotry is now in fashion and celebrated (mostly by people with your flag), a lot more confused teens are going to be drawn towards claiming to be gay.
The kid is too young to make a commitment to either side. He shouldn't be having sex or relationships yet anyway. His dad should just say he'll still love him and support him either way, but that he should wait until he's older before making any firm decisions.
Pop out a few more kids.
In Mexican culture, being the active in sex (top in anal or receiver in oral) is seen as masculine, even with other guys. Fathers of gay kids often "recoup" their parental investment and make up for the fact that they're not getting grandkids by getting frequent blowies instead. True story.
t. Mexican gf
Fuck his ass really hard and tell him this is what you'll have to endure if you want to be a gay.
So, explain to him how important it is to reproduce anyway, and how some things, like stability and the continuation of heritage, come second to sexual desire. It's fine to accept sexual attraction to the same sex while also having a wife and children. Tell him he can have his cake and eat it too: boyfriends and sleeping around (but be safe, USE CONDOMS), and also be on the lookout for a wife. There are lots of fruitflies around -- women who fetishize and fall in love with gay men in part BECAUSE they're gay. Your son should become best friends with one of those, marry her, have hundreds of fat children, fuck men on the side. Best of both worlds.
>Matthew 5
>46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same?
lol, the Make The Kid Who Tries A Cigarette Smoke A Whole Pack In Front Of You approach
This is also nice
Make him do hard labor and make him play sports
Don't kill yourself, shoot him. He is the abomination in the eyes of God your Lord. Beat the crap out him then start taking your duties as father seriously: You must have neglected him to retardedness for him to consider being gay.
>>no more than 0.1 percent of males are supposed to be gay "from birth"
>I'm honestly thinking about killing myself.
Pussy for a father, fag for a son. KEK. The current state of burgers!
Honestly, your son might still be a bro, as long as he's no pedo nor a rapist I don't care what or how he likes to fuck but you really suck as a person and a parent OP.
What if he likes it?
>muh testosterone
I'm bisexual and have perfectly normal testosterone levels.
>be gay in conservative family with talk about faggot this and faggot that
>People think I picked to be that 1 gay guy in a conservative area where people still say faggot but won't say nigger.
I didn't pick to be gay. I know it's disgusting, it's not like I don't have reflective thought.
Being gay in a conservative state is hell on earth, and no I'm not a flaming faggot, in fact my voice is more than likely deeper than most guys here.
I don't do ass play nor have tried ass play, I'm a short faggot who'd rather keep to myself. I've banged a few girls, the issue is I don't connect romantically to them and thus during sex they're an object for which I feel nothing for emotionally besides a warm hole.
Idk why anyone would choose to be gay.
However anyone who thinks being gay is a choice, chances are that person has played on their bi-sexual side before and regrets it or thinks he can "pick sides"
You're bi-sexual if you think you can pick your sexuality, and just because I banged women doesn't make me Bi, I only have emotional connection to men.
It's like doing everything you want with your guy friends but then you sick eachothers dicks in the end
>wouldn't care if my kids were gay
>they're both already obviously straight
get rekt gay kids without accepting parents
Drop wife
Drop son
Fuck somone under 25
get new son.
>>wouldn't care if my kids were gay
>>they're both already obviously straight
Being handed from one middle aged pakistani male to another for pay all days of the week does not make your slag straight Nigel.
>>People think I picked to be that 1 gay guy in a conservative area where people still say faggot but won't say nigger.
You did, You wanted the attention You parents promised You and couldn't deliver and You wanted to feel special and better than everyone else around you. You will be chewed on, regurgitated and re-chewed on by one of satan's many mouths, eternally, for your pride. A sad joke but nobody will laugh.
You don't know that he is gay. He could be trans. He could be a drug addict. He could just be doing poorly in school or not making friends. Don't leap to conclusions.
1 post by this ID you dumb fucks.
Why dont you just hate fuck the gay out of him?
He could have a really shanefull fetish too
>killing myself.
Kill the fag and the traitorous whore too. You are all at fault for this.
>I know it's disgusting
Learn to love yourself big gay al, plenty of straight couples have anal intercourse and lets not forget about the whole eating ass meme.
This is equally disgusting.
On the other hand there supposedly are homosexuals who don't even like or practice anal intercourse, which would make them about as disgusting as straights who don't.
Tell him celibacy and monkhood are option
If he doens't accept that. Tell him you love, you always will but you'll never accept that lifestyle. So you won't ever meet any partner of his, in fact when he is around you don't want any of it referenced in your house.
I hope you have a high enough roof.
>I don't connect romantically to them and thus during sex they're an object for which I feel nothing for emotionally besides a warm hole.
99% of the male population confirmed for gay
Now without the memeflag please diaspora.
Why is celibacy or monkhood never an option when it comes to gay topic?
Is it because we've come to a point in society where you absolutely have to fuck something no matter what?
OP hasn't answered in over an hour.
he doesn't believe in his own larp
>never accept that lifestyle
That lifestyle as in what is currently considered to be gay lifestyle? Lots of loose (pun not intended) meaningless intercourse? Would you accept your son being in a loving monogamous relation with a man who has never been part of that subculture?
You first faggot.
zap that nigga
checked goys
>Idk why anyone would choose to be gay
Because men happen to be better than women on about every level including romantic relationships and personalities?
Nice Munchhausen's By Proxy
user, he's 13. when i was 13 i thought i was trans.
"it's just a phase" can turn out to be true. give it ~12 years. kid's hopped up on puberty hormones. doesn't know dick about dick. don't be a retard.
failed parenting. allowed your child to be exposed to jew indoctrination. "good job."
Instead of killing yourself you could kill him desu
FAggots are born that way, accroding to studies from the 1800s-now. There is a combination of genetic and scoial factors that slowly turn someone gay. Besides wtf is wrong with being gay
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Not a faggot but I would unironically rather live among a hundred flaming homosexuals, the leather thongs huge dildos 'pride' parade kind (who to some extent revolt me) than next to one true muslim.
Because islam is without doubt the worst filth imaginable. (And to an outsider far more dangerous.)
A bit of an overreaction these days. Gay doesn't mean what it used to. Things are really confusing for kids these days. They are exposed to degeneracy that most wouldn't see in a lifetime before they enter middle school.
Try to provide a virtuous upbringing and simply state that you won't support any homosexual relationship. No money for dates, no staying over at a male friends house, etc. With any luck, he'll figure things out by the time he's grown. If not, well, at least you tried, and the effort he'd have to make to fuck dudes behind your back (getting a job, getting his own phone, etc) would likely mean that he won't be a financial burden for too much longer. Punishing him or punishing yourself is meaningless. You don't know why he is the way that he is, and he doesn't know why either.
I'd recommend having multiple kids if you intend to have grandkids. One kid's a bad bet no-matter how you slice it.
Also, he's probably been watching a fuckload of porn. I would recommend limiting internet access to daytime hours and shutting off the modem at night. And take his phone. Desensitization of porn can drive you to jack off to increasingly exotic things just because it's new and taboo. Getting that out of the way for a while might do some good.
>Desensitization of porn can drive you to jack off to increasingly exotic things just because it's new and taboo.
Keep telling yourself that homo.
Who volunteers their fetishes to their mom?
STOP rightNOW!!!
>Be me 6
>do gay shit in the church bathroom
>get caught and throughly embarrased
>hide womans clothing and wear them like a total fag
>get caught and totally embarrased
>run around flapping my hands like a total fag
>parents call me out and tell me to stop
>be me 13
>have buddy come over
>we do gay shit in secret
>hand jobs, dick sucking, almost fucked eachother in ass
>be 14
>totally grow out of it all
>cut off contact with fag friend
>embarrased I ever did all of that
>thankful my parents guided me away from celebrating that
>dont have to live with the reality of being a fag and cant stop because im already this gay, trapped in gay lifestyle
You show your wife this post right now and tell her if I was your son I probably would have killed myself.
PLEASE dont let your son be trapped for life in a phase hes going theough, but do not disown him if hes done gay shit.
Explain to him how its self distructive and even if it feels good now, theres a good chance he will be greatful if he leaves the option to not be known as gay if he grows out of it.
Oh and stop sheltering him, the only reason I did gay shit is because the girl friends I had that young were all blocked by my parents.
>Who volunteers their fetishes to their mom?
Perhaps his fetish is mommyfu wincest?
Nah man. Men are more romantic than women. psychologytoday.com
Think of it like having a crippled or a retarded son.
Look, man. If they kid wants to be gay, it just means that you failed to raise him with enough self-confidence as a male to be able to resist all the Jew brainwashing. The kid is in pain, and this seems like an escape for him. If you kill yourself, he's just gonna get gayer and gayer as a consequence. Why don't you try looking within yourself and figuring out what you can do to make yourself a better example of what a strong man actually is? Maybe you need to do something like get into hunting and take him on trips with you. Show him what it means to be calm and at peace as a man. Maybe then he will respect you enough to take some red-pills. The kid may really believe that he is gay right now, but the situation can be salvaged. Killing yourself would just add to the faggotry, in all honesty.
he's your son after all
The situation can be salvaged, OP. You just gotta look within yourself and find a way to do it.
Well I would not wish misery or destruction on anyone unless they destroy the lives of others. The way I see it is if someone is self destructive you would not wish they live in misery but you'd hope they recover.
It's like if someone you know is an alcoholic at some point you may go okay I don't want to be around when you drink and I'm not going to enable your drinking. But if you are happy drinking that's who you are and that's your life, I'm not going to wish liver cancer or a car crash or anything like that.
>I would unironically rather live among a hundred flaming homosexuals, the leather thongs huge dildos 'pride' parade kind
Oddly specific
>pic related stored on his drive for fap sessions
>still not a faggot
Yeah sure.
Divorce your wife and try again with a new female. She can keep the defective genetic dead end children.
Interesting, I'd rather live next to one true Muslim than 1000 degenerate fags. Ideologies can be changed but mental illnesses can't you faggot.
If you as a man like men's bodies sexually then you have a perverted mental problem like how pedophiles are attracted to small children or zoophiles to animals