To my fellow USA anons , i just smashed my leg surfing a big wave of the west coast of ireland I fucking REKT it stitches broken the whole shebang I paid 50 euro to see a doctor no bill in cast "go on yer way" why cant we have this at home why should an accident put me in debt for a year like it would if this happened at home , please be straight forward . decent ans and write pic if you want to see the narlly images of the injury
Who the Health care's?
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The one and only reason is that nobody wants to pay for the poorest citizens to get free shit, and there's nothing wrong with thinking like that.
Countries in which it works/worked have/had homogeneity and the people actually care about one another. Why should you pay to help someone that hates everything about you and would rather see you in their situation or worse?
>Countries in which it works/worked have/had homogeneity and the people actually care about one another. Why should you pay to help someone that hates everything about you and would rather see you in their situation or worse?
This is it. The pro-immigration elite is trying to destroy us.
I pay huge taxes state and federal why is my health care not involved in that but we pay 700 billon on military im not a commie i just want my moneys worth . the UK looks like the right model Im sorry user I dont get your hate stuff here who hates who?
?????? im a visitor here I dont hate the irish tax payer ??????
Because you have jew insurances sucking patients dry like they're costumers
Even here we have private insurance and its not that bad
my irish surfer friends say they have private for people here also for the people that can afford it but even if you have it you stick with public unless you have a rare diagnosis .
we have private health insurance here lad, am actually looking at quotes to renew atm. As much as it pains me to cough up even more money without PHI you could be stuck on a waiting list for months or even years to get seen by a specialist. Our health system is a shambles
cheers for the info but as a consequence if shit happened and and your insurance wouldn't cover it your government would all be eventually. go ra mile maith agat user. i would be left outside if i didnt have my insurance .
What break were you surfing?
agreed that American health system seems brutal what with the costs and the no pay-no care model many hospitals seem to employ. My renewal is probably going to be about 600 Euros for the year and I'm really only getting it just in case I want to see a consultant without waiting
Wait you guys have surfing?
Going to Westport in Nov/Dec, how's the surfing then?
thats the difference.
>Ethnic backgrounds: White Irish: 82.2%, White Irish Traveller: 0.7%, Other White: 9.5% (total White: 92.4%), Asian: 2.1%, Black: 1.3%, Other: 1.5%, Not Stated: 2.6% (2016)
>(total White: 92.4%)
Here if your reason OP. It's this simple. Only homogeneous white states have a shot at having "free" healthcare. You need a large pool of tax payers to pull from. The US doesn't have as many % wise.
dont know for then but surfed there last week (tra bui) spelling prob wrong, and it was great medium and steady all day plus westport was a major fun town
Lucky you had some free care I wrecked myself on some reef last year and the costs were horrific
We should focus on making the real cost of health care cheaper, not just passing the bill for someone else to pay.
It's a little island full of white people
Don't tell me such a paradise can be created here by tweaking a few laws. It can't
subsidizing reckless behavior is retarded
thats why ? but i pay more taxes than the irish and British? so where does my money go? hmmmmmmmmmm
This too is an issue. I got a deformity removed on my skin that required freezing it with what I think was liquid nitrogen. It was 4 sessions of me being sprayed with for 10 seconds. Each session was like $500 charged to my insurance. Also hospitals commonly mock up shit like Tylenol when you visit. It's disgusting. Force the hospitals to compete in price then you will see changes. How often do you see a hospital "close down" there is a reason for that
Now try strandhill
It does matter that you pay more what matters is we have too many leeches. The Nordic countries keep being pushed as socialist paradises but the reality is some of them have nearly 100% tax payers and all get taxes ~50% their income so thats why they can enjoy it. We have too many leeches thus cannot have such a system without you and I and other tax payers being punished
Because I don't want to pay for a cast for some retard because said retard wanted to surf near rocky shoals
You need to get rid of the nigger population before that kind of system can work. Niggers are already crashing the welfare states of Europe and they're not even close to being 13% of the population here.
this is my first time to a doctor in ten years, thank god this happened in europe or else my insurance would sky rocket. i never cared before but fuck why is always the super rich saying universal health care is a bad idea im more likely to fuck myself up than some duka durka hurting me
>the super rich saying universal health care is a bad idea
Because they will be footing the majority of thee bill for it like they are everything else
Free market healthcare and insurance. Right now it’s all a fucking scam. So much of the cost of every little thing is tied to administrative costs and other shit that his little to do with medicine.
will do bro just need to recover from a serious injury not gonna happen this time round but ill be returning for sure , ive heard the natives have it covered ?
>I would be left outside if I didn't have my insurance.
That is an outright lie. An utter fabrication.
You do realise it is never free someone has to pay? You Amercians are always like 'muh UK has free healthcare' yet you never realise literally every single one of taxes are double yours to pay for all this shit
I dont know if you kNow anything about the greatist nation on earth my peewny fish apendage brahh but most americans pay tax no matter colour or creed so say somthing smart or suck my
stitched groin
Yeah my cousins surf there and streedagh. Streedagh isn't as big of a break but fuck is it comfy. Best view ever
so what happens if i give up my insurance and get cancer? sweet i will save a fortune
not true i pay more tax than my irish and british counterparts
>Why should you pay to help someone that hates everything about you and would rather see you in their situation or worse?
Wow Sup Forums really does have a warped, paranoid view of the world
So you're saying having niggers is better for USA's economy than not having any niggers would be?
good tune wrong msg lick your mothers cock. when did you last work ? "pring beck ur jabs"
doubtful, we're supposedly a low tax country but they manage to squeeze the every loving shit out of your wallet with levies this and universal charge that.
ya heard about that spot I'll pencil it in .whats sligo town like ? heard alot of great spots around there no more surfing just drinking and angry spooning with the lucky lady
im self employed . from what i here they get away with murder in ireland. not judgeing just thats the system.
could of happened in a hit and run