What's Sup Forums opinion on salary within the military? Should they get more or less?
What's Sup Forums opinion on salary within the military? Should they get more or less?
They shouldn't get paid anything. They're tax-eating parasites. They're losers who join the military because they can't get a real, productive job in the private labor market.
Untrue, though there are some parallels with folks looking for a college pathway they normally wouldn't get (poor whites) because affirmative action makes it difficult for average whites to go to college.
Dude half the private economy can be described that way
International pay differences
Surprised to see that the world's biggest military doesn't even pay the most.
Pay is the highest because nobody wants to be a soldier here.
Low morale, no social status/honor, turning into a diversity jobs program
>only half
Less? Really? They already get paid not all that much but decently, and you're talking about possibly less? Kill yourself.
Meanwhile cops, mostly garbage faggots, make $150,000 - $250,000+ for doing mostly jack shit with some arresting, ticketing, killing, stealing, and criminal beating and maiming on the side, which you establishment shills extol. Fuck off.
Private labor market is shit. Shilll fuck off.
>you're talking about possibly less?
I'd read some reports that the average public sector pay in Ireland is €47,000. Irish soldiers are paid way less than that. Ideally I'd like to see soldiers to be paid more. I think cuts could be made to useless programs and pay army officals more.
The military gets paid more than enough as it is. You must consider the fact that you're comparing what is basically net income to a soldier to gross income as a civilian. Military personnel have no real expenses. Free housing, food, and healthcare more than make up for their relatively low income.
>Free housing, food, and healthcare more than make up for their relatively low income.
Yeah I was thinking that but you have to consider the soldiers who need to support their spouse and children too.
I'm not too sure if there's benefits allocated to a soldiers family.
Except any time.any of those things are provided it's deducted from your paycheck, regardless pf how shitty the housing or food is. That being said, we should purge our military of non-whites and women. Would drastically increase efficiency.
>I'm not too sure if there's benefits allocated to a soldiers family.
They are quickbump on page 10
>Military personnel have no real expenses.
False. The truth of the matter is, as funny as it may sound, a lot of service members are on government aid like food stamps to feed their families.
>Free housing
It's not free. You're given like $300 dollars. The rest you pay.
$200 or so for that.
>and healthcare
For the service member themselves, yes.
Single soldiers (below E5/Sergeant) live in the barracks and eat for free at the DFAC for free. They do not pay for utilities, but must pay for cable and Internet. Their healthcare is also 100% free.
Married soldiers get a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) based on their rank. They can live either on or off post. Most will live off post because the housing prices allow them to pocket some extra money. They receive an allowance for food (BAS). Healthcare is free for their immediate family (spouse and kids).
Join to get experience, then join a pmc if you really want to be a soldier
>Single soldiers (below E5/Sergeant) live in the barracks and eat for free at the DFAC for free. They do not pay for utilities, but must pay for cable and Internet.
You can't stay there forever. You can stay there for a few years tops, then you have to move out.
Yeah and when they move out they get BAH.
Military, at least in the US, gets additional allowances for fucking everything. Spuses, kids, food, housing. This is in addition to all the 'free' benefits, like healthcare.
US troops are literal paid mercenary tier, and should be paidnless, as itnos coming out of my pocket as a private individual who does not believe in American imperialism or jingoism.
In the US they are. Soldiers make plenty of money here.
The fuck? No it's not. Tard.
within our system, there is also the incentive to move up towards level best and better pay/benefits.
>We need mandatory national service like Israel
Yup! That's why so many of them are on fucking food stamps. Because the pay is so stellar; amirite tho?
They're on foodstamps because they don't know how to budget their money. They buy a nice car with an astronomical APR and high monthly payments. They waste their money on dumb shit like there's no tomorrow, and shit out a bunch of kids.